Review of Newaygo, Michigan

A place to visit
Star Rating - 11/30/2008
Newaygo is a good place for recreation and summer fun; river trips, lake adventures, fourth of July with festivities on many of the lakes and beaches, camping, and more. This is a place to leave as soon as fall passes. I would not recommend living here. It is small town life but with an edge of constant welfare bordering White Cloud and Fremont and other small towns that struggle to keep up with the rest of the world economically and academically - drugs and alcoholism quite common. People who do not have strong family ties here generally get out as soon as they can.
~V | Edgewood, NM
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1 Replies

Obviously you haven't spent enough time here to understand its beauty. You are the people we don't want here during the winter months OR the summer. Keep your degrading ass elsewhere and us west-siders will be better off. Ass hat.
Andrew | Newaygo, MI | Report Abuse
- 12/2/2008
high taxable value and too high taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My son and daughter in law live in Newaygo , Grant township. They bought the house 4 years...
Marianne | Cedar Springs, MI | No Replies