Review of Scottsdale, Arizona

RED as red gets. (But redder.)
Star Rating - 11/19/2019
Pros: Livable weather 7 months a year, (Oct. 15-May 15), ample restaurants (though $$$$), resorts to stroll, if you golf, you'll be in heaven. Broad, tidy streets with uplit palm trees, open air cafes and outdoor malls. Gloriously pretty. CLEAN. // Cons: If you're at all politically active and academically minded, and if you're not ultra conservative, you will absolutely suffocate here. I've lived in Scottsdale since 2005, political persuasions were never an issue before the 2016 election but these days, it's gotten downright frightening; House after house, bar after bar, restaurant after restaurant, coffee shops, nail salons and grocery stores, (without exaggeration), with nothing but Fox News on their screens, foul bumper stickers, MAGA hats, low tolerance for any views other than their own, and once long time favorite restaurants converting into beer-type bars catering to the blossoming ultra conservative, boisterous crowds. If that's your scene, come here and jump in. Ride your Harley to town. Spit shine your tattoos. Get your ball caps out. You'll fit right in. // But if you appreciate any degree of racial diversity in your life, of calm, kindness and civic equality, or just love interacting with open minds & people who whose world-views extend beyond US borders, you'll be far better served to base yourself around the ASU area $ much closer to the core of Phoenix where it's a much kinder and more open environment than here. (Or waiting until this political storm can pass. Surely it will. Pendulums do swing.) And Scottsdale did NOT used to be at all like this prior to 2016, so hopefully it will revert to its once easy going and welcoming self. Fingers crossed.
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11 Replies

That's what I miss about Scottsdale (and I lived there for 20 years). Intelligent, conservative people who actually work and make their own money. I'm now living in the Northeast and absolutely hate it. Loud mouth liberals who shout down anyone with conservative ideas alternate to their own. If you do not like people who work hard and enjoy nice things, I'd probably stay away lol.
Dante | Hartford, CT | Report Abuse

After reading your review about Scottsdale, I must say that I would love to live there. As a Cuban American and knowing what my parents went though in Cuba I love the fact that most of the people there are conservatives. I also wore a Trump MAGA hat because he’s the best President thenUS has ever had and the left stole it. My home in CA is worth $750K and it’s paid for. As soon as my daughter is ready to move Scottsdale is where I am moving to. I can’t stand People’s Republic of California anymore. I don’t ride a Harley, I ride a Victory Jackpot and I guess I’ll have to get some tattoos.
Raphael | Murrieta, CA | Report Abuse

I have lived in Scottsdale for 10 of the 15 years I’ve lived in Arizona. Scottsdale school district used to be one of the best school districts, but Republicans voted down every school bond that ever came up for vote. Now Arizona trails the nation for education we’re even behind Arkansas! Happily Arizona is now purple, the majority of Scottsdale neighborhoods voted for Biden in 2021. Look it up. So though the loudest most obnoxious voices on this forum may be domestic terrorists who stormed the White House on January 6, in an effort to overturn our democracy, they are the exception, and their cult leader still lost because we don’t do crazy here in Scottsdale.
Jane | Scottsdale, AZ | Report Abuse

I live in a very liberal university town which prides itself on how very educated it is compared to other places. The people are not friendly, self righteous, closed minded, and every car plastered with bumper stickers is pro democrat-even nice cars. I have family in Scottsdale and visit frequently. Scottsdale is the opposite. Friendly, upscale, and law abiding. The rest of what you said about the climate is true. Very nice except the summer months.
janet | Lawrence, KS | Report Abuse

Funny this is what conservatives experience in most any other big city.
Jeremy | Seattle, WA | Report Abuse

Liberalism is fantastic, it’s so great that even the liberals flee liberal cities and states. Look at the license plates, California, Washington, Illinois and New York. Two things that liberals hate, data and facts. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Josh | Scottsdale, AZ | Report Abuse

Liberalism is fantastic, it’s so great that even the liberals flee liberal cities and states. Look at the license plates, California, Washington, Illinois. Two things that liberals hate, data and facts.
Josh | Scottsdale, AZ | Report Abuse

Seems to me like you moved to the wrong city. I believe in that everybody should have their own city/state. If you are liberal perhaps move to a liberal area, if you are conservative live in a conservative area, do not change an area to suit what you like, I am sure there is something out there for you. Good luck with finding a better place to live. I myself am thinking of moving to Scottsdale, Arizona. Seems like the place just for me.
joyce | Stow, OH | Report Abuse

Thanks for this review. I was considering a move to Scottsdale but I'm really trying to stay away from the cult of Trump humpers who can't accept the loser is no longer president. I'm looking for a safe quiet community that welcomes foreigners, takes care of their poor, and loves everyone, you know like Jesus said. I'm afraid the cult will continue to grow even more violent and radical as the Trump crime family faces consequences for their crimes. As long as the cult remains brainwashed and continues to believe the BIG LIE, it's best to stay away from these puss-filled pockets of red hate.
Marie | Fremont, OH | Report Abuse

Thanks for the informative review of Scottsdale. I was contemplating a move to the city but due to the current political environment I don't think it's where I want to live. I'm looking for an inclusive city that welcomes foreigners, feeds its poor, and loves everyone, you know like Jesus said. The radical red ammosexual cult has gotten so violent and extreme targeting anyone who is anti-trump, pro-democracy, and pro-science. Kudos to Arizona for turning blue in 2020 but if Scottsdale is attracting anti-covid vaxers, Trump humpers, and political insurrectionists, then no thanks! It's clear from some replies here that the red cesspool is drawn to Scottsdale. That's all I need to know.
Marie | Fremont, OH | Report Abuse

This is an awesome review and I appreciate the detailed info... I am on board and I have been looking for this panacea of conservative ball cap wearing, beer drinking down to earth people that are the opposite of the arrogant, self righteous and pontificating people in the northeast, where I am from. Thanks again for the extremely biased but rather informative review! I have booked my flight.... Yeeeeehawww!
Joseph | Greensburg, PA | Report Abuse
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