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17 Replies

Everything you have said seroquel 200 is right on point. Whoever reads the review, listen. It is not a lie. They will try to convince you their city & state is nice, but it's a facade. Sequel 200 u r so right. People are different. They are self centered and users. Yes, if you are from somewhere else, they hate you for no reason. Low morales. Women mess with same men and don't care. Hello, it's like they ignore STD is real. As a California native I lived there for 11 years. I just now left. So listen when I tell you, don't move to North Carolina, especially Raleigh because you will be miserable. Southern hospitality that is a joke. Southern California's have much more hospitality than North Carolinan's. Oh! And if you are a women, stay away from the men because they act like mitches. They don't want to work and want a women to take care of them.
Tellitstr8 | Compton, CA | Report Abuse

Wow- curious as to where you have moved to?
Amanda | Old Lyme, CT | Report Abuse

WOW! This place does blow. We moved to western north carolina about 3 1/2 years ago. Tryon, nc in Polk county. What a bunch of scumbags. Most people from here hate everybody who is not from here. They are very ignorant and most have not been very far from this county. Many have drinking problems and drug problems. It is unfortunate because it would be a beautiful area with the mountains and a small population. A big problem in the area is also meth labs. Parents with meth labs in their home. The people who run this town have tried to make it sound like a rich nice town with even a slogan "the friendliest town in the south" Well if this were true the town would not keep failing so bad. "Ghost Town" was the term for the latest bunch of business failings. People from here are friendly to your face then talk about you behind your back with infantile name calling and such. Some are town and county employees as the people from this area are the ones mostly hired for these positions. Incest is still doing very well here and so is voting in child molesters to very high law enforcement positions in a landslide vote. They still harbor bad feelings about the civil war, and hate yankees and black people. If you live here and need to go some place make sure you leave extra early as you will probably go about 1/2 the speed limit as many of the drivers don't have the brain cells necessary to operate a motor vehicle. I figured out I have no need to associate with many people here and do not and am glad to see my children have recognized the poor moral values as they know these are poor characteristics in people and don't grow up to be like them. I have lived in New York City, Connecticut, California, and have been all over the northeast and Canada and have never seen anything like it.
andrew | Tryon, NC | Report Abuse

WOW! This place does blow. We moved to western north carolina about 3 1/2 years ago. Tryon, nc in Polk county. What a bunch of scumbags. Most people from here hate everybody who is not from here. They are very ignorant and most have not been very far from this county. Many have drinking problems and drug problems. It is unfortunate because it would be a beautiful area with the mountains and a small population. A big problem in the area is also meth labs. Parents with meth labs in their home. The people who run this town have tried to make it sound like a rich nice town with even a slogan "the friendliest town in the south" Well if this were true the town would not keep failing so bad. "Ghost Town" was the term for the latest bunch of business failings. People from here are friendly to your face then talk about you behind your back with infantile name calling and such. Some are town and county employees as the people from this area are the ones mostly hired for these positions. Incest is still doing very well here and so is voting in child molesters to very high law enforcement positions in a landslide vote. They still harbor bad feelings about the civil war, and hate yankees and black people. If you live here and need to go some place make sure you leave extra early as you will probably go about 1/2 the speed limit as many of the drivers don't have the brain cells necessary to operate a motor vehicle. I figured out I have no need to associate with many people here and do not and am glad to see my children have recognized the poor moral values as they know these are poor characteristics in people and don't grow up to be like them. I have lived in New York City, Connecticut, California, and have been all over the northeast and Canada and have never seen anything like it.
andrew | Tryon, NC | Report Abuse

WOW! This place does blow. We moved to western north carolina about 3 1/2 years ago. Tryon, nc in Polk county. What a bunch of scumbags. Most people from here hate everybody who is not from here. They are very ignorant and most have not been very far from this county. Many have drinking problems and drug problems. It is unfortunate because it would be a beautiful area with the mountains and a small population. A big problem in the area is also meth labs. Parents with meth labs in their home. The people who run this town have tried to make it sound like a rich nice town with even a slogan "the friendliest town in the south" Well if this were true the town would not keep failing so bad. "Ghost Town" was the term for the latest bunch of business failings. People from here are friendly to your face then talk about you behind your back with infantile name calling and such. Some are town and county employees as the people from this area are the ones mostly hired for these positions. Incest is still doing very well here and so is voting in child molesters to very high law enforcement positions in a landslide vote. They still harbor bad feelings about the civil war, and hate yankees and black people. If you live here and need to go some place make sure you leave extra early as you will probably go about 1/2 the speed limit as many of the drivers don't have the brain cells necessary to operate a motor vehicle. I figured out I have no need to associate with many people here and do not and am glad to see my children have recognized the poor moral values as they know these are poor characteristics in people and don't grow up to be like them. I have lived in New York City, Connecticut, California, and have been all over the northeast and Canada and have never seen anything like it.
andrew | Tryon, NC | Report Abuse

