Review of Louisville, Kentucky

no safe driving nor cycling
Star Rating - 8/24/2018
loo-vll was my home for all of 2016, thanks to a desired job transfer. for a small city compared to so many large ones i've lived in (l.a., atlanta, houston), it sure has a lot of traffic congestion. one can bet on a bad wreck on the watterson expwy @breckenridge just about every day @evening rush hour. how did the wrecked cars get into the positions that i saw them in when i crawled on by? folks not desirous to make friends; i only knew the first name of 1 person in the entire apartment building the whole year that i lived there-and i'm hardly shy. they went out of their way to avoid contact-it was weird. no bicycle trails to speak of; i'm quite the cycling enthusiast, but once i started to work from home, i blew this steamy hot dump to move to dayton, oh the cycling trail mecca of the u.s.!
none | Beavercreek, OH
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Lou-evil isn't much of a city when it comes for quality of life issues much less economic issues. You're better off to have moved to Dayton which has its own set of problems just like its neighbor Springfield. That being said, if I had a choice from living in Dayton-Springfield and environs versus moving to Lou-Evil I would happily move to Ohio in a heartbeat compared to the diseased backwoods that is called Louisville, Kentucky. I've never seen a place so devoid of people with no common sense, an inability to interact socially and with so much pretentiousness and narcissism. It's quite a pathetic and sad scene. I lived in Louisville for five years after a job transfer moved me there because my previous employment was ending due to economic pressures. It's probably the most redneck/white trash large city in the country with the mentality and inability to process common sense things to boot. It's funny that you mention Louisville not being very good drivers and I can say after living there five years and being hit by idiots behind the wheel they are some of the worst drivers I've ever seen and I've been to 40 out of the 50 states. Even worse is that every morning when its rush hour there are already several accidents already in progress to block up everything on the Interstates like 65, 264, 64 and 71 not to mention major corridors like Dixie Highway better known as Dixie Dieway because of the number of accidents and deaths. As a cyclist, they try to promote Loubilly as being a cyclists dream with bike lanes. However, its actually a death trap to be riding around Louisville on bikes on congested side roads and heavily traveled 2 lane roads which aren't built for sharing. It's actually seriously gambling with your life due to the poor road construction and quality of the roads. Also the fact that their bike lanes are on congested and narrow roads where there isn't a lot of leeway between cars and the bike lanes. Its asking for trouble and despite all of their talk the only way Loubilly will be a cycling city is by widening roads and building proper bike paths to keep the cyclists of the roads with the massively ignorant driving public in Louisville. Friendly in Louisville? Now that's the funniest thing I've seen about Louisville commonly which should be called Lou Billy or Possum Billy City a take of Possibility City which Louisville tried to brand itself as. We did the entire trying to involve ourselves into churches, community organizations, friendly groups, etc and I've never seen a place that is the size of Louisville aka Loubilly that is as a closed society. Strangely enough, people in Louisville act a lot like those in eastern areas of the US that tend to be somewhat closed to outsiders as if you're going to get one over on them. Or you're actually a threat to their little cliques and personal biases because you bring an outside perspective. The laughable thing about Louisville is this idea that its such a friendly place and everyone is so welcoming. Totally laughable, its as if these people haven't been taught basic common sense, basic decency, values, morals and being decent to your fellow humans. Even more disgusting is the habits of the Louisville population that its one of the more dirty cities around this part of the country minus some urban ghetto areas that obviously no one cares about cleaning up. The roadsides around Louisville look like someone emptied out the trash from their vehicles and people regularly leave their cigarette butts in parking lots, roadsides, major intersections and no one bothers to clean it up. Even better is Louisville's obvious urban dumping problem where everyone thinks its perfectly ok to leave their trash everywhere including at the parks and festivals instead of disposing of such rubbish in trash cans provided by the city and festival organizers. Thunder Over Louisville is a big cause of this type of white trash behavior and lack of people picking up after themselves. The same could be said for various music festivals and community events. The next laughable thing is that the fathers of Louisville running the city make sure from March 15th until May the 5th or so to have the city cleaned up along the thoroughfares and roadways because of the public nature of the Kentucky Derby and its various festivals. Even better is that they go gung ho about cleaning up the city in March, April and May. All the while the streets are filled with food wrappers, plastic cups, beer cans and bottles and trash just about everywhere for the other 9 months of the year. One year when Muhammad Ali a Louisville native passed away they had to organize a massive cleanup of the city within a few days because it was June and the city