United States / Colorado / 19740 / Denver County / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Denver, Colorado

You can keep your cowtown!
Star Rating - 8/4/2007
I lived in Denver for several years. You people have this chip on your shoulder like the world revolves around you. You can keep your thunderstorms, hail storms, dust storms, cracked windshields, crumbling roads, 2 lane bypass that charges 2 dollars every 5 miles, stuck up rude snobs, mile high hicks, overpriced housing, incompetent and SLOW drivers, speed traps, rodeo's, wanna be gangsters, bums on every corner, cracked skin and lips, brown clouds, ugly women, John Denver, John Elway, good ol' boy mentality, 3.2 beer, graffitti, airport built in the prairie, congestion, can't time street lights, -20 degree wind chill, tornado warnings, sky high insurance, hit and runs on a daily basis, stupid little six flags filled with little cholo's, backwards radio stations, clunker cars, 90mph wind, dead nightlife (unless you include Lodo on Friday night with 10 dollar drinks and cutoff time at 1am), can't plow your streets after a simple winter storm, ...............................etc.

Chris | Littleton, CO
Agree 44   Disagree 24  Thanks for Voting!   Report Abuse
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5 Replies

Will do. =)
AM | Denver, CO | Report Abuse

I will! Now leave!
Hunter | Denver, CO | Report Abuse

Having lived here most of my life, I hate to say I agree to a great degree. There are good things here but there is a certain degree of smugness that can be overbearing. If Denver isn't a cow town some of its leaders certainly seem like they come from one. Blasphemy of blasphemies I do concede that John Elway, Peyton Manning, and The Broncos could vanish and I would shed no tears. Denver has improved tremendously but San Francisco, Chicago, and Seattle are real cities. Denver, with all of its good qualities, just isn't in the same league.
Mike | Littleton, CO | Report Abuse

Chris, I was seriously laughing at your headline because I agree with you! Denver is ONE BIG LAME COWTOWN! I've lived in L.A., Las Vegas, Chicago & Ft. Myers/Punta Gorda Florida (that stint was not MY choice). Denver is not a real city, is PAINFUL for single people, BORING cookie-cutter STUCK UP people, no one actually dresses up to go out. When you do, people stare at you like your naked. Denver wouldn't know style or sophistication if it smacked them in the face. Excuse me for liking to shave my legs and armpits! There is NO night life, staffing agencies are HORRID here! Randstad, Apple One, Volt - UNPROFESSIONAL and can suck it! Every last one of them! Screw you, Denver! I get the hell out of here in 17 days!
DoNot | Beverly Hills, CA | Report Abuse