Review of Dallas, Texas

Dallas: Lakewood Neighborhood
Star Rating - 9/2/2009
When I first moved to Dallas from POrtland, Oregon, I absolutely hated it! It was impersonal and cold but then I "found" the Lakewood area which completely reminds me of home! This part of town is filled with people who are gardeners, artistic, recyclers, dog owners, organic grocery stores (New Flower), yoga studios, hair salons with natural products, naturopaths, NIA classes, friendly little cafes and bars, lots and lots of big trees, and funky local newpapers ranting about the local politics! I'll never forget the first time I went shopping at the local Tom Thumb and I saw 2 lesbian couples and people my age (53) with tatoos! I thought to myself, "Finally! I found my tribe!" Now if you ask me about Dallas, I have to tell you that I love it here! And the sunshine beats the heck out of 8-9 months of dreary grey skies in the Pacific Northwest!
Kathryn | Dallas, TX
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