Texas Reviews

136 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Texas

The state of Texas is known for its diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and booming economy. With cities like Austin, Dallas, and Houston, it attracts residents from all over the country. However, before making the move, it's important to know what current residents have to say about living in this particular place. After scouring through numerous user reviews on BestPlaces.net, it is clear that opinions are mixed. While some individuals rave about the state's beauty and opportunities, others express concerns about its climate and cost of living. Here are four excerpts from different user reviews that provide insight into what it's like to live in Texas.

1. "I absolutely love living in Texas! The people are friendly, the food is amazing, and there's always something to do. Plus, the cost of living is affordable compared to other states I've lived in. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else." - Sarah M.

2. "I moved to Texas for work, and while I appreciate the job opportunities, the weather is unbearable. The summers are scorching hot and the humidity is unbearable. I miss the four seasons and being able to enjoy outdoor activities without melting." - John P.

3. "I've lived in Texas my whole life and I have no complaints. The state has a rich history and there's always something new to discover. However, the traffic in cities like Dallas and Houston can be a nightmare and the cost of living continues to rise." - Maria R.

4. "I moved to Texas thinking it would be a great place to raise my family, but I was disappointed. The school systems are underfunded and overcrowded, and the lack of affordable healthcare is concerning. We're now looking to relocate to a different state." - Mark L.

 based on 136 Reviews
Get to know Texas with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Texas

Relocating to San Antonio, TX - 2/15/2012
My boyfriend and I are relocating to San Antonio, TX in a couple of months...was that a bad Read More

Start Your Review of Texas

looking to relocate - 2/6/2012
I'm looking to relocate to Houston Texas but can't seem to find any area that i can really go .I need help on looking for the RIGHT area that fits my family needs i need middle/high schools,cloe to shopping and colleges,i am looking to go to college so if there's some good advice out their PLease hELP mE Read More

Texas is great - 1/29/2012
I've lived in Texas my whole life, I have visited slot of other states but the overall quality of life u get here is top notch. Alot of people will gripe about heat, yes it's hot if u do not like heat sorry it's hot here, move up north. The people here are extremely nice and if u are looking for stuff to do, there is more than I can possibly mention to do in Texas.  Read More

Relocating and need opinions on Boerne or Kerrvil - 1/15/2012
We are from Katy, TX and deciding whether to relocate (due to my husband's job) to either Kerrville or Boerne (Cordillera Ranch). Which is a better place to live also we have two kids ages 11 and 14. Any comments on schools, community, how people are sociable, etc. Any information would be Read More

Not so Great - 12/14/2011
Texas is not the ideal place for everyone, least of all me.We live in a town so boring, the excitement is watching the grass grow. Nothing to do, no place to go withour traveling hundreds of miles. Wind blows in the summer all the time.High utility bills,no jobs ( few like Wal-Mart,Burger King etc) pay minium at best. Its a right to work state so employers can hire slave labor.The restraunts are mediocre at best. Been here 3 years too long.Want to move to Las Read More

Texas Weather - 11/22/2011
The weather in Texas is extreme. The summers are REDICULOUS. It is too hot to handle. Drought is the common theme. Even when it does rain, it onkly takes a few days to get back to drought Read More

Texas is an armpit of America - 11/17/2011
Most part of Texas is just butt ugly and its an armpit of the United State of America. Mostly in the panhandle and a large area in west Texas is just plain and ugly nothing to see. Far east Texas is ok there a lot of Oak and Pine trees which is looks better than the rest of texas. Its so hot and humid here in Texas and its seem like summer is getting longer every year and less rain every year and water is becoming a serious problem here. Nothing really much to do and if you try to do something fun outdoor during the summer you can get sick from the heat. I have live in Arizona, California, and New Mexico and Texas is the worse state I ever live. I am moving back out west maybe to Oregon or Reno Nv where I will be closer to California and Oregon and I just can't wait to move out of Texas and its easy to get tired of living in Texas than all the other state I live in before. I thought that Arizona was bad living in Phoenix but no texas is worse than Arizona. I miss the drier air and the Read More

weather - 11/13/2011
Love winters in Read More

Very Hot and Dry Summer - 10/24/2011
After living at the Lake of the Ozarks for two years, and becoming acclimated to snowy winters, our family moved back to Texas in early 2010 to land in the hottest summer in Texas history. In two words, it was absolutely miserable. The house we live in does not have ample insulation at all. Even with multiple layers of curtains, three window units and the central air on almost constantly, the inside temperature was 85 degrees or higher during the day, for months. The outdoor air was thick and suffocating, and being outside was tolerable for a few minutes at a time, even early in the morning. I do not recommend Texas for seniors, children, or middle-aged women who suffer from hot flashes. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and I cannot wait to leave the South Read More

Texas is a Great State - 10/22/2011
I love everything Texas!Read More
