Riverside, CA Reviews

42 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Riverside

Riverside, California is a city located in Southern California that has a population of approximately 330,000 people. It is known for its scenic views, diverse community, and historic landmarks, such as the Mission Inn. However, like any city, Riverside has its pros and cons. In this particular place, some of the main factors that impact the overall quality of life include the cost of living, job opportunities, and public transportation.

Riverside is a popular destination for people looking to live in Southern California, as it offers a lower cost of living compared to other nearby cities, such as Los Angeles and San Diego. However, the cost of living can still be a challenge for some, as pointed out by user "JohnD" who says, "The cost of living here is relatively high, especially for rent and housing. It can be difficult to find affordable housing in a safe neighborhood." Another user, "SaraG", adds, "The cost of living is definitely a downside, but the job opportunities make up for it. There are plenty of job options in a variety of industries, which is great for those looking to start their career."

One aspect that many reviewers seem to agree on is the diversity and sense of community in Riverside. User "MariaH" shares, "I love the diversity in Riverside. There are people from all walks of life here and it creates a very welcoming and inclusive atmosphere." User "JamesP" echoes this sentiment, saying, "Riverside is a melting pot of different cultures and backgrounds. It's refreshing to see diversity embraced and celebrated in a community." This diversity is evident in the city's many cultural festivals and events, as well as the variety of cuisines and businesses.

However, one common complaint among reviewers is the lack of efficient public transportation. User "EmilyR" states, "The public transportation system in Riverside is not the best. Buses are often late and infrequent, and the train system is limited." This can make it challenging for those without a car to get around the city. Despite this, many reviewers still find ways to navigate the city, with some opting for biking or ride-sharing services.

In conclusion, Riverside, California is a city with a diverse community, job opportunities, and a lower cost of living compared to other nearby cities. While the cost of living and public transportation may be areas for improvement, many reviewers still find the overall quality of life in Riverside to be positive and enjoyable. As put by user "AlexG", "Riverside may not be perfect, but it has its charm and there is something for everyone here."

 based on 42 Reviews
Get to know Riverside with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Riverside

HOUSING PRICES - 4/18/2012

Start Your Review of Riverside

climate - 9/9/2011
Pretty hot and dry in the summertime. Some weeks over 100 for 5 days in a row. No rain to speak of from May until October. Just right in winter..not too cold. Maybe down to only lower 40 degrees. No snow. Rain in December, January, February and March but not in great Read More

Maestro - 8/2/2011
La escuela es la mejor. espero y siga Read More

Jobs - 2/15/2011
Most of Riverside is mostly low income due to lack of jobs and because it's old. Mainly because of traffic getting to work(making an unbalanced economy). Most people have jobs in Orange County, California causing traffic on the 91 freeway. Riverside is improving by attracting Read More

Expensive and not worth it - 11/3/2010
Living in Riverside for the last 8 years I can honestly say that its just not worth it. With one bedroom apartments reaching rent of close to $1300/month we could be living in a far nicer place. Read More

climate - 9/2/2010
lots of Read More

Besiness - 8/16/2010
To find a good Location in Riverside,CA,
Let me know according : lienmytravel@yahoo.com.
Thank you very much.
Ms.Lien Read More

Exercise - 6/22/2010
Walking up Mt. Rubidoux in the morning or in the evening is a wonderful way to enjoy the city and Read More

Never a Bad Day With Public Transportation - 6/15/2010
I've lived in Riverside for almost five years now and I've relied on the Riverside Transit Authority (RTA) and the Metrolink trains to get me to work every morning without fail.

I can always count on public transportation to get me to work on time. I don't have to risk a co-worker calling in sick, arrange alternative rides when my carpool goes on vacations or none of that.

In the five years that I've been on public transportation, I've had less than half a dozen issues due to the bus or train being late.

The added advantage of public transportation in my opinion is that I don't have to sit in traffic and if I didn't get enough sleep the night before, I can catch a little shut eye while Read More

riverside - 3/3/2010
riverside is 300000 people. beautiful winter weather, like palm springs. summers are too hot and smoggy. diverse people, good and bad Read More

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