2025 Compare Cities Overview:
Loma Linda, CA vs Salinas, CA

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Are people in Salinas older or younger than people in Loma Linda?
- The Median Age in Salinas is 6.0 years younger than in Loma Linda.

Are housing costs cheaper in Salinas or Loma Linda?
- Salinas housing costs are 12.1% more expensive than Loma Linda housing costs.

Which city has a longer commute, Salinas or Loma Linda?
- The average commute for residents of Salinas is 1.3 minutes longer than it is for residents of Loma Linda.

Things to do in Loma Linda?
Loma Linda, CA is a small town situated 10 miles east of downtown San Bernardino in Southern California's Inland Empire region. The town has a population of nearly 25,000 residents, with a median age of 42 years old. Loma Linda is known for its large Adventist hospital system and its public university campus—Loma Linda University Medical Center—which attracts students from all over the world to pursue medical studies. Apart from healthcare services, Loma Linda also offers outdoor recreational activities such as mountain biking trails, ski resorts nearby, golf courses, shopping malls, and nature trails through running creeks or nearby forests.

Things to do in Salinas?
Salinas, California is a vibrant city located in the heart of Monterey County. Home to many outdoor attractions such as Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge and Toro Regional Park, visitors can explore nature at its finest when visiting Salinas. There are also plenty of cultural attractions including galleries and museums. For entertainment, visitors can explore boutique shops and restaurants along with movie theaters and live music clubs. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or an exciting night out, Salinas has something for everyone!

 Loma Linda, CASalinas, CAUnited States
 Median Income$63,272$75,747$69,021
 Median Age37.331.338.4
 Avg. Home Price$593,400$665,400$338,100
 Unemployment Rate7.8%14.3%6.0%
 Avg. Commute Time21.923.1926.38
Reviews for Loma Linda    5 Reviews

We have only lived here for 7 months, I am already counting down the days until we can move. The air quality is awful, which as listed here could not possibly be  More

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Over 11 years ago

Lived in Loma Linda for 5+ years. Have lived on East Coast, West Coast, 8 states and 2 countries, so this tiny town ain't my first relo rodeo. Overall, pretty anemic.  More

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Over 15 years ago

I've lived in Loma Linda for one year now - originally from Staten Island, NY. Came for one final year of education at LLU. While I am moving on - some comments about  More

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Reviews for Salinas    15 Reviews

Over 11 years ago

Sacred Heart School is a fine Catholic school in the heart of Salinas, Ca. Victoria Torcolini was principal of this PK-8 school from 2006-2009. Under her leadership, SHS  More

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Over 13 years ago

I Was born and raise in salinas. In 2006 my family moved to the central valley. I moved back to salinas in 2011. I moved back Because I got a better job in Carmel. I  More

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Salinas, California has some of the best weather in Central California. I love looking out at the mountain ranges that line the Salinas River Valley. It's a shame that  More

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