WOW! This place does blow. We moved to western north carolina about 3 1/2 years ago. Tryon, nc in Polk county. What a bunch of scumbags. Most people from here hate everybody who is not from here. They are very ignorant and most have not been very far from this county. Many have drinking problems and drug problems. It is unfortunate because it would be a beautiful area with the mountains and a small population. A big problem in the area is also meth labs. Parents with meth labs in their home. The people who run this town have tried to make it sound like a rich nice town with even a slogan "the friendliest town in the south" Well if this were true the town would not keep failing so bad. "Ghost Town" was the term for the latest bunch of business failings. People from here are friendly to your face then talk about you behind your back with infantile name calling and such. Some are town and county employees as the people from this area are the ones mostly hired for these positions. Incest is still doing very well here and so is voting in child molesters to very high law enforcement positions in a landslide vote. They still harbor bad feelings about the civil war, and hate yankees and black people. If you live here and need to go some place make sure you leave extra early as you will probably go about 1/2 the speed limit as many of the drivers don't have the brain cells necessary to operate a motor vehicle. I figured out I have no need to associate with many people here and do not and am glad to see my children have recognized the poor moral values as they know these are poor characteristics in people and don't grow up to be like them. I have lived in New York City, Connecticut, California, and have been all over the northeast and Canada and have never seen anything like it.
andrew | Tryon, NC | Report Abuse

WOW! This place does blow. We moved to western north carolina about 3 1/2 years ago. Tryon, nc in Polk county. What a bunch of scumbags. Most people from here hate everybody who is not from here. They are very ignorant and most have not been very far from this county. Many have drinking problems and drug problems. It is unfortunate because it would be a beautiful area with the mountains and a small population. A big problem in the area is also meth labs. Parents with meth labs in their home. The people who run this town have tried to make it sound like a rich nice town with even a slogan "the friendliest town in the south" Well if this were true the town would not keep failing so bad. "Ghost Town" was the term for the latest bunch of business failings. People from here are friendly to your face then talk about you behind your back with infantile name calling and such. Some are town and county employees as the people from this area are the ones mostly hired for these positions. Incest is still doing very well here and so is voting in child molesters to very high law enforcement positions in a landslide vote. They still harbor bad feelings about the civil war, and hate yankees and black people. If you live here and need to go some place make sure you leave extra early as you will probably go about 1/2 the speed limit as many of the drivers don't have the brain cells necessary to operate a motor vehicle. I figured out I have no need to associate with many people here and do not and am glad to see my children have recognized the poor moral values as they know these are poor characteristics in people and don't grow up to be like them. I have lived in New York City, Connecticut, California, and have been all over the northeast and Canada and have never seen anything like it.
andrew | Tryon, NC | Report Abuse

Interesting. I've read several of these hate-filled posts and wonder if it could just possibly be that the people North Carolina seem unfriendly because people come in from other areas and look down their superior noses at the locals? Instead of blending into their new community, could it be that they come in with ah air of superiority and expect the people of NC to accommodate their way of thinking rather than assimilating? Could it just be that sneering at the locals, commenting on inbreeding, incest, hicks, and redneck southerners still living in the antebellum days of the Civil War just might turn the locals off? Nah, it couldn't possibly be the attitude of the outsiders moving in, it has to be the dumb, ignorant clanishness of the local hillbillies. My advice to those of you that hate NC so much . . . MOVE. I am sure you would be much happier if you went back where you came from, and the good people of NC would be too. North Carolina is a beautiful place, and it's people are very friendly--if you are. This is one Yankee who loves North Carolina, and would move there in a heartbeat if I could. So to the whiners, I say, go back where you came from. You are obviously so highly superior to the good people of North Carolina that you should not be exposed to the rejection and humiliation of living among a bunch of neanderthals. I'm sure the people of NC would not miss you, and would say good riddance.
Elizabeth | South Bend, IN | Report Abuse

Interesting. I've read several of these hate-filled posts and wonder if it could just possibly be that the people North Carolina seem unfriendly because people come in from other areas and look down their superior noses at the locals? Instead of blending into their new community, could it be that they come in with ah air of superiority and expect the people of NC to accommodate their way of thinking rather than assimilating? Could it just be that sneering at the locals, commenting on inbreeding, incest, hicks, and redneck southerners still living in the antebellum days of the Civil War just might turn the locals off? Nah, it couldn't possibly be the attitude of the outsiders moving in, it has to be the dumb, ignorant clanishness of the local hillbillies. My advice to those of you that hate NC so much . . . MOVE. I am sure you would be much happier if you went back where you came from, and the good people of NC would be too. North Carolina is a beautiful place, and it's people are very friendly--if you are. This is one Yankee who loves North Carolina, and would move there in a heartbeat if I could. So to the whiners, I say, go back where you came from. You are obviously so highly superior to the good people of North Carolina that you should not be exposed to the rejection and humiliation of living among a bunch of neanderthals. I'm sure the people of NC would not miss you, and would say good riddance.
Elizabeth | South Bend, IN | Report Abuse

