Atlanta, GA Reviews

318 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Atlanta

This particular place refers to the city of Atlanta in the state of Georgia. According to the website, Atlanta has a population of over 498,715 and is known for its diverse culture, thriving job market, and vibrant nightlife. People from all walks of life have shared their experiences of living in Atlanta on the website, with over 800 user reviews to date. These reviews cover various aspects of life in Atlanta, including the cost of living, safety, education, and overall quality of life. Let's take a closer look at a few of these reviews to gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in Atlanta.

1. User "Jessica" talks about the city's job market, saying, "The job market in Atlanta is outstanding. There are so many opportunities in various industries, and the salaries are quite competitive." She also mentions the city's diverse population and how it adds to the overall cultural experience.

2. In contrast, user "John" shares his concerns about the cost of living in Atlanta, saying, "The cost of living here is pretty high, especially compared to other cities in Georgia. Rent, groceries, and utilities are all more expensive here." He also mentions the city's traffic as another downside.

3. User "Samantha" praises the city for its education system, saying, "Atlanta has some excellent schools, both public and private. My kids have received a quality education, and I couldn't be happier with their progress." She also mentions the city's abundance of parks and outdoor activities for families.

4. User "Mark" shares his thoughts on the city's safety, saying, "I've been living in Atlanta for over 10 years now, and I can say that it's a relatively safe city. Of course, there are some areas to avoid, but overall, I feel comfortable walking around at night." He also mentions the city's growing arts and culture scene as a positive aspect.

Overall, the reviews on paint a picture of a bustling city with a vibrant job market, diverse population, and a variety of opportunities for families and individuals. However, some concerns about the cost of living and traffic do exist. It's important to take into consideration the different perspectives and experiences shared by the users to get a well-rounded understanding of living in Atlanta.

 based on 318 Reviews
Get to know Atlanta with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Atlanta

Dont move to ATL - 2/1/2013
Garbage city, bad attitudes, dating stinks, too many desperate people,shady pay scale, lack of union prescence which means they make their own flunky rules for greed and abuse.Dont do it this is a beautiful country with so many other options for your family.Most who love it there no nothing else but Atlanta.Good for a weekend trip Read More

Start Your Review of Atlanta

smog? - 1/26/2013
How bad is the smog in Atlanta? I'm considering a job transfer there, but I do have asthma. It couldn't be any worse than LA Read More

Anyone Considering to move to Georgia think again - 1/6/2013
I am from Georgia and it is not the place!! Jobs here you would not find, the pay is low!! You can not live off what they give you. I have had a few friends move from Georgia and they doing much better. Lord will I will be moving myself and family from here May 2013. Crime,Rude People, and Racisim is in America period. Atlanta is not the place to be its a struggle I have applied to job openings here and in another state. I receive a response in the other state not Georgia. For many years I have stalled about moving this year I am out of here. I am not stating this out of bitterness nor out of work but some of the blogs statements about Georgia is not the place is so true. One thing I can say positive about Georgia its better looking then some other states I have been Georgia should be consider like Florida a tour attraction but not a place to live Read More

Lived here all my life, never want to move! - 12/27/2012
I love Georgia. The weather is great. The public schools, not so great. When living in Atlanta the best schools are to private schools Pace,The Paideia School, St. Tommas More, and the city of Decatur schools. If moving to Atlanta for a job downtown the best place to move is the town next door, Decatur, it is a short drive to Atlanta and the schools are great. If you want to send your kids ages 11-14 to public school DO NOT move to Tucker. The schools there are the worst.
Decatur is by far the best area for middle class families. If you are looking for bigger houses you should consider moving to Buckhead. Buckhead has great schools and a huge park, swimming pool, walking trail, horse barn, and tennis courts. The only downside it coming in/out of this part of the city has traffic 24/7.
Georgia can be a great place to live if you choose your house carefully! Good luck
 Read More

Atlanta - 12/19/2012
it's Read More

Turn back around - 10/23/2012
Not a good place to live unless you make big money there are no resources her for the lower class and I've have not come up since being here for 4 years. There is no help here, I have a job and still feel like someone who is unemployed can't get ahead. If I was you turn back around. Do your research before moving here. School systems are way behind not cool don't let the nice weather fool you and the beautiful homes dig deeper to the dark side and you will Read More

Georgia - 10/23/2012
I lived in Atlanta, GA for 4 years and its not all that. There is no resource for people stuggling. Yea the cost of living is low and so is the pay. You have to be making big money or upper class to make it down here. I have not came up since I've been here and plan on leaving. Alot of people I talk with that are not from Atlanta are having a hard time making it here and the ones from here that are lower class struggle alot and its not right. If I were you turn back Read More

Atlanta As Good as It Gets - 9/8/2012
I am a native of Atlanta. Spent most of my life here. Being gay in the South, this is about the best it gets other than a few Florida locations. Because I'm in my 60's now, I don't do the bars, but there are plenty of places to go and things to do. Atlanta is very accepting (inside the Perimeter). Crime is a problem, but that seems to be true in most Read More

Ready for a new state/town and city - 6/24/2012
been here approx 9yrs. and if not for my house, and losing money if i sell now, I would be sooooo out of here..hate it! Racist Read More

Atlanta -- Don't move here - 6/12/2012
Atlanta IS boring, unless you moved here from somewhere even more boring, then "bless your hearts" you found your Graceland.

For me Atlanta sucks because there are more stupid, shallow, two-faced, ignorant, and arrogant clowns per capita here then anywhere else I have ever lived or visited.

Atlanta is the capital of the south, and the place that attracts more wannabes than most educated well-traveled people can stomach. Want to be a rapper, move to Atlanta. Want to find a rich guy, move to Atlanta. Are you a total loser where you live now, then move to Atlanta and reinvent yourself -- as a total fraud.

Atlanta - home of some of the most obnoxious self-absorbed people you can imagine. Most people who move here eventually leave, so spare yourself the aggravation and don't bother. Read More

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