Wichita Falls, TX Reviews

16 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Wichita Falls

Wichita Falls, Texas is a mid-sized city with a population of approximately 104,000 people. It is known for its affordable cost of living, low unemployment rate, and strong sense of community. However, like any place, there are differing opinions on what it's like to live there. According to reviews on bestplaces.net, a website that provides information on various cities in the United States, many users have shared their thoughts and experiences about living in Wichita Falls. From job opportunities to cultural diversity, these reviews provide valuable insights for those considering making this city their home.

John W., a former resident, praises the city for its friendly community and affordable housing options. He writes, "Wichita Falls is a great place to live and raise a family. The people are warm and welcoming, and the cost of living is very reasonable." Similarly, Lisa S. highlights the city's strong sense of community and supportive environment. She states, "I've lived in Wichita Falls for over 10 years and it's been a wonderful experience. The people here truly care about each other and there's a strong sense of community that you don't find in bigger cities."

However, not all reviews are entirely positive. Mike C. shares his concerns about the lack of diversity in Wichita Falls. He says, "I've been living here for almost 20 years and while it's a nice place, there's not much diversity and it can feel a bit closed-minded at times." Another user, Sarah B., brings up the limited job opportunities in the city. She writes, "Finding a good job in Wichita Falls has been a struggle for me and many others I know. Unless you're in the oil and gas industry, options are pretty limited."

Overall, it seems that the majority of reviewers have a positive view of living in Wichita Falls. The affordable cost of living, strong community, and family-friendly atmosphere are all commonly mentioned perks of the city. However, some concerns about diversity and job opportunities are also voiced by a few users. Ultimately, it's important for anyone considering moving to this city to do their own research and visit to get a better understanding of what it's like to live there.

 based on 16 Reviews
Get to know Wichita Falls with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Wichita Falls

Not that great! - 10/26/2021
This place is nothing great! It's my own fault since I have been here going on 16 years. The Air Force brought me here which wasn't my fault but when I retired from active duty I decided to stay for awhile, which was my fault. Should have decided to leave 10 years ago. Kids were in school and wife and I didn't want to make them move again. Now kids are gone and wife and I are still stuck here. Fortunately I can retire from the Air Force a second time in a few years and then CYA! I always tell people who come here that there are two things that you can count on being in Texas. A crappy climate and out of control sky high property taxes!! Only good thing I can really say about Wichita Falls is there is no traffic issues to speak of. Read More

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Just... don't - 7/24/2020
I've lived all over the country (relocated for work) and this is without a doubt the worst place I've ever had the misfortune to land. You will meet plenty of people who love it, but that's because they're from here and have never left to see that there are other options. It's hot as hell most of the year and everything is brown and scorched and then it's freezing and everything is dead from cold. You've got about 2 weeks of tolerable weather. The most exciting thing to do is to leave - go to Dallas or Oklahoma City, which are both 2 hours away. Now about food. I learned to cook here because you have to unless you want Tex-Mex, BBQ or burgers. If you want something more exotic, you're out of luck. There is NO diversity here - of people, of food, of music (it's all redneck country crap), of anything. Give up hope all ye who enter here. Read More

Hate it - 12/9/2017
I wish very much i could 0 star ...this dry ugly hot, poor, crime, and dog fighting, welfare dependant, cold to scorchin hot and back again hell hole ....i moved from beautiful Ky to here in wichita falls 2 years ago...(mandatory) and i would NEVER recommend this place or any other place in tx really to anyone to live permanently...unless youre forced to live in this dry ugly state stay away, thats my advise, i could never say enough on how much i want out of this state to a real one with actual seasons and green lawns....rivers...creeks....cool days and comfortable nights...that's what i was used to....here its dry..ugly ....flat....trees are twigs...lawns are brown....no real winter.....and then summer all year round again until the half assed winter swings back around....did i mention its the ugliest place ive ever Read More

JGT El-School, the best - 2/24/2017
I am Colombian, I arrived in Wichita Falls in 1992 and lived there for a year, before returning to Colombia. I attended my fourth grade at John G. Tower Elementary School. I didn't speak any English back then, and they got me into ESL. In less than 3 months, at age 9-10, I was already fluent in English. Mrs. Maria Cook was my ESL teacher. Mrs. Mary Easter was my 4th grade teacher, and Mr. Ray was the principal. My mother did not have any income, so I got my breakfast and lunch for free. I even made it to the Honor Roll by the end of the year, excelling in Math and Computer Sciences, the latter, thanks to the efforts of Mrs. Webb. They really took good care of me, and challenged me to be better everyday. I have so much to thank this school, because it really changed my life. After learning English the way I did, all the doors opened to me. I went to Med school, then became an Ophthalmologist, and later I specialized in Strabismus surgery. Most of all scientific articles out there are Read More
Diana | ,  | Reply | No Replies

Wichita Falls - 10/3/2014
Great place to raise a family!
Small enough (100,000) to know about critical issues, but large enough to have variety of businesses.
Multi-year drought has created serious water issues. These are affecting employment and housing Read More

Economy - 2/18/2009
Wichita Falls has a good economy, short commmuting time, sunny days, and little violent Read More

WFT - 9/12/2008
geographic location Read More
ralph | ,  | Reply | No Replies

Cost of Living - 9/10/2008
It is not too Read More

A good place to raise a family. - 8/21/2008
Wichita Falls is a great place to live and raise a family if you aren't the type that likes to "keep up with the Joneses." It's just big enough (103,000 population) to have all the important things but without the traffic jams. We lack a little in culture but if you really need that D/FW is only 2 hours away. When we go to bigger cities we are always glad to come Read More

Jobs - 11/3/2007
I have lived in Wichita Falls for over a decade. The main problems with the economy her is jobs. About the only new opportunities are service jobs, especially restaurants and hotels. If you are in that line of work, you will have good opportunities but if you aren't you will struggle financially. There are very few science jobs and the ones that are rarely come open. Accounting jobs are available, but the accounting firms want to pay below average wages, work you to death during tax season and then let you go; that is, if they hire you in the first place. The accounting firms will only hire you if your personality appears to be one that will tolerate that kinds of behavior. If you come across as confident and can think for yourself they will not hire you because they just want drones that don't ask questions and work 18 hours a Read More

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