Alexandria, VA Schools


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John Adams Elementary is a Pre-Kindergarten-5th Grade Public School located in Alexandria, VA within the Alexandria City PBLC SCHS District. It has 947 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten-5th Grade with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1. John Adams Elementary spends $17,924 per student.
School Score is a 3 out of 10

5651 Rayburn Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22311
See Map of School
School District: Alexandria City PBLC SCHS District
Phone Number: (703) 824-6970

- 63 Teachers
- $17,359 for Education Expenditures
- $9,672 for Instruction Expenditures
- 656 Students Getting a Free or Reduced Lunch
- 543 Students Getting a Reduced Lunch
- 113 Students Getting a Free Lunch

About The Area
Location: City, Midsize
Median Household Income: $105,450

Reviews for Alexandria
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Old Town Alexandria is a charming port city, with lovely historic homes, fun restaurants and sweet shops. Its easy proximity to the hustle and bustle of DC offer  More

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Alexandria is different depending on what part of it you are in. There is a huge strata of rich and poor, with a few middle class neighborhoods in between. Old town is  More

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The mailing address in this area is Alexandria, or Engleside. Either way, it's SE Fairfax County between Fort Belvoir and Mount Vernon. The neighborhood has been here  More

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