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8 Replies

Good riddance Dear! Why are you still here? Go back to the low wages in Texas and the South.
G | San Clemente, CA | Report Abuse

No, f you lol
Angelique | | Report Abuse

I traded my "Never LA" T-shirt for a "Welcome to California. Now go home." T-shirt when I was recruited to teach in LA. A lot of what you say is also my experience, except the stuff about gangs. I lived in an "efficiency" apartment for years, also worked 50-60 hours a week, save my money, bought a house in LA and (surprise!) a house in Katy for about $34,000, full price during the 1985 oil glut, not even a down payment in LA today. Both houses are paid for, finally. Home costs are lower in Katy except property tax, which is 2.5% in Katy and 1% in LA, except I only pay 0.5% because of Prop. 13, which I believe is the cause many of the problems you describe. You pay NO income tax and I pay about 10%, maybe less. Your sales tax is a little lower. I am retired. I choose LA.
Luther | | Report Abuse

@rico, if the secret to life was to leave California and move to Texas, to live better financially, then people wouldn’t be pouring into California like they are. Which is why California homes are more expensive, because we actually have the supply and demand. Which is great for homeowners selling. I’ve seen homes in my area go for $300k. I’ve lived up and down the mid west, and in every state the minimum wage is as low as $7.25 an hour. I worked for $8.90 an hour and that was two years ago. So paying $700 a month plus utilities and everything else, was difficult. And unlike California, there isn’t a sense of security in those states. Meaning if I lose my job, when can I get a new one? God only knows. OP sounds like they came here with 1. No set job. 2. Especially not making salary, otherwise she would have seen this coming. 3. It appears she moved right into a popular city near the beaches to live a good life, but due to her lack of research, the cost of living surprised her. This isn’t Californias fault, only hers. Had she moved anywhere that wasn’t near the beaches, the cost of living would have dropped drastically with the same paying jobs. Between all the states I’ve lived in, California is definitely the best. Not to mention when I lived in the mid west, there was an overwhelming amount of pressure to take any job that called me back, regardless of whether or not I liked it. Here, I find myself calling the employer back, to let them know I’ll take the job. There’s just so many jobs here it’s crazy, got hired starting at $25 an hour, the normal in my area is $20 despite the minimum wage being $12. Couldn’t ever find a job willing to pay over $10 in the mid west. It would have taken me nearly a decade to make what I am now. I also pay $1100 a month for a 2 bed 1 bath 850 sq ft. Which is a good deal considering the area is decent, and quality of life here is very well. If I did lose a job, I know I’ll be employed within 2 weeks and within 10-15 miles from home just like I am now. Buy a house in Texas and pay a cheaper price, but get set back by a low amount of jobs, lower pay, higher taxes, and a stale quality of life. OP is 100% responsible for her mistakes, no matter how much she insists it’s the states fault. The fact that she actually paid $7k to move just shows she was making poor decisions right from the beginning, $7k to move?!?
Nick | Rancho Calaveras, CA | Report Abuse

