United States / Colorado / 19740 / Denver County / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Denver, Colorado

Denver is not what you think. Very Overrated.
Star Rating - 5/25/2020
Denver is finished. It's now known as Little LA. From the smog to the 10k+++ homeless, we have our own skid row...blocks and blocks of tents and homeless downtown. The State Capitol is overrun with homeless as well as Civic Center Park.

They now have needle disposal sights all over downtown. 16th street mall is infested with homeless begging for change, harassing citizens, pissing and defecating in broad daylight, shooting up heroin, etc. It is out of control and the Mayor and the leaders doesn't care.

Ever since the mayor and his good ol' boys came to town, the developers have made a fortune building boxy matchstick apartments where the average rent starts at 1600 for a 1 bedroom.

The streets are now dirtier, the snow doesn't get plowed, drug addicts everywhere and the cops do nothing.

Crime is up, way up. It is completely overrated. I've been to Chicago, Philadelphia and their downtown's are cleaner and less crime infested than Denver's. That says something.....

The city is filled with lot's of potheads and tattoo lovers. Just no class.

The women here are a joke. Stuck up and act like they are 10 out of 10's when they really are 5-6 out of 10's. Problem is, way more men than women. Go to a bar, it's a sausage fest. Good luck if you are a single man.

The people are stiff and aloof. Just don't know how to have a good time like other cities. The nightlife and restaurant scene is a joke. For the few good food places you have, better be ready to pay up and wait an hour. Nightlife, if you call it that, ends around 1:00am where all the drunkards are pushed into the street's, mostly 20 something year olds, who act like frat boys without the education element.

The drivers are pathetic. Slow, day dreaming, constant accidents from incompetent drivers. Passing in the left lane? Forget it. Blinkers...merging? Never existed. The insurance rates have shot out of the roof the last couple years for a reason, it's horrible.

Want the mountains 2 hours away? There are now wait lists for trails and park. Then, the traffic is a jam going up and down the mountains and passes. Once you are there, you realize you are with half of Denver, watching the 20 somethings doing selfies to show off how cool they are. (A majority of transplants who jumped on the cool colorado bandwagon and moved to Denver.)

And all the events in the city like Taste of Colorado, Pride Fest, Cinco De Mayo? Better have a bunch of cash to blow for overpriced food and drinks. You will look at the people and crowd and realize that a lot of Denver still also has the trailor park trash mentality and attitudes or are around some wanna-be from California trying to fit in.

There is a housing shortage. Literally tens of thousands of houses need to be build to keep up. The ones that are build by some of these home builders are so shoddy and cheaply built, they already fall apart before they are finished. Heard the complaints from a lot of people I work with. A shack in the hood or barrio goes for 400-500k. There are waitlists and lotteries at the new home builder sites for people buying homes. (Mostly California and Texans bringing their arrogant attitudes with them.)

The majority of my friends have cashed out and left the Mile High. From the traffic, the cost of living, the attitudes, the brown clouds, the sprawl, the drug scene, the pretentious people, the no customer service attitudes in the service sector, the leadership running the show, the overrated weather (It's not 300 days of blue skies and sun unless you are referring to the days the sun rises.) It's called hail alley for a reason where the storms cause literally billions in damage. More than any other location in the country.

Denver is finished. It was cool 20 years ago. Just drive around and look at all the matchstick apartments they are building or all the infills destroying neighborhoods.
People are tired of the cost of living, the stress, the traffic, the drugs, the safety aspect, etc.

They did a good job of marketing the mile high as a true utopian dream like Hollywood but once you get here, you realize...this is it?

Christian | Denver, CO
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13 Replies

This is pretty spot on. There’s this mentality here that you have to be this most extreme/headiest person at whatever hobby/interest you have. Like the only reason why anyone does anything is to be able to go to that brewery you’ve never heard of and brag about their day. No one cares you climb. No one cares you fly fish. No one cares you ski/snowboard. No one cares about how much you just spent at REI. No one cares about who has the best sour beers. No one cares about how many shows you’ve been too or times you’ve been to red rocks. No one cares about you’re annoyingly in depth knowledge about weed strains. No one cares about how you’re all about human rights and loving everyone (then immediately turn around to do a line of blow and talk about how your one coworker sucks.) It’s amazing how insecure people really are here, too. In that, whenever you talk about traveling somewhere, they somehow always revert it back to them, melting on acid somewhere in the mountains. I like to have my fun, too. I’ve partied harder than most. But Jesus Christ you aren’t some awakened diety because you at a bunch of acid in the mountains or at a greensky show at red rocks. I fly fish, camp, snowboard, hike, enjoy good craft beer, enjoy concerts, as well. But goddamn do people try to use all of that as a tool to justify their existence over you. And yes, whoever the city planner(s) is/are should be taken out back and shot. I get in the 10+ years I’ve been here, there needed to be a facelift and increase in construction. But these new buildings and houses are beyond cookie cutter. There is zero attempt at any sort of charter defining a look. It’s seriously been architects given free reign over design and some idiot rubber stamping their approval. So. Much. Stucco. It’s all going to look like crap in a few years when it’s all falling apart. It’ll look great with the 15 other materials plastered all over the exterior. The colors look like someone went to PowerPoint and used the color templates from their premade slides. But hey, at least you got that on-site dog wash. I will say, with the massive influx of people, the city is in the middle of an identity crisis and experiencing serious growing pains. It wants to maintain a bit of its blue collar/western history but also wants to be woke-progressive capitol. It’s like people here jump on the newest social campaign as a way to elevate themselves amongst their friends rather than doing it because they genuinely believe in the issues. If they accepted that they are a glorified Midwest city, and not some mystical western paradise, I think the stupid mentalities here would go to the way side.
Tom | Lakewood, CO | Report Abuse

