Review of Port St. Lucie, Florida

Star Rating - 8/22/2018
There is no quality of life in Port St. Lucie. It is so overcrowded in this town it is busting at the seams. The traffic is horrendous and it takes forever to get anywhere. It is so stressful driving anywhere in this town because there are way too many cars filling up the roads and not enough room.

I know every city has auto accidents and reckless driver but this town has a MAJOR issue with speeders and reckless drivers. Too many people have been killed in this town in auto accidents as a result of drivers who think they're driving down the Autobahn. People LOVE to drive highway speeds not only around town but also down residential streets, so watch out for that and don't expect to see a lot of police activity. Who knows what they do all day because I rarely see anyone pulled over.

This town is not meant for the massive influx of people and that is why there are so many accidents on the roadways. Or maybe it's all of the shrubbery and palm trees obstructing proper vision at various intersections around town. They keep trying to expand and build new roadways but it really doesn't do much good.

All this town consists of are restaurants, banks, grocery stores, gas stations, and houses. Because of this, most jobs in this town are low paying and most people need to travel down south to go to work. There is no scenery here anymore because they are tearing down every piece of land and squeezing in houses and buildings everywhere.

The cost of housing is incredibly expensive for what this town actually is. There is no way to afford living here anymore unless you earn a high income or have a high combined income. If you have a family with children and you want at least a three bedroom house and a decent backyard, expect to pay almost $2,000 a month in just rent.

The cost of housing is so overpriced here but if you like having a food restaurant, gas station on every corner and plenty of retail stores to shop in, then it's money well spent. There is just no reason for housing to be as expensive as it is in this town. Like I've said, all this town has to offer is food and retail. If you like city living, there are true cities out there that do have a lot to offer and are worth the money spent in housing, but Port St. Lucie is not one of them, in my opinion. I have been here for many years and I am stunned at what time town has become.

As far as crime goes, Port St. Lucie has its fair share. It seems that almost everyday I turn on the news there's another robbery or invasion. We DO NOT need anymore fast food restaurants, banks, gas stations, or grocery stores. We have ENOUGH. There is everything you need on every corner. Just when you think there's no way they can build yet another food store, gas station or bank, they find another lot to squeeze one in, surprising everyone.

They are trying to make this town something that it is not by taking what once was a nice, affordable place to live and turning into an upscale, high cost town. It's so easy for people to just say "if you don't like it here, why not move?" Well, most people can't afford to just pick up and leave especially with children. Out of all the places to live in Florida, I really cannot understand why so many people are moving here. What is it about this town that people desire? There are not many opportunities here for young families to grow. The school system is not great here.

Maybe if you're looking to retire this is a nice place for you. Or, if you just have so much money that you don't know or care what to do with it and you have all day to leisure around and don't need to work, and it seems that most people in this town do not, then by all means enjoy Port St. Lucie.
Crystal | Port St. Lucie, FL
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5 Replies

You got it right Crystal. I agree, too much building (the city is money hungry) and not enough to do or jobs. Unless you work for the town.
Pete | Port Saint Lucie, FL | Report Abuse

Hello. You sound like you've had a bad day and you're purposely attempting to deter prospective residents from moving to Port St. Lucie (PSL). As you're aware, the City continues to improve dramatically each year. My job takes me throughout the State of Florida and throughout many other parts of the Country. Compared to other cities, PSL is AMAZING when it comes to beauty, the kindness of people, being a melting pot of all different ethnicities and things to do. You mention that costs are high to live in PSL. However, compared to most of Southeast FL and other parts of the Country, PSL is quite reasonable. The weather is beautiful, all the newly created parks/ponds, plantings and newly constructed homes are aesthetically pleasing. In fact, the cost of homes have increased due to them being well constructed under the new building code so people are safe during significant hurricane force winds. Did you just see what recently happened to the homes in the Bahamas due to Hurricane Dorian? The old PSL homes were made of wood, many have deteriorated due to rot and/or termites, they're dark, not well insulated and extremely dangerous during hurricanes. Furthermore, the new homes will ensure safety and the increased tax revenue will assist with improving the school system you criticized. I agree with you that there's a lot of traffic. But, it's nothing compared to many of the other major cities in FL and throughout the Country. According to the news/news papers, many of the accidents and erratic driving is due to the teenagers living in PSL. In fact, many of the robberies that you referred to are due to a large number of the teenagers/young PSL adults, too. As we all know, that undesirable behavior is not due to the retirees (those with money and those who are improving the City of PSL). As you mentioned, the crime within PSL revolves around robberies. Most other major cities have significant numbers of murders. Do you know that PSL has been identified as one of the safest cities in FL? Although you've poorly described PSL, I truly believe you don't want to leave and that you'd like to deter people from moving to PSL. PSL is a beautiful place that continues to add more and more entertainment, diverse dining, lots of outdoor activities (e.g., boating, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, walking, bird watching, golf, swimming, gardens, etc). Try to embrace the changes to PSL and realize that the increase in population is because so many people see the wonderful aspects PSL has to offer. I am from Vermont. If you don't want change, Vermont is a great place to live. Lot's of woods, very little building/construction taking place in most of Vermont, the school systems are very good, etc. In fact, other than a few modern conveniences like the internet, much of Vermont hasn't changed since the 1800s. The cost of living in Vermont is approximately 1/3 of what it is in PSL. I wish you the best of luck.
Geo | Port St. Lucie, FL | Report Abuse

I agree with you Crystal. Unfortunately I have lived here a long time this town has never had anything for kids to do after school or the weekend. The city wastes money on trying to bring big companies here that go under then the building sits vacant only for the city to give to a church which doesn’t pay taxes, but your taxes go up. Spent all that money on the civic center that was supposed to be the downtown. Yes hat place was in foreclosure so they finally sold it. Still don’t get what about that place makes it downtown. The eating place in there is ridiculously priced. Don’t try to rent when rents are outrageous. If you’re a single parent good luck finding an affordable place. Most landlords want proof you make 3 times your rent good luck when rents are 1400.00 a month or more, then you still need money for a water deposit electric deposit, oh wait did you want money left for you and your kid to eat? The school system here is the worst. If you can stay away from here do it.
Vivian | Port St. Lucie, FL | Report Abuse

So true. This is an absolutely horrible place to live if you are intelligent, educated and like culture, decent shopping, and restaurants.
Allan | Madison, TN | Report Abuse
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