** A vote for Biden, Bloomberg, Buttigieg or Warren is a CONTINUOUS vote for the same Republican or Democrat party of the 1%, the ruling class, the corporate profiteers, the have, the billionaires, the elite who with the help of obstructive, colluding, criminal President Trump and the government to make the rich richer by continually ROBBING from the working poor and the middle class to give it to the rich and powerful. I am voting for the most progressive candidate running for the 2020 Presidential election. I am voting my conscience. I am voting for Bernie Sanders. The Democratic Capitalist system is a legitimate RACKET of the ruling class, the corporate profiteers, the billionaires, the have, the elite, the 1% of the population who own 50% of the world's wealth or the 15% of the population who own 85% of the world's wealth and who own, control, manipulate and govern this country and the global economy. The system is not BROKEN. It was designed that way. Why should the ruling class, corporate profiteers, the have, billionaires, elite, the 1% FIX the BROKEN SYSTEM when they BENEFIT from the BROKEN system. The founding fathers did not write the CONSTITUTION to EMPOWER women, blacks, other minorities, and the working poor, but to treat them as SUBORDINATES. The POLITICS of the Republicans, the ruling class, the corporate profiteers, the billionaires, the 1% is TO MAKE THE RICH RICHER by robbing from the working poor and giving it to the rich and powerful. Also, by exploiting the planet of all its resources to make the rich richer and powerful, destroying the planet with climate change, global warming and making it uninhabitable. The POLITICS of the Democratic Socialist is VALUING HUMAN LIFE OVER CORPORATE PROFITS and looking out for the general welfare of all the people. I am voting for Bernie Sanders. Democratic Socialism means VALUING HUMAN LIFE OVER CORPORATE PROFITS and looking out for the general welfare of all the people. If we don't want to destroy humanity and the planet with climate change and global warming, let's serve our purpose in accordance to our creation, GIVING to sustain and maintain life, as the flowers, plants, earth, trees, rivers, forest, mountains, oceans, sun, moon, stars, and the universe serve their purpose in accordance to their creation, GIVING to sustain and maintain life. Let's serve our purpose in accordance to our creation, TO LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELF. To Love Our Neighbor As Ourself means that if I am happy, I want you to be happy. If I have a place to live, I want you to have a place to live and not be homeless. Who cares? If I have an education, I want you to have an education and not be a victim of the school to prison pipeline system or the failed school system. Who cares? If I have quality healthcare insurance, I want you to have quality healthcare insurance. 50 million people suffer and die from no healthcare insurance coverage. Who cares? If I have a job that pays the bills with some money left to save, I want you to a job that pays the bills with some money left to save. Who cares? I care. That is why I am voting Bernie Sanders for President in the 2020 presidential election. People are not respected by the content of their character, but by how much money, wealth, power and fame they have accumulated. Money has become people's God. It is all about MONEY over people. It all about PROFITS over people. It is all about GREED over people. It is all about I got mine and yours too if I can get it selfish attitude and greedy way of life. May God have mercy on our soul on the day of judgement for we are all guilty of wrongdoing to ourself, others and the planet with climate change and global warming.
Norberg | Upper West Side, NY | Report Abuse

** A vote for Biden, Bloomberg, Buttigieg or Warren is a CONTINUOUS vote for the same Republican or Democrat party of the 1%, the ruling class, the corporate profiteers, the have, the billionaires, the elite who with the help of obstructive, colluding, criminal President Trump and the government to make the rich richer by continually ROBBING from the working poor and the middle class to give it to the rich and powerful. I am voting for the most progressive candidate running for the 2020 Presidential election. I am voting my conscience. I am voting for Bernie Sanders. The Democratic Capitalist system is a legitimate RACKET of the ruling class, the corporate profiteers, the billionaires, the have, the elite, the 1% of the population who own 50% of the world's wealth or the 15% of the population who own 85% of the world's wealth and who own, control, manipulate and govern this country and the global economy. The system is not BROKEN. It was designed that way. Why should the ruling class, corporate profiteers, the have, billionaires, elite, the 1% FIX the BROKEN SYSTEM when they BENEFIT from the BROKEN system. The founding fathers did not write the CONSTITUTION to EMPOWER women, blacks, other minorities, and the working poor, but to treat them as SUBORDINATES. The POLITICS of the Republicans, the ruling class, the corporate profiteers, the billionaires, the 1% is TO MAKE THE RICH RICHER by robbing from the working poor and giving it to the rich and powerful. Also, by exploiting the planet of all its resources to make the rich richer and powerful, destroying the planet with climate change, global warming and making it uninhabitable. The POLITICS of the Democratic Socialist is VALUING HUMAN LIFE OVER CORPORATE PROFITS and looking out for the general welfare of all the people. I am voting for Bernie Sanders. Democratic Socialism means VALUING HUMAN LIFE OVER CORPORATE PROFITS and looking out for the general welfare of all the people. If we don't want to destroy humanity and the planet with climate change and global warming, let's serve our purpose in accordance to our creation, GIVING to sustain and maintain life, as the flowers, plants, earth, trees, rivers, forest, mountains, oceans, sun, moon, stars, and the universe serve their purpose in accordance to their creation, GIVING to sustain and maintain life. Let's serve our purpose in accordance to our creation, TO LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELF. To Love Our Neighbor As Ourself means that if I am happy, I want you to be happy. If I have a place to live, I want you to have a place to live and not be homeless. Who cares? If I have an education, I want you to have an education and not be a victim of the school to prison pipeline system or the failed school system. Who cares? If I have quality healthcare insurance, I want you to have quality healthcare insurance. 50 million people suffer and die from no healthcare insurance coverage. Who cares? If I have a job that pays the bills with some money left to save, I want you to a job that pays the bills with some money left to save. Who cares? I care. That is why I am voting Bernie Sanders for President in the 2020 presidential election. People are not respected by the content of their character, but by how much money, wealth, power and fame they have accumulated. Money has become people's God. It is all about MONEY over people. It all about PROFITS over people. It is all about GREED over people. It is all about I got mine and yours too if I can get it selfish attitude and greedy way of life. May God have mercy on our soul on the day of judgement for we are all guilty of wrongdoing to ourself, others and the planet with climate change and global warming.
Norberg | Upper West Side, NY | Report Abuse