I lived in Denver for 10 years and moved to ATL over Christmas. Trust me, Denver is Disneyland in comparison. Atlanta has race riots, high crime(higher than LA and NYC), generational poverty, and hopelessness. I'm looking to move back ASAP. I had the same lamentations as you as far as old Denver being gone-- but honestly, Ill take Broomfield, Littleton, Arvada, Lafayette, Castle Rock any day over what I experienced here.
Jaclyn | Westminster, CO | Report Abuse

Wow! This was super helpful for me as I've been offered jobs there and a few other places. I think I'll pass on Denver
Danica | Omaha, NE | Report Abuse

The homeless aren’t a recent development. They’re just more obvious now. They used to live in an area that was actually called skid row now it’s called LoDo. If you want homeless people to be out of site & out of mind Denver is not a good match. It’s true Denver was better 20 or more years ago but so was the rest of the world. Check out Salt Lake City or Ogden maybe Boise they’re far more sterile & ultra conservative might be a better fit for you.
Eric | Aurora, CO | Report Abuse

Christian has been to Chicago & Philadelphia so he’s an expert on cities. Chicago’s downtown is scrubbed clean & heavily policed at the expense of the rest of the city. Sorry about your name.
Eric | Aurora, CO | Report Abuse

Although the conjecture is that Denver attracts Californians fleeing California, it attracts far more flatties - millennials from flat midwestern states, many from small towns, who have never seen mountains or lived in cities, who are mesmerized and have bought into the hype. Denver is an urban nightmare characterized by bums, stoners, traffic jams, riots, thin dirty air, bad government, inflated cost of living and poor-quality LEGOish East Berlin-style architecture. Many Denver natives have long since moved away, ceding the city to a rotation of midwestern transients. I contracted more food poisoning in Denver restaurants than any place I have lived. If you like skiing, the drive to any resort is another traffic jam. However, if U.S News and World is your bible, the is the greatest city in the country!
J | Tulsa, OK | Report Abuse

That's a really verbose way to out yourself as a vile fuck.
Morgan | Arvada, CO | Report Abuse

Yeah, dude, it's almost like a bunch of California yuppie tech bros and girlbosses moving here and trying to escape a real estate crisis of their own creation, buying houses in cash at well over projected values, totally fucking ruined the housing market and caused this cost of living explosion. I can't wait to get the fuck out of here.
Morgan | Arvada, CO | Report Abuse

Exactly! Denver is garbage
Nichole | Denver, CO | Report Abuse

I agree with you Christian. I remeber when you could distinguish The East Side from The North Side, etc. Now that they've dropped the elevated portion on 70, it's all blended together in a yuppie mess. Only a Native knows of what I speak. I remeber going to Castle Rock as a cheap shopping day trip to have lunch, do some shopping and hang out. Now it's a congested-over rated mess. I stay away from Downtown-that's an unfunny joke. Let's not get on Northfield or for the Natives...Stapleton. What a joke. I could literally go on and on but Chrisitan pretty much covered it all. I miss my Colorado from the 80's, 90's, and 2000-2005. After that, it's been a straight down-hill slide. Marketing can sell ice to a person in Antarctica. Heck they sold and continue to sell Mile High to so many people.
LeeAnne | Aurora, CO | Report Abuse

"DRRRRR" - Me like Mountains, Orange Man Bad, Hard Drugs OK, Hard Drinking Good, Subaru is a Must. The latest reviews prove that Denver is (culturally) fabricated by HICKS and about to hit the fan. Enjoy!
N597 | Austin, TX | Report Abuse

No actually Atlanta seems way awesome compared to Denver these days. Sorry, not sorry.
N597 | Austin, TX | Report Abuse

The man is right. I was in Denver between 2016-2017 for work and left as soon as I could to go where? (*GUESS*) Back to Southern California of all places. There was something about the people that lived in Denver that really rubbed me the wrong way. They're not chill, they're just likely judgemental looking for drugs or something.
N597 | Austin, TX | Report Abuse

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