To say that the million people of a town & 12 million of the whole state 'sucks' says more the speaker than those spoken of, I'd say. Raleigh is a city of a half-million and the majority of people under age 50 come from outside North Carolina and they bring with them their attitudes, often seen as one of conceited superiority by locals who wonder why they would move to Raleigh, if where they come from was so great. 15% come from outside the USA. Seems all too often people move not blend but with a feeling of where they come from is better and want to change Raleigh, rather than adapt. So, sure, the guy from Long Island clashes with the guy from the West Coast, so what settles in is there are places where Pittsburg Steeler fans meet, eat and watch games, etc. For example, Raleigh has Vincents Italian Deli which attracts NYC & Long Island by the droves. Vincent is from NYC. Raleigh is flush with money, clean government & corporate centers instead of heavy industry. Less than 3 hours west are the mountains and less than 3 hours driving east is the Atlantic Ocean. There's over a half-dozen colleges in Raleigh, plus Duke & UNC are less than 40 miles away. Wake County has several lakes to fish, boat and ski on, too many golf courses, and a state park whose trails are not side walk trails. No professional sports teams, save hockey with the Hurricanes, one of the better things brought south by immigrants from the north. But college athletics sport UNC, Duke, NCSU local rivalries. The climate has four distinct seasons, plenty of water, land covered in greenery, so there is a time for sweaters and for flip flops. There's about a week or two of cold weather with chance of snow, but 3 days of below freezing is rare, and there's a few weeks of 90°+ with a few days reaching a 100° -- enough to appreciate seasons, wear sweaters or shorts & t-shirts, but not enough to wear one down. Every ten years comes a hurricane to the coast and that's exciting more than scary. Raleigh doesn't have a crime problem, but it has a rich side and poor side. Roads are good, and everything seems less than 20 minutes away. Raleigh isn't utopia, but it's easy living and one can be happy here, if you've a mind to.
dj | Raleigh, NC | Report Abuse

NC, it's a pretty state. Overall I would say it is pretty good. For example I would rather live in North Carolina than North Dakota. North Carolina sometimes can be a little boring and filled with people who sometimes like to wear cheap jewelry and Hawaiian shirts on Fridays. Some of the men wear silly clothes that their wives buy for them at Belk. It kind of has an identity crisis on whether it is a northern state or southern state. Like it is home to NASCAR and also the Hurricanes hockey team. It definitely has a suburbanite culture because there is not much to do besides tailgate and barbecue or shop for things at the mall. Yes there is the beach, but it is not that nice because when you drive down the road by the beach, you don't see water, you just see condo's, so I would give that rating a D- compared to Florida or California. The people in this state are good people. They are easy to talk to for the most part, and mostly intelligent. The mountains of North Carolina are the best part of the state in my opinion, as the land is the most beautiful and the atmosphere the most relaxed. It is quite a drive from Raleigh but worth it to see that part the beautiful state. One thing about North Carolina is that it is important to adapt to it yourself, and not try to force the native people to adapt to your beliefs. For example, if you really want to enjoy living in this state then just suck it up and always wear a baseball hat, go to the Baptist or Methodist church, tell the women "yes ma'am," get a ford F-150 with a George Bush bumper-sticker on it, talk at half-speed, and let your wife do your clothes shopping for you. It really ain't that bad.
Ulysis | Raleigh, NC | Report Abuse

I don't recommend moving to anywhere in NC. If you absolutely have to, Wilmington is probably the best place to do so. I have lived in "Fayettenam" all my life, native, and have been to almost all areas surrounding. I have seen the degradation first hand. Stay away if possible. I work in a public office and can tell you first hand, Fayetteville has the worst crime rate per capita on the east coast and is worsening daily. Yes even worse than NY. NC, especially Fayetteville, has a gang problem but the worse thing is, they don’t want to admit it. I am trying to get out, but made the mistake of staying too long. Fayetteville is a black hole; and if you do your research you’ll see that’s not the only time you’ll hear it.
john | Fayetteville, NC | Report Abuse

