2025 Compare Cities Overview:
Sunbury, PA vs Waco, TX

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Are people in Waco older or younger than people in Sunbury?
- The Median Age in Waco is 10.7 years younger than in Sunbury.

Are housing costs cheaper in Waco or Sunbury?
- Waco housing costs are 50.9% more expensive than Sunbury housing costs.

Which city has a longer commute, Waco or Sunbury?
- The average commute for residents of Waco is 2.3 minutes shorter than it is for residents of Sunbury.

Things to do in Sunbury?
Sunbury is located in Northumberland County Pennsylvania with an estimated population around 9,800 people as of 2019. The area presents plenty opportunities for fun & relaxation be it taking advantage of its close proximity to nearby wineries perfect spot to relax & unwind or even a chance to attend one of its many live music concerts offering members another avenue when it comes exploring their creativity plus there are several restaurants ranging from casual cafes all the way up luxury diners offering something special every day.

Things to do in Waco?
Waco, Texas is a vibrant city located in Central Texas. Here locals and visitors alike can enjoy plenty of activities from visiting the historic Magnolia Market, participating in one of the many festivals throughout the year, or simply exploring the downtown area. With its excellent schools, thriving businesses and plenty of recreational opportunities it's no wonder why so many people choose to make Waco their home. There are also numerous dining options, shopping centers and entertainment venues available for those looking for some fun!

 Sunbury, PAWaco, TXUnited States
 Median Income$37,851$42,687$69,021
 Median Age39.829.138.4
 Avg. Home Price$138,400$208,800$338,100
 Unemployment Rate7.8%6.6%6.0%
 Avg. Commute Time19.9517.6926.38
Reviews for Sunbury    3 Reviews

Over 16 years ago

Dont get me wrong, I like Sunbury. However, lately crime seems to be a bit higher, and it is definitely an economically repressed area. A lot of the major factories  More

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Over 19 years ago

This town is the worst, aside from looking like a decent place if you are passing through there is nothing else. There is nothing to do for recreation, for kids or  More

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I have lived in this area since I was born 23 years ago. The economy is horrible, the unemployment is high, there isn't any job growth, businesses are closing left and  More

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Reviews for Waco    20 Reviews

Over 4 years ago

This town is a nightmare for all nearby towns or people passing through. Expect to add an hour to your trip if you're passing through. Traffic. Traffic traffic.  More

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Best city in Texas when you count traffic, housing cost, eateries, Baylor Bear sports, largest urban lake in Texas, Texas Rangers Hall of Fame, Texas Sports Hall of  More

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i was raised in waco tx and recently moved to country to get away from the drama and crime associated w living in waco.But it seems now the city of Waco has purchased  More

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