2024 Compare Cities Cost of Living:
Ann Arbor, MI vs Lansing, MI

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Is it cheaper to live in Lansing or is it cheaper to live in Ann Arbor?
- Lansing is 20.8% less expensive than Ann Arbor.

Which city has more affordable housing, Lansing or Ann Arbor?
- Lansing housing costs are 70.0% less expensive than Ann Arbor housing costs.

Is Health Care more affordable in Ann Arbor or is Health Care more affordable in Lansing.
- Health related expenses are 8.7% more in Lansing.
 Ann Arbor, MILansing, MIUnited States
 Food & Groceries102.691.1100
 Median Home Cost$455,500$127,100$338,100
100 = National Average (Below 100 means cheaper than the US average. Above 100 means more expensive.)

In order to keep your same standard of living your salary can vary greatly - whether you buy or rent, require child care, or want to include taxes. This is why we are now offering a Premium Salary & Cost of Living Calculator.

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- Compare Cities cost of living across 9 different categories
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- Includes the cost of Child Care for toddlers or infants, at a day care center or home care
- Grocery prices, detailed for 29 staple items in six categories
- Difference in cost of Utilities, including electric, gas and fuel oil
- Health Care Premiums and hospital expenses for major surgeries
- Taxes, Fees and Expenses you should know about, such as local car insurance rates, automobile taxes and registration, commuting costs.
- and 100s of other items you should consider before you relocate

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Reviews for Ann Arbor    49 Reviews

Over 7 years ago

Highly educated city. traffic and parking is bad. university culture is nice, not sure about elsewhere. no good pizza! if you're looking for food, I recommend "a taste  More

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Uh, compared to my other favorite college towns this one lacks flavor. Safer and kinda pretty, but not the greenest place, it's fine. Good restaurants, music, art,  More

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Over 9 years ago

Ann Arbor bus service (AATA) is quite good. The Detroit Metro Airport is only a 20 min. drive away and is also quite good. The traffic in Ann Arbor is usually mild  More

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Reviews for Lansing    28 Reviews

I am in my fifth house in the greater Lansing area since relocating here in 1997 from the tri-city area (Midland/Bay City/Saginaw). Pros: people are friendlier here-  More

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I first moved to Lansing in the early 2000s for grad school @ MSU, went away and returned after several years. I must say, the area has improved VERY significantly  More

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This is a really nice place to live and people here are friendly there is a lot to do and a wide variety of different people and belief systems if you know where to look  More

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