Cincinnati, OH Reviews

113 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Cincinnati

Cincinnati, Ohio is a major city located in the southwestern region of the state. Known for its rich history, diverse culture, and booming economy, the city offers a variety of attractions and opportunities for its residents. However, like any city, there are both positive and negative aspects of living in Cincinnati. In order to get a well-rounded understanding of what it's like to live in this particular place, it is important to look at user reviews from a variety of perspectives.

User Reviews:

1) From user "JohnDoe", "I have lived in Cincinnati for over 10 years and I absolutely love it here. The people are friendly, the food scene is amazing, and there are always new events and festivals to attend. The cost of living is affordable and there are plenty of job opportunities. I can't imagine living anywhere else."

2) On the other hand, user "JaneSmith" shares a different experience, stating, "I moved to Cincinnati for work and have been disappointed with the lack of diversity and the high crime rates in certain areas. The cost of living is also higher than I expected. I'm looking to relocate soon."

3) Another user, "CincyNative", gives a local perspective, saying, "I was born and raised in Cincinnati and I have seen the city go through some major changes. While there are still some rough areas, overall the city is thriving and there is always something new to discover. The sports teams and riverfront area are definitely highlights."

4) Finally, user "TravelBug" shares a unique perspective, having recently moved to Cincinnati. They state, "I relocated to Cincinnati from a much larger city and I have been pleasantly surprised. The cost of living is significantly lower and there is still plenty to do. I've also noticed a strong sense of community here which has made the transition easier."

In summary, user reviews about living in Cincinnati vary, with some praising the city for its friendly people, affordable cost of living, and diverse culture, while others express concerns about crime rates and lack of diversity. However, most reviewers agree that the city offers a variety of opportunities and attractions for its residents. From a local's perspective to that of a recent transplant, it seems that Cincinnati has something to offer for everyone.

 based on 113 Reviews
Get to know Cincinnati with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Cincinnati

Cincinnati is a surprising Value! - 3/25/2024
A native buckeye, I currently split my time between Cincinnati and Charleston, SC. We were considering leaving Cincinnati, but after reviewing other cities, I think not. Cincy, it appears from this site, is one of the least expensive major cities in the U.S. Plus I love driving my sports car on all the curvy roads just across the Ohio River in Kentucky. Charleston, on the other hand, is extremely flat....very expensive and just getting more expensive all the time with the influx of New Yorkers.  Read More

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Columbus vs. Cinti.: - 7/16/2021
Lived in Cinti. and on UC faculty for over 40 years. The best move of my life is to have retired and left Cinti. for Tucson. In academics OSU far outranks UC and the city is as unimaginative a place as I've ever seen. Follows the "ten-year rule"; wait a decade until other cities have tried new ideas first then try them (and claim credit). The Bengals, for those who care, are perpetual losers that play in a stadium Hamilton County will never pay off. CSO is good but never great. Overall, Cinti. is and always has been mediocre. Columbus is dynamic and growing and OSU is one of the top-ranked public universities in the country (vs. mid-third-tier UC). Franklin County has not wasted tax-payer funds building stadiums for losing sports teams. Have a grown child in Columbus so I am familiar with the city. If I had to move back to OH I would choose Columbus and avoid Cinti. like the plague. The weather in both is about the same except Cinti. is subject to more Read More

Revitalized Downtown, Baseball, Parks and more. - 6/27/2020
What Bert has to say is a bit dated. The downtown area has made a great comeback over the past 10-15 years with Over the Rhine once being ranked America’s most dangerous neighborhood now leading that comeback. The areas is now a hotspot for 20-30 year old with great bars and breweries. You can go a bit south to the Riverfront where the banks has also become a destination and one of the best places to take in Major League Baseball. The issues he mentions about pornography are from the 70s and 80s and mainly caused by a Sheriff who has been out of office for years. Still more for the downtown area is planned with a Music Venue being built at the banks. Travel times are some of the lowest in the country. Visiting Local attractions such as Kings Island, the Beach, and some of the local lakes are places a new resident should check out. Other than not having a real beach Cincinnati has a ton of Attractions and is a great place to raise a family. Not to mention the cost of living is 15 Read More

Good place to raise a family. (In the suburbs) - 1/17/2020
I love Cincinnati. There are places I would rather live but this is home. Good people, good place to raise a family. Well, as long as you're raising them in the suburbs that is. Read More