** A vote for Biden, Bloomberg, Buttigieg or Warren is a CONTINUOUS vote for the same Republican or Democrat party of the 1%, the ruling class, the corporate profiteers, the have, the billionaires, the elite who with the help of obstructive, colluding, criminal President Trump and the government to make the rich richer by continually ROBBING from the working poor and the middle class to give it to the rich and powerful. I am voting for the most progressive candidate running for the 2020 Presidential election. I am voting my conscience. I am voting for Bernie Sanders. The Democratic Capitalist system is a legitimate RACKET of the ruling class, the corporate profiteers, the billionaires, the have, the elite, the 1% of the population who own 50% of the world's wealth or the 15% of the population who own 85% of the world's wealth and who own, control, manipulate and govern this country and the global economy. The system is not BROKEN. It was designed that way. Why should the ruling class, corporate profiteers, the have, billionaires, elite, the 1% FIX the BROKEN SYSTEM when they BENEFIT from the BROKEN system. The founding fathers did not write the CONSTITUTION to EMPOWER women, blacks, other minorities, and the working poor, but to treat them as SUBORDINATES. The POLITICS of the Republicans, the ruling class, the corporate profiteers, the billionaires, the 1% is TO MAKE THE RICH RICHER by robbing from the working poor and giving it to the rich and powerful. Also, by exploiting the planet of all its resources to make the rich richer and powerful, destroying the planet with climate change, global warming and making it uninhabitable. The POLITICS of the Democratic Socialist is VALUING HUMAN LIFE OVER CORPORATE PROFITS and looking out for the general welfare of all the people. I am voting for Bernie Sanders. Democratic Socialism means VALUING HUMAN LIFE OVER CORPORATE PROFITS and looking out for the general welfare of all the people. If we don't want to destroy humanity and the planet with climate change and global warming, let's serve our purpose in accordance to our creation, GIVING to sustain and maintain life, as the flowers, plants, earth, trees, rivers, forest, mountains, oceans, sun, moon, stars, and the universe serve their purpose in accordance to their creation, GIVING to sustain and maintain life. Let's serve our purpose in accordance to our creation, TO LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELF. To Love Our Neighbor As Ourself means that if I am happy, I want you to be happy. If I have a place to live, I want you to have a place to live and not be homeless. Who cares? If I have an education, I want you to have an education and not be a victim of the school to prison pipeline system or the failed school system. Who cares? If I have quality healthcare insurance, I want you to have quality healthcare insurance. 50 million people suffer and die from no healthcare insurance coverage. Who cares? If I have a job that pays the bills with some money left to save, I want you to a job that pays the bills with some money left to save. Who cares? I care. That is why I am voting Bernie Sanders for President in the 2020 presidential election. People are not respected by the content of their character, but by how much money, wealth, power and fame they have accumulated. Money has become people's God. It is all about MONEY over people. It all about PROFITS over people. It is all about GREED over people. It is all about I got mine and yours too if I can get it selfish attitude and greedy way of life. May God have mercy on our soul on the day of judgement for we are all guilty of wrongdoing to ourself, others and the planet with climate change and global warming.
Norberg | Upper West Side, NY | Report Abuse

@Luther. The tax argument. Yes %-wise taxes are higher. But in $, ad valorem, you do realize that 2.5% of median house value 180k in Texas is 4.5k$/annum vs. California 1% of 600k is 6.0k$/annum (HIGHER AMOUNT). Let's not even get into the Bay Area median incomes.
Rico | Vallejo, CA | Report Abuse
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