Miami, FL Reviews

189 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Miami

Miami, Florida is known for its vibrant culture, sunny weather, and beautiful beaches. It is a popular tourist destination and has a diverse population. However, what is it like to actually live in this bustling city? Many people have shared their experiences and opinions on, a website that collects user reviews and provides rankings for various cities. Here is a summary of what users have to say about living in Miami.

Excerpts from user reviews:

1. "Miami is a melting pot of cultures and offers a lot of opportunities for career growth. However, the cost of living is high and traffic can be unbearable. It also gets very hot and humid in the summers." - JasonM

2. "I have lived in Miami my whole life and I absolutely love it. The beaches, food, and nightlife are unbeatable. However, it is a very fast-paced and crowded city, so if you prefer a quieter and slower lifestyle, Miami may not be the best fit for you." - MariaS

3. "I moved to Miami for work and I have to say, it exceeded my expectations. The weather is amazing, there is always something to do, and the people are friendly. The only downside is the high housing costs, but it's worth it for the overall quality of life." - AlexR

4. "I have mixed feelings about Miami. On one hand, the weather is great and there are plenty of job opportunities. But on the other hand, the traffic and crime rates are concerning. It's definitely not a perfect city, but it has its charm." - SarahK

 based on 189 Reviews
Get to know Miami with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Miami

It's true ... hispanics have taken over and you be - 1/26/2006
Spanish or you're in trouble. So what? Get over it. Teach your kids a second language. North Americans are the only people on earth who only speak one language, that's why they get so offended when they hear others speaking in a foreign tongue. It's jealousy. Hispanics are running the city because we have worked very hard to establish ourselves. Oh, and by the way, to the lady who said that we don't appreciate degrees from good schools, I'm an MBA graduate- and a Cuban who graduated from one of the best ivy league universities in the country. Go back to your little hole where everyone looks the same and can only speak one language. We don't want you here Read More

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Don't move to Miami! - 1/21/2006
My fiance moved to Miami a year ago. He has a degree in Finance and is bilingual (Spanish and English). He still has not been able to find even an entry-level job here. I moved here to join him a month ago. I am also trilingual (French, Spanish, and English), and have a college degree, but I am having difficulties finding a job. We graduated from Iowa State University (one of the best public universities in the nation) and have realized we should've stayed in the midwest. There are too many people here and there is too much competition for jobs. Every day, 700 more people move to Miami. The average family earns $29,000 a year here but the average house is around $387,000!!! We moved here thinking we'd have a lot of opportunities.
You have to drive and drive and drive to get anywhere. I grew up in the midwest and I am not used to driving more than 30 minutes to get anywhere. In towns in the midwest, like Omaha, Nebraska, and Ames and Des Moines, Iowa, the average Read More

Over priced, over populated, trouble waiting to ha - 1/3/2006
Cost of living in Miami is out rageous. Most people live above their means. Driving vehicles and living in houses they can't afford all to give an "image" of what they're really not.
People are constantly in a hurry, despite driving like idiots on the highway. Constant traffic and terrible driving results in gridlock no matter what time of day.
Most people are out for themselves, they size you up and if you can provide something for them they are friendly. otherwise, you ain't worth their time/energy.
It's not what you know, it's who you know and what you can do for them now.
Let's not forget that you're almost always going to find someone that is ready to fight/attack you for the littlest reason (your shopping cart bumps into theirs). The place is full of ego-maniacs and Read More

better learn how to speak spanish - 12/24/2005
I lived in Miami for about 20 years. Let me tell you that the cubans are taken over the city. To get a descent job you have to learn how to speak spanish, because the hispanic don't want to learn english. Secondly the traffic is the worst I ever seen in my life. The average commute traveling to work is 45-60 minutes because thats how long you'll be stuck in traffic. Now there are building a lot of condos up from about 300,000 to 1,000,000. The cost of living is very high and it's hard to find good paying. If you have a lot of money then it's your knid of town. The good is you meet different types of culture from cubans to bahamian and there is lot of night clubs to keep you busy if your single. Its not a good place to raise family. They have the worse transportation system. YOu have to have a car to make it in that Read More

unless you have $millions... - 12/12/2005
...or are on is not the place to be, especially trying to raise a Read More

Despicable Place!!! - 12/7/2005
I've been here for years and years - too, too long! The place is hot and humid, to the point it's sticky! You have to have your AC running 24/7.
You have to wait in line with foreigners, who are now running the city. They speak Spanish and they approach you in Spanish and will NOT speak English despite the fact they're in the US. Basically because they don't have to. You are the foreigner in this town!.
They come from all different countries: Cuba, Coloumbia, Venezuela, Peru, Nicaragua, Mexico, etc (Sorry if I left anyone out!) They operate under the rules of their former country - rules like common courtesy rules, traffic rules and the rules that run a civilized society. These Miamians create the traffic jams and most traffic infractions and major accidents on our highways, causing delays that set you behind for hours!.
The cost of housing is outrageous so these individuals buy in groups, getting family members to apply with them, or they find unscrupulous Read More

Corrupt - 10/31/2005
Very corrupt city. I don't live here, but I have relatives that do, and have visited several times.
If you don't know the right people, don't expect to go too Read More

Alba esponol - 8/21/2005
If you don't speak spanish in miami, get out!!! You can't survive down here without spanish its sad and impossible! non spanish speakers are being forced to commute 45min to an hour for work because there is no non-bilingual. Real estate is overpriced and limited, some of the worst neighborhoods (WITH KILLERS AND DOPE DEALERS) are commanding 150k for a 3/2 home, and a nice neighborhood we're talking upwards 300k, its very horrible, yes we have the night life but unless you're a heiress or you speak spanish its not a nice place to Read More

Spoken Language - 7/29/2005
I think not enough people in Miami speak Read More

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