Is Cincy bad? Nope! - 7/28/2019
Other than the weather, Cincy is a great place to live. I moved there from the south and, I admit, it took me a while to get accustomed to it. But I made lifelong no friends there, there was always something to do - for families and for singles. Concerts, the arts, great restaurants, sporting events, and more. In general, you find exactly what you look for most of the time and, based on some of the negative reviews, wow.....people are bringing some bad attitudes with them. Open your mind, accept that you aren’t in “your former favorite place to live” and stop with the bad vibes. Life is short and, if you hate it, why not return to the place you love instead of bringing your negativity, judgment, and hate to Cincy? Just sayin..... Read More

ok - 5/11/2019
I am from here. Some pros are a nice skyline, plenty of activities, cost of living, and beautiful old houses. It's opportunistic if you are in banking, insurance, and medical fields of expertise. Cons: The city seems to ignore problems such as deterioration and loss of middle class neighborhoods. I notice 'improvement' focuses on gentrifying, sports, and new luxury housing. Public transportation is terrible especially reaching to areas of employment outside the city center. It can be rather tribal and conservative as many people have been here their whole lives. There is a rather comical division between sides of town especially the west and east sides. I also think looking for new jobs can be cumbersome with opportunity arises more often if you know someone who works where you are applying. It is the not the worst place to live, but in my opinion lacks the vision of a city moving into the future. Outsiders might want to also check out a similar looking city such a Pittsburgh if Read More

KILL IT WITH FIRE!! - 2/7/2019
This city sucks. I've lived here my whole entire life and can't wait to get out of here. The weather is 50 one day and -10 the next, they have HORRIBLE drivers, There are fat germans with their shirts off, and the kids are all, for one; Ugly and mean. People like to set off fireworks 4 weeks before and after each and every holiday, and it lasts till 4 in the morning, there's always a really annoying dog that barks at the same exact time every night, and that happens to be the time when you go to sleep, the football team sucks, half of the people walking around downtown are criminals with felonies, the other half are skinny trumpie moms with their screaming children. This city is the definition of hell. Kroger's sucks, and the pizza tastes like cardboard with pizza sauce on it. The chili sucks, and skyline is straight up nasty. There's always a fire within one year of staying at an apartment building because someone probably tried to summon the devil, and the homeless people are Read More

Clannish’s cheap for a reason - 8/6/2018
I grew up here, left for the east coast for a decade, and returned. Now, I regret it every f@cking day!

While not quite in as bad of shape as many other cities in this region and it culturally has a number of offerings, what really makes it bad is it is ultra-conservative socially. Indeed, this town has a culture all its own. A lot of these people have lived here all their live, haven’t traveled outside, and have a very limited view of the world. Really, how many people do you know seek to move here. “Let’s move to Cincinnati” says NO ONE!

You've got racists here, but unlike other places here the racists win. It's very've got this Ohio vs Kentucky and Eastside vs Westside dynamic....there is absolutely no unity. Then, your neighborhood choices are either working class/redneck that are aggressive and pick fights or nouveau riche that think they are go out to one of their steakhouse bars after work they put on airs .  Read More

Cincinnati is very affordable...for a reason! - 4/6/2017
Cincinnati has one of the most affordable housing markets in the nation. This is good on some levels. (We bought a three bedroom, three bath house on half an acre with an in-ground swimming pool four years ago, in a very nice neighborhood, for less than $150,000.) The only thing wrong with this house is, it's in Cincinnati!

The air pollution and water pollution are horrible. Plus, the weather here sucks. The humidity is ridiculous. If you have any allergies, they'll become worse when you move here; if you don't have allergies, you're almost certain to develop them. And sunny days are about as rare as good hair days for Donald Trump.

The city should be divided into two cities: West Cincinnati and East Cincinnati. The two areas are COMPLETELY different. West Cincinnati is clannish; the people are generally less-educated and incredibly rude and unfriendly. East Cincinnati is generally more well-to-do, more diverse, more liberal, and MUCH more welcoming. When we Read More

Toxic water, air and male chauvinism - 3/3/2017

Cincinnati is not recommended at all. A city born from slaughterhouses and made toxic by DuPont and many other chemical companies who dumped their poison sludge into the Ohio River, the most toxic waterway in the USA. This town gave me Lymphoma when I was 11 years old, our ground water was toxic with dioxin and PFOA from DuPont Chemical and Fernald. Situated topographically in a deep valley, the toxic air gets stuck and will exacerbate allergies, asthma, cancer, lung problems, and the gloomy grey skies go all year round. I would rate sunny days as below 75 days per year. Grey most of the time thus depression is rampant. An old tired industrial city with absolutely no opportunities for women, most of the corporate world is male dominated. I was sexually harassed at three jobs. Women are stay-at-home mothers in Cincinnati and the divorce rate is very high for a small city. Kids are bored with nary a thing for them to do, summer is 100% humidity and unbearable without AC. Read More

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