2024 Compare Cities People:
San Jose, CA vs San Francisco, CA

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- San Francisco is 0% more densely populated than San Jose.
- People are 19.9% less likely to be married in San Francisco.
- The Median Age is 1.2 years older in San Francisco.
 San Jose, CASan Francisco, CAUnited States
 Female Population49.1%48.8%50.5%
 Male Population50.9%51.2%49.5%
 Median Age37.538.738.4
 Population - 2010954,552805,519309,327,143
 Population - 2000894,943776,733285,036,114
 Population - 1990782,248723,959251,960,433
 Pop. 2000 to Now13.3%11.6%15.6%
 Pop. 1990 to Now29.6%19.7%30.8%
 Population Density5,721.718,478.093.4
 Land Area177.146.93,531,905.4
 Water Area3.1185.0264,836.8
 Est. Total Population By Age
 San Jose, CASan Francisco, CAUnited States
 Age 0 to 45.7%4.4%5.9%
 Age 5 to 95.9%3.5%6.1%
 Age 10 to 146.5%3.7%6.6%
 Age 15 to 173.8%2.0%3.9%
 Age 18 to 203.4%2.3%4.0%
 Age 21 to 245.2%4.5%5.2%
 Age 25 to 3415.6%22.6%13.8%
 Age 35 to 4414.8%16.1%12.9%
 Age 45 to 5413.9%13.2%12.6%
 Age 55 to 596.5%6.0%6.7%
 Age 60 to 645.5%5.7%6.3%
 Age 65 to 747.8%9.1%9.6%
 Age 75 to 843.7%4.3%4.5%
 Age 85 and over1.6%2.5%1.9%
 San Jose, CASan Francisco, CAUnited States
 Native American0.2%0.2%0.6%
 Hawaiian, Pacific Islander0.4%0.3%0.2%
 Two or More Races3.5%5.3%3.2%
 Marriage & Family
 San Jose, CASan Francisco, CAUnited States
 Married Population51.8%41.5%49.8%
     Currently Married50.3%40.1%48.0%
 Married but Separated1.5%1.4%1.8%
 Single Population48.2%58.5%50.2%
 Never Married36.2%46.0%33.8%
 Household Size3.082.342.60
 Family Households234,545170,46580,755,759
     Married couple, w/children37.3%28.8%30.5%
     Married couple, no children38.0%47.0%42.9%
 Non Family Households89,831190,75743,255,233
     Single householder, w/children12.1%10.0%15.8%
     Single householder, no children12.6%14.2%10.8%
Reviews for San Jose    90 Reviews

I've lived in west San Jose/Cambrian, between Los Gatos and Almaden SJ since 1997. This side of town somehow avoided the erosion of the American dream. Houses are  More

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I lived in San Jose for 40 years. That’s during the most exciting time when the Silicon Valley was booming with real technology and San Jose was ranked as the safest big  More

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Over 3 years ago

I've lived in San Jose, CA for 25 years. This city is being over run with crime and gangs. The cost of living is very high. Granted, you are so close to mountains,  More

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Reviews for San Francisco    149 Reviews

from a single guy's perspective. let's start this review from 2017. I moved here to be near to my sister who also relocated, and also to attend Cal State East Bay in  More

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I've lived in San Francisco for ten years. I thought I would write a balanced review for people looking to move here. My family is from places like Boise, Atlanta,  More

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I've lived in San Francisco for ten years. I thought I would write a balanced review for people looking to move here. My family is from places like Boise, Atlanta,  More

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