2025 Compare Cities Overview:
Katy, TX vs Shreveport, LA

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Are people in Shreveport older or younger than people in Katy?
- The Median Age in Shreveport is 3.3 years younger than in Katy.

Are housing costs cheaper in Shreveport or Katy?
- Shreveport housing costs are 64.7% less expensive than Katy housing costs.

Which city has a longer commute, Shreveport or Katy?
- The average commute for residents of Shreveport is 11.2 minutes shorter than it is for residents of Katy.

Things to do in Katy?
Katy is located in Harris County Texas with an estimated population around 21,000 people as of 2020. The area offers plenty attractions for visitors like its nearby lakeside spots ideal for swimming & fishing or simply going shopping at one of its many malls giving citizens a chance to find unique items plus there are various trails designed specifically for biking & hiking allowing members yet another opportunity to take part in some genuine sightseeing experience while being able to attend larger scale events offered by nearby Houston

Things to do in Shreveport?
Shreveport, Louisiana is a city with a unique blend of Southern charm and cultural attractions. Located in the northwest corner of the state, it is home to a variety of restaurants, shops, entertainment venues, and outdoor activities. Visitors can explore the historical downtown district or take in some live music at one of the many venues. There are also plenty of family-friendly attractions such as museums, zoos, and amusement centers. With its rich history, beautiful scenery, and hospitable atmosphere, Shreveport will be sure to leave visitors with lasting memories!

 Katy, TXShreveport, LAUnited States
 Median Income$115,250$41,782$69,021
 Median Age39.736.438.4
 Avg. Home Price$435,500$153,800$338,100
 Unemployment Rate8.0%8.1%6.0%
 Avg. Commute Time30.3819.2226.38
Reviews for Katy    24 Reviews

Over 1 years ago

Katy is so nice. It is spread out in the typical Houston way, but I really enjoyed all of the Asian restaurants, shopping, and churches. Great place to raise a family.  More

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Over 4 years ago

Lived here my entire life, Great  More

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My kids has been it this school since it opened. It was great at first until they kept changing hands in principle. They had great plans but never get carried out. The  More

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Reviews for Shreveport    29 Reviews

The pace of its death is picking up. A place that should be moving forward is following the path of Rust belt cities that died. Downtown has potential, but the  More

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Over 5 years ago

I Love Driving By Shreveport, Buildings do look beautiful, it is truly a great city, my favorite thing is the people. What loses the last star is that I did not visit  More

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Over 6 years ago

Shreveport is dying a slow painful death. If you are thinking of relocating here; I would not advise it. Since moving back twenty years ago, I have watch the town  More

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