Review of Rochester, Minnesota

Why does winter have to last so long?
Star Rating - 9/7/2018
First off, I will start with the good.

Rochester is small enough not to have the problems of bigger cities, not yet at least. Traffic is pretty decent, though it does seem to be getting worse. The crime rate is pretty low for a city it's size and the overall infrastructure seems to be fairly well maintained. I have lived here almost 8 years and never had a power outage.

Rochester is also big enough to have many of the things that big cities offer. There are many excellent restaurants, especially downtown and many more seem to be arriving all the time. In fact the city seems to be growing very fast, but not too fast. There are plenty of shopping options and there are some concerts once and a while at the civic center, but I wish there were more. However, it is close enough to the twin cities, an hour and a half, that one could head there for a concert or sporting event every now and then.

Now the bad, and the absolute number one bad thing about living here is the weather. I am originally from Southern California, so go figure. The worst in my opinion, is of course the winter. It's bitterly cold and snowy and very, very long. Winter is at least five to six months, so if you like that, you'll love it. I don't.

I have heard people here say, "Well, you get all four seasons!" That is true, however the worst season is the longest. When winter lasts six months, there's not much time for the other three. Do the math. But it is Minnesota and I should have known better. After 8 winters, I am done.

The other thing about Rochester, and I do consider this a bad thing, is the Mayo Clinic. It dominates the entire city. Their buildings are everywhere and they are so full of themselves they feel they can do no wrong. Don't believe me, just google "escape from Mayo Clinic" I am not saying the clinic is bad, just that they are overrated and this comes from personal experience. They have some of the best specialists in the world, I will give them that, however their family practice is horrible. If you move here, do yourself a favor and get a doctor at Olmsted Medical Center, not Mayo.

So, would I recommend Rochester to people? Yes, if you can handle the winter. There are a lot of worse places to live
David | Rochester, MN
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7 Replies

What is your definition of winter..because
Adam | Rochester, MN | Report Abuse

What’s your definition of winter? Even so don’t think someone from Southern California would be able to give an accurate description of “ Winter” as the majority of the contry would. True winter would probably start around late November. Though you can get snows that start late October and Up through End of April. But snow during those months rarely sticks... then again it’s september and it was 95 deg. Yesterday so just like most places other than Southern California we have 4 seasons. Winters can get very cold... Jan and Feb are plain terrible months. But it really could be worse. So come on dude... winter lasts 6 months places like Anchorage. But surprisingly it actually can get colder in Minnesota than places like Alaska during the winter. In any case Minnesotans are a hearty and tough people and we rather have the thin skinned people from so-cal to move elsewhere. Just ask native people from Colorado how they feel about people from California....
Adam | Rochester, MN | Report Abuse

What’s your definition of winter? Even so don’t think someone from Southern California would be able to give an accurate description of “ Winter” as the majority of the contry would. True winter would probably start around late November. Though you can get snows that start late October and Up through End of April. But snow during those months rarely sticks... then again it’s september and it was 95 deg. Yesterday so just like most places other than Southern California we have 4 seasons. Winters can get very cold... Jan and Feb are plain terrible months. But it really could be worse. So come on dude... winter lasts 6 months places like Anchorage. But surprisingly it actually can get colder in Minnesota than places like Alaska during the winter. In any case Minnesotans are a hearty and tough people and we rather have the thin skinned people from so-cal to move elsewhere. Just ask native people from Colorado how they feel about people from California....
Adam | Rochester, MN | Report Abuse

What’s your definition of winter? Even so don’t think someone from Southern California would be able to give an accurate description of “ Winter” as the majority of the contry would. True winter would probably start around late November. Though you can get snows that start late October and Up through End of April. But snow during those months rarely sticks... then again it’s september and it was 95 deg. Yesterday so just like most places other than Southern California we have 4 seasons. Winters can get very cold... Jan and Feb are plain terrible months. But it really could be worse. So come on dude... winter lasts 6 months places like Anchorage. But surprisingly it actually can get colder in Minnesota than places like Alaska during the winter. In any case Minnesotans are a hearty and tough people and we rather have the thin skinned people from so-cal to move elsewhere. Just ask native people from Colorado how they feel about people from California....
Adam | Rochester, MN | Report Abuse

By the way CNN reporting if the “escape from Mayo “ was terribly biased and only told the story you wanted to hear. So don’t trust the media
Adam | Rochester, MN | Report Abuse

Adam, why did you post the same reply three times? And you can call CNN's report biased all you want. I know from personal experience what Mayo is like and what they are all about. Don't fool yourself.
David | Rochester, MN | Report Abuse

Adam, BTW I haven't lived in California in over 25 years and I've spent 8 winters in Minnesota. Those two facts kind of make your whole argument look pretty stupid.
David | Rochester, MN | Report Abuse
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