Review of Fresno, California

Proverty-Stricken, Unpleasant Area
Star Rating - 5/6/2018
There's not a lot I can say for Fresno. It's in close proximity to Yosemite National Park, and not too far from the central coast. The winters are mild, and for the past few years, we haven't even had much fog, though it can be bad some years. There are lots of churches, bars, restaurants and gyms available. Sadly, that's about the extent of it. I'm not sure what the worst part of Fresno would be, but we ranked 2nd in a national study of the most impoverished cities in the U.S. You can see that everywhere except in the posh communities north of Herndon Avenue. Fresno doesn't fuss about beauty. I guess when 50% of the population is on Medicare, and with a poverty rate of over 28%, we really don't have the funds available to beautify the communities. There are a lot of low-life people lurking around, and even the typical Fresno resident is not what you'd call "friendly." People act as if they have a secret to hide. Perhaps many are here illegally and fear white citizens. Whatever their problem is, it doesn't make for cohesive communities. There's a lot of crime here, but our Chief of Police, Jerry Dyer, is a good law enforcement man. He does his best to root out the criminals, but the cops can only be so many places, and we are under-funded for hiring more officers. Housing prices are much lower in Fresno than in the more interesting parts of California, by they are high here for what you get. The quality of people in general is very low. Unless you're wealthy, don't expect a wide range of dating options if you're single. Drug-addiction is rampant. It seems like this city draws the worst of humanity. Our city government is corrupt, and dealing with the city if you need a permit for home or business is just about impossible. No one in government is held accountable. We have a couple of good councilmen, but most are raving leftists who would see our city become a haven for criminals and illegals. So far, we have maintained a Republican mayor, but he is a weak leader and easily swayed by the tantrums pulled by the lefties. City government makes the worst decisions and wastes money on lost causes. We're still about 50% conservative politically, but the left is gaining a lot of ground here. Add to all the rest regular temperatures of 105-degrees or more for about three months out of the year, and 95-105 temps for another three months, plus dirty air, drought conditions, typically high California taxes combined with lower-than-average wages, few aesthetics and a society that's becoming more immoral by the day, and I would recommend you run screaming from Fresno and California entirely. I will be leaving at retirement myself.
Rose | Fresno, CA
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2 Replies

I dislike Fresno a great deal but for very different reasons than this individual. I feel empathy for the impoverished but it is depressing. I only wish the liberals were in ascendance but I see no sign of it. If one is a University educated single female who believes in and understands Science, you may have the income to live in neighborhoods you couldn't afford in Palo Alto, but you will likely find neighbors like Rose. Fresno's more affluent seem strongly anti-academic, angry and pleased with the worst of Trump's policies. It is a red enclave within the greater Blue state. People need meaningful social connections and if you aren't already attached to one of the small groups of educated, science accepting and socially conscious minorities, you will likely feel isolated and discouraged by the ugliness of poverty and the 'haves'.
Laurie | Kingsburg, CA | Report Abuse

You know crime in Fresno is better than Sacramento, LA, SF, Oakland and a few other big cities in CA. The stats are out there to prove it. So if you think crime is high here, you have a better chance getting killed in those cities before in Fresno.
Redd | Fresno, CA | Report Abuse
- 8/13/2021
It's not the worst city, but its flaws are bad
I'm not gonna say this city is terrible, but it certainly has many issues that need to be ...
Derek | Fresno, CA | No Replies

- 1/25/2021
Just Leave this Trash Heap of a City!
I've lived in Fresno my entire life and when I became an adult, I began to realize how muc...
Derek | Fresno, CA | 1 Reply

- 1/21/2021
If you move here or are planning to, this isn't it
Lived here since 2002. I may be flamed for this, but.. total dump and I would rate 0 stars...
Hannah | Fresno, CA | 1 Reply

- 5/1/2020
Why would anyone move to Fresno Ca.
Fresno is worse than some 3rd world countries. If you like bad roads, poor police respons...
Jim | Vancouver, WA | 1 Reply

- 4/2/2019
Best value for big city in CA
I've lived here for 10 years and seen it change for the better. 10 years ago it was known ...
Redd | Fresno, CA | 1 Reply

- 3/12/2019
The Uncivilized Wasteland of Dusty Oklahoma People
I lived here between End of 2008 to the middle of 2015. I got two degrees from Fresno Stat...
Sandip | Fresno, CA | 10 Replies

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