Review of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder for Real
Star Rating - 11/7/2009
I am a long term Boulderian, from the `90's, now living on the W.Coast.

Taking a gander at most of the negatives here, reveals how shallow these observations are. Cell-Drivers SUCK most everywhere, not just Boulder. Pollution is bad, most everywhere, but only during Boulder's winter. Properties are very expensive, yes, but also in MANY other worthwhile areas in the US. Yes, Boulder is `Lily White', but its economic segregation, NOT racial. It also boasts the hippest, brightest, and most beautiful people East of Santa Barbara.
Deal with it...

The quality of life there is the highest in the US, not just the altitude !
As a former homeowner, I can tell you that anybody who gets fed up with it, should move elsewhere, and count the days before they beg to come back. Yes, Boulder is 50 sq. miles surrounded on all sides by `reality', which is mercifully kept at bay. If you desire reality, just move to Denver !

I long to return, but have decided to retire from Winter forever.
Jim | Corvallis, OR
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1 Replies

sorry, but the cell drivers and rubber neckers or otherwise challenged etc in the denver metro, including boulder, are some of the most confounding in the the country as far as i could see. driving habits vary from place to place - this is an idiosyncrasy of that place. there are various factors that seem to contribute. and the quality of life may actually not be the highest in the US unless you can afford it and don't mind a pretty homogenous and arguably relatively pretentious crowd. the traffic: a somewhat ironic twist on the growth limit policies - limit growth in a place in close proximity to ~3M people (growing at about 80-100,000 /year or so last i checked), with a very high cost of living, and that's what you can get...a required commute to work etc for many). pretty place and nice for *some* may be a fair appraisal.
kevin | Denver, CO | Report Abuse
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