already looked trashy which would have looked bad on the national TV news programs covering his funeral. Job wise in Louisville is also laughable because be prepared to get paid about 30 percent below the market rate for a job in any other comparably priced US city like Indianapolis, Columbus, Dayton, St. Louis, Nashville, Cincy or just about anywhere else that doesn't have a high cost of living say Boston, NYC, DC, SF, LA, etc. Louisville employers aren't really interested in getting educated and intelligent employees based on qualifications and experience. Its more about who you know or who you are related to in your chosen field. In my opinion in many cases a big waste of time and resources applying for jobs that are promoted out on the Internet or even internally because they are filled by sycophants and yes men. Not because the qualifications are actually investigated. Another laughable thing is that Louisville employers will often take someone who is experienced and educated and then try to put them in a low wage position that should be filled by an entry level employee without the intelligence and experience that exists in the more professional employee. So if you're a business professional, technical guru or someone highly educated because your family and life dictated that education and values were important stay away from Louisville. Louisville is the type of community that likes to talk big about their economy, jobs and overall quality of life. But the truth is that the quality of life in Louisville is far below what you would find in suburban America especially in the northern states and even a few Southern locations. Lou-Evil is the type of city that talks big and delivers very little. From the fact that the schools in Louisville are far below the quality of neighboring states especially from the North makes you want to better the educational level for your children elsewhere. You're doing them a major disservice by sending them to most schools in Louisville. Especially when the latest JCPS school district stats in Louisville is that only 54 percent of 12th graders can read and write at a 12th grade level of proficiency. Even worse is that in Louisville as well as the Commonwealth of Kentucky the schools are even worse at teaching math and science to the point that even 8th graders are only proficient at grade level around 35 to 40 percent both for math and science. This is common not only in the schools of Louisville but also across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Let's also point out that Kentucky ranks 41st in the country in general K to 12 education as well as 47th in educational attainment which means that education and even post-secondary education is not valued past high school. Not that it is all that valued by most parents in elementary, middle and high school either. Which is why Kentucky as a state is one of the 4 poorest states in the country and has been since 1939. In fact, Kentucky has been 44th or lower in personal income as a state per person since 1939. In 2018, they are currently 47th in personal income, 47th in family income and 47th in median income. The only states that are worse than Kentucky are West Virginia, Arkansas and Mississippi when it comes to education and incomes. Add in the fact that Kentucky is also ranked regularly as the worst ran state in the country when it comes to governance and government operation. One of the worst when it comes to government corruption and public officials involved in corrupt practices. Not to mention a burgeoning criminal class in Kentucky where the crime rate is skyrocketing and the prison population is skyrocketing as well and its not just drug issues like the rest of the country. Let's also examine that Kentucky ranks highly in elder abuse, animal abuse and child abuse being if not the worst state in all three categories regularly in the top 4 or 5 states in these sordid categories. The statistics are out there for public consumption. All one has to do is look up various Kentucky statistics and see what a true mess the Commonwealth of Kentucky truly is. Not to mention that Louisville for being a mid sized US metro area is about 25 percent below on the wage scale and has massive problems with chronic homelessness and poverty issues even exceeding many other US metro areas. This isn't temporary poverty caused by a temporary job loss of which someone gets a new job in a few months. Instead, its pervasive that this poverty exists in Louisville because of the massive numbers of low wage jobs that exist in a city that always talks about being a rising metro area. It's so laughable but don't be like the zombies of Kentucky and Louisville and do your research, I could comment more on these various issues but the time is late after midnight and I have to earn a living tomorrow in my more Northernly location because Louisville is someplace that anyone with any common sense and quality of life standards should totally avoid. So try out other neighboring cities and especially their suburbs. Even cities like Atlanta with crime and traffic problems have long passed up Louisville. The same goes for cities like Nashville, Indianapolis, Cincinnati suburbs, Columbus, Charlotte, etc. Louisville isn't the end all be all of society.
William | Indianapolis, IN | Report Abuse

I don’t disagree with any of this except the bike trail thing. I’ve lived here 6yrs and I’m super outdoorsy (granted I’m not a cyclist so idk what’s a sufficient enough trail) . There are at least 25 bike trails. Louisville loop alone is like 25miles.
Vonda | Louisville, KY | Report Abuse
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