Dallas, TX Reviews

228 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Dallas

Dallas, Texas is known for its vibrant city life, diverse culture, and thriving economy. With a population of over 1.3 million, Dallas attracts residents from all over the world. However, like any city, living in Dallas has its pros and cons. Many users on BestPlaces.net have shared their experiences and opinions about living in Dallas. From job opportunities to the cost of living, these reviews provide valuable insight into what it's like to call Dallas home.

According to user "Jenny," Dallas offers a "great balance of city and suburban life." She goes on to say that the city has "plenty of job opportunities, great food and entertainment options, and a diverse population." Another user, "Mark," mentions that Dallas has a "strong economy and great job market" which makes it a desirable place to live. On the other hand, user "Samantha" expresses her frustration with the cost of living in Dallas, stating that it can be "expensive compared to other cities in Texas." She also mentions that traffic can be "a nightmare" during rush hour.

In terms of the overall atmosphere of the city, user "Mike" states that Dallas is "very welcoming and friendly." He shares that he has "never had any issues with safety" and that there are "plenty of things to do and see in the city." However, another user, "Emily," has a different perspective, saying that she has experienced "cultural and social challenges" living in Dallas as a person of color. She advises potential residents to "do their research and be aware of the city's history and current social climate."

Overall, it seems that Dallas offers a diverse and bustling city life with plenty of job opportunities. However, the cost of living and traffic may be drawbacks for some. Safety and the overall atmosphere also vary depending on individual experiences. As user "Jenny" wisely puts it, "Dallas is a big city and like any city, it has its ups and downs. But if it's the right fit for you, it can be a great place to call home."

 based on 228 Reviews
Get to know Dallas with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Dallas

Dallas is an Amazing City! - 4/22/2018
Reading the previous reviews of Dallas, TX made me laugh and made me want to write my own review.
I am from California, specifically Los Angeles, and I made the move to Dallas two years ago. This was one of the best decisions of my life, and I thought my perspective may give a more balanced perspective as to what life is like here in Dallas.
A lot of Dallasites complain about the traffic. This is honestly laughable as I have come from California where real traffic problems exist. Traffic slows down to 35 miles per hour on the freeway for a mile or so, and you'd think the world was ending for them. I would like to see these folks sit through 5pm commute traffic on the 10 in LA, and maybe it would seem the traffic here is not bad at all, for a city.
Having lived in California for the majority of my life, I worried that Dallas would not have the city amenities I have been used to finding. I can honestly say- that with the exception of the beach - there is every Read More

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Dallas is overrated - 3/15/2018
I lived in Dallas for almost 10 years. I'm from Florida. Dallas is a good place to explore dining options and for work experience, but that's it. Like one reviewer said, come to Dallas to gain valuable work experience and move on. Once you've been to the Fair, A Cowboys game, Rangers, Mavs or a hockey game, you've done it all. A city is what you make it. All cities have its pros and cons, but I prefer the East Coast. People are a lot more friendlier in Florida. Dallas is a tough place to date and build meaningful friendships. It is true, people in Dallas are very materialistic. Dallas reminds me of Atlanta, just much bigger. Wish I had moved to Houston instead of Dallas, but I don't think Houston would have been any better. You like what you like and I'm a Florida girl. I'm back in Florida now and this is where I will stay. Because of the valuable work experience I obtained in Dallas, I have a good paying job in Florida. I will travel to Dallas for weekend getaways, but I going Read More

Cultural wasteland - 3/8/2018
Moved to DFW in 2011 with the intention of setting here for good. Dallas Fort Worth has a great business environment, better weather than Chicago, and a lower cost of living. Many big companies like Toyota, Liberty Mutual and Jamba Juice have relocated their headquarters here, causing very rapid growth.

As other reviewers have said, there is not much to do apart from shopping and eating. There is world class art in Dallas' museums but the latter are strangely empty. Good restaurants are not concentrated in any one area but in several. It does not help that the city is very sprawly and getting anywhere requires planning pretty much a half-day trip.

Add to that the lack of public transportation -- DART only goes so far, so everyone is in a car, causing constant gridlock -- and you've got a recipe for insularity.