Yes, yes and yes. Everything listed here is true. I worked for a hospital in the area (Asheville) and night after night, the ER had people coming in who had moved to the area, believing the hype, and then wanting to kill themselves after about 3 months. I moved here from another area, too. It is a beautiful area, but miserable. The people are insanely religious and bigoted. People love their confederate flags and "simple ways," emphasis on simple. Sure, there are enclaves of progressive thought, but I can tell you it mostly doesn't involve locals. I had only been here a few days and was out with my sister, getting gas at a service station, when two old men at the next pump started pointing and laughing at us, saying, "those must be some of those lizzbeins." Ignorant, old asses couldn't even pronounce lesbian. And even though I am married, everywhere I go, if I am with my sister, people automatically assume we are a couple. I never encountered this or the religious BS in other areas I have lived. It's bless this, bless that--all the time. Red state and ignorant. The local news doesn't just report, it usually involves some sort of shaming. And yes, if you don't know anybody or aren't related to anyone, good luck finding a job. Things have changed some in the time I have been here, Asheville is now full of people from other areas and the locals have been edged out of everything except the service sector. No one can afford the rent in Buncombe County anymore and gentrification is on the rise. And for all the people who comment, "Why dont you leave? NC would be happier without you?" Go f*** yourself. Like many people who move here, I have found that wages are low, it's really hard to get by, and it all kind of becomes a treadmill really fast. Unless you are a professional who can pick up and move and attain employment easily, then it's really easy to get stuck here.
SuperCat | Mars Hill, NC | Report Abuse

Elizabeth, thank you very much for your objective comment. It's quite sad to see all the people disenchanted with North Carolina, and I think many people misunderstand it when they come here. Even though I am a native, I live in Raleigh, a city where over half of the population were not born in North Carolina. I have met many lovely people from elsewhere - some of whom like it here and some of whom 'hate it' or just miss where they are from. To everyone that moved down here, first of all, welcome. Southern hospitality is alive and well, you just have to be open to the idea of assimilating to the culture a little bit. Would you be hostile to a southerner if they moved to the North or West and refused to assimilate to your culture? Though I don't think I would feel comfortable in a whole other culture, if I chose to live there, I think I would try to at least assimilate to the culture. I understand very much everyone's complaints about the 'ignorant hicks,' but I'd remind you that many of these 'ignorant' people are very, very poor, uneducated, and highly communally sufficient; community is very strong - that's where you might be feeling unwelcome. Of course, people are different here; isn't that what you'd expect? I'm sorry many of you have had poor encounters with us, but those are going to occur in every place you move to; you'll just notice it more if that place has a completely different culture from that of your home.
Michael | Raleigh, NC | Report Abuse

Tellitstr8 is spot on about Raleigh. I grew up in this "town." It is a disgrace today. People are rude, crude, self centered and boring. And let's be honest. What is there to do? Nothing. Restaurants, street lights, piles of cars on top of other cars, a little bit of "music" here and there... and the climate is terrible. Four seasons? Nope. Raleigh lost those years ago. If you want a generic life, move to Raleigh. Otherwise, there are many, many other places in the US that spin circles around this place.
Matthew | Raleigh, NC | Report Abuse

I guess I should not have read some of these responses because I am highly offended! I am a native of Raleigh NC and that is something that is rare in Raleigh now, natives. So anyone that has an issue with the people here can blame yourselves because most of the population here moved from somewhere else! And as far as the person who called it a fake city, who are you, the city police? Who made you decision maker of what is considered a city! I loved this "City" of Raleigh before we even had our "3" tall buildings to accommodate unappreciative people like you. I would never, ever go on a website and bash someone's city, state, or town, if I didn't like it, I would figure out a way to leave. So my advice to all you who moved here and hate it, regret it, or feel the need to bash it, leave, no one is keeping you here. Raleigh natives were perfectly happy with our city before so many stuck up people moved here. God Bless you!
LaTeeka | Raleigh, NC | Report Abuse

I agree! I have been here for 13 years and first thing is, if you are NOT from here forget it, the born in southerners here hate ANYONE but kin! They still live in the civil war here and will tell you we hate YANKEES! I have NEVER felt at home here and get this talking behind your back ALL the time. People seem fake, clueless dumb and very hard to make friends here, unless you are not hear I'm usually pretty good at making friends with these people but it never last. Spiritually its also messed up, everyone I talk to unless they have family and are grounded in some ways, feel like they are just passing through. The colleges here also sucks, unless you are also kin or have family that works at most of these schools you will NOT get a job or go far if you do. The storms here are also so bad at times, recently Greensboro hosted the X-Factor and it got stormed out! I really want to move but I have meet a wonderful girl and she has family here, but if we break up I'm out of here! Funny story, I worked as a Mechanical designer and my designs would NOT get made correctly because as I was told, "you are not from here Yankee!" So, I started dating a girl who was from here and they where fine with that! I have heard soooo many people who talk about how certain peps talk behind your back, where I'm from Michigan we tell it like it is, we don't act we like you then stab you in the back! SUCKS HERE IN NC
bill | Mebane, NC | Report Abuse
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