Review of San Francisco, California

A once beautiful city now ruined
Star Rating - 1/27/2020
A legendary city that has deliberately ruined itself. Over the past fifteen years it has become overrun by homeless and the associated rats and human waste in the streets. The billionaire tech titans walk around them to get into their offices. The cost of housing is the highest in the country, but that doesn't mean people need to live in the streets. They live in the streets because the local politicians actually encourage it! The city provides free needles to use illegal drugs, does not provide mental health services for those who need them, and allows the shiftless and the lazy to deem themselves "street people" and simply live on the sidewalks. Police are instructed not to worry about things like auto break-ins or burglaries because those are "quality of life issues" and only affect people who have jobs, so don't matter. The politicians do everything they can to encourage homelessness and drive out the people who pay taxes and are now unable to use parks or feel safe on public transit. It is truly a shame.
greg | Dearborn Heights, MI
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1 Replies

"Dearborn Heights, Michigan" tells us all we need to know
Christopher | Shoreline, WA | Report Abuse
- 10/5/2021
believe the bad things you hear about this place
from a single guy's perspective. let's start this review from 2017. I moved here to be nea...
Mark | San Diego, CA | 2 Replies

- 4/28/2021
A Balanced Review After 10 Years
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Ross | San Francisco, CA | 5 Replies

- 4/16/2021
Balanced Review from 10 Year Resident
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Ross | San Francisco, CA | 1 Reply

- 7/12/2020
I was born and raised in San Francisco and have nothing but fond memories from my childhoo...
Cyprian | Pacifica, CA | 2 Replies

- 5/27/2020
Amazing City
There are no words for how amazing San Francisco is. It is a beautiful city indeed. The on...
Riley | Molalla, OR | 1 Reply

- 5/19/2020
Oh, how far the city has fallen.
It's shocking to see how this city has become a rotten, stinking, ruined shell of what it ...
steve | Albuquerque, NM | 1 Reply

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