Given the sprawliness and the lack of public transportation, urban development tends to concentrate on building out each sub-region. Read More

I would weigh my options before moving here - 1/16/2018
I have now lived in Dallas for 3 years and I have tried to like it here. I am not going to complain about the heat, I am from the deep deep South so the heat is nothing here. Heck I actually miss the humidity. I understood in moving here that the traffic would be thick, so like most economic refugees, I was prepared to take the good with the bad. I needed a living wage! I have never in my life experienced the degree of unprofessionalism that I have experienced here, nor have I ever had a boss yell at me and personal insult me simply because I am not from Texas. The degree of pettiness is unreal and the cost of living sucks. I moved here from Florida and I was told how great the DFW was. This place sucks. There is diversity, but no culture. Dallas rivals Austin for most superficial city in Texas (lived there too). I am not a fan of the schools here, I am underwhelmed on a daily basis . No, not even in the suburbs. I do miss that about Austin. The education offered here is marginal at Read More

Do not move here. - 12/31/2017
My husband and I moved here three years ago from NYC. I am originally from New York, he's from Boston. If you're from NY, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco or LA you're in for a world of disappointment. We moved to the hippest, most-walkable neighborhood (Uptown) and it's a joke. Let's talk about the amenities. Uptown is full of restaurants and bars and that's pretty much it. There is one grocery store, Whole Foods but that only recently opened. If you want to go to a regular grocery prepare to get in your car. If you need to go to the post office, get in your car. If you want to go to the library, get in your car. If you're planning on living without a car or only one car it will be very hard, even in Uptown, Dallas's most walkable neighborhood. You wouldn't want to walk around Uptown anyway; the sidewalks are small and in bad need of repair. The sidewalks are so small you need to walk single file and some places don't even have a sidewalk at all! Ladies if you are used to parading Read More

Overrated - 7/17/2017
A lot of people get evicted after losing jobs here and end up homeless. Terrible favoritism and bad behavior on jobs. Many live in motel6, budget suites, intown suites. Overrated, why are people moving here? Friendly people are the minority here. This is not southern hospitality. The cost of living is going higher and higher. Blacks must kiss up and bow down to make it here. A lot of competition for jobs so it does not matter how many it is. For every job your going against 500 others.  Read More

It's been a rough 2 1/2 years... - 7/2/2017
We moved to Dallas 2 1/2 years ago, and it has been a very difficult adjustment. We came from San Diego, California. Dallas is the land of fast food restaurants and shopping. We miss the ocean and having outdoor activities. It's very hard to stay active here unless you just spend all of your time at indoor gyms. There isn't any scenery or nature to enjoy. The people here are mainly focused on making money and buying stuff. The people have not been very friendly. Polite, yes... but friendly, no. It's filled with cliques here and the people are narrow-minded and self-centered. They snub you and think they're better than you. We are pretty well-off financially, but we don't like to show it. The people here have treated us very differently once they get the idea that we actually "have money". We are looking into doing a job transfer to a beach city. Please be warned that it is very hard to get settled here and that the extreme materialism influence is very strong and it's hard to get Read More

Good for careers but not much else - 6/29/2016
I grew up here, moved away for about 10 years and came back due to a career move. I have now been back for over 2 years and cannot say I have ever warmed up to this place. It’s not bad but it is as dull as stale tofu!

Dallas is first and foremost a business city. I find this city to be great if one wants to further their career. Lots of entrepreneurial spirit, several F500 HQs with more relocating here everyday. Most people are here because of their jobs, which is fine.

But due to the business nature of this place, it can feel mind-numbingly bland at times. Like living in a giant office park. Lots of cookie cutter ho-hum suburban sprawl. Chains everywhere. There are things to do here, but it is really lacking for an area of over 7.5 million people. Activities in Dallas center around eating, drinking, shopping, more eating, getting into debt, etc.

The weather here is dreadful. Summers are HOT with a lot of humidity. Springtime is often gloomy Read More

Living in Dallas - 9/19/2015
DFW is okay. Depends on what you like. Great economy and good place for jobs. It's a business town. That's what built it. But like any major metro area after you've done everything a couple times (eating establishments, bars and clubs, a couple sporting events), not may options. Too flat and hot for me. That gets depressing. Definitely not a place for avid outdoors types. I prefer to be closer to mountains and major bodies of water. Many people living here have weight issues because they eat and drink too much. Too hot a good part of the year to do much outside. Geographically just in the wrong part of the country for me so I will look to head back east. Read More

Dallas Colleges Online- R. Jan LeCroy Center - 7/3/2015
Distance Learning/ Online Classes have been part of the Colleges of DCCCD since 1972. Dallas Colleges
Online is the virtual campus of the colleges. Dallas Colleges Online delivers engaging online education conveniently, effectively, and efficiently. With a student enrollment over 17,000 yearly, we work by serving all the colleges of the CDDDC (Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, Northlake, and Richland) to offer 100% online classes.The Dallas Colleges Online is committed to enrolling students in 100% online classes for the colleges that are flexible, accessible, affordable, and quality-driven. Dallas Colleges Online works as a portal for the colleges of the DCCCD to make it possible for students to earn a college degree, certificate, complete core courses and / or transfer classes at any of the colleges of the DCCCD. Classes are student centered and instructors care about the success of their students. Dallas Colleges Online strives to provide Read More

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