Review of Denver, Colorado

Overrated and getting worse every year.
Star Rating - 6/21/2022
I've lived in the city since I was born (1998) and I just was ready to get out. I'm a Denver native and I am ashamed of my city. I moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania because of extremely expensive housing, recent wildfires, high property crime, and dirty air. I used to love Denver, and all the things about it, but now I feel that the Mile High City isn't even good anymore. Sure, it's better than a lot of other cities, but it's starting to get better than only a few instead of a lot. The mountains, although very beautiful, are overrated and full of money-hungry ski resorts. I was ready to say goodbye to Denver when 2020 hit. 2020 ruined Denver and a lot of other cities in the US. All the homeless camps in the city, expensive housing, decaying infrastructure in parts of Central West Denver (Pittsburgh has a much worse problem with that, but at least Pittsburgh is safe and clean), boarded up windows in many places throughout the city, and overall Denver is very overhyped. Denver sells themselves as an amazing liberal mountain oasis with happy people and low crime, but in reality, Denver is an overrated city that is okay at most, it takes an hour to get to some areas IN the city because of the outrageous traffic. Personally, I think you should move to Fort Collins or Golden if you can afford it. Ultimately, I'll always love Denver and Colorado, as it is my home, but I just feel that real Denver is gone now. It used to be a happy city full of great people and had low crime and amazing neighborhoods, now Denver is just like Seattle, LA, Portland, and Phoenix. All dirty, ruined, overrated cities in the West. I love you, Denver, but I couldn't stand it there anymore. I have no plans to ever move back to Denver.
Sanford | Carnegie, PA
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4 Replies

Thank you! I found this very helpful. I hope that things are going weel for you in your new home. :)
Cynthia | Frisco, TX | Report Abuse

I've lived in Denver for 30+ years and love it. Today is a gorgeous 83 degrees in July. Birds are chirping. No big fires this year...yet. My kids are your age and love it here too. But I wish you well and hope you're happy in Pittsburgh.
Steve | Denver, CO | Report Abuse

I was born and raised and only left for my 4 years of military service. Now 48, I an done. It was very good to me most of my life and no fault of its own, has lost much of its charm. HORRIBLE air quality, smog and just bad smelling foggish air, in fact and little known that it is the worst air in the western hemisphere. Prices got way too high. Due to the disability of covid and or other items I already had, I am losing my job. We cannot afford Denver on a one income salary so away we must move. There is not much to miss anymore. We don't have much disposable income anymore so we don't ski anymore for that reason and it takes 7-9 hours to get home from the slopes. There is not alot on the food front anymore, the resturaunt scene is not great. There are however some beautiful little mountain towns still if you really want the real Colorado experience, but Denver is totally over rated, just another flat land city where you can occasionally see the mountains way off in the distance IF the air quality is clear enough. It will always be my home town as my family is indigenous to Colorado and New Mexico for generations and generations, so it's literally in my blood. But no, thanks, not anymore. My bank account can't afford it, my lungs can't afford it so farewell hometown.
Veronica | Commerce City, CO | Report Abuse

I was born and raised and only left for my 4 years of military service. Now 48, I am done. It was very good to me most of my life and no fault of its own, has lost much of its charm. HORRIBLE air quality, smog and just bad smelling foggish air, in fact and little known that it is the worst air quality in the western hemisphere. Prices got way too high. Due to the disability of covid and or other items I already had, I am losing my job. We cannot afford Denver on a one income salary so away we must move. There is not much to miss anymore. We don't have much disposable income anymore so we don't ski anymore for that reason and it takes 7-9 hours to get home from the slopes. There is not alot on the food front anymore, the resturaunt scene is not great. There are however some beautiful little mountain towns still if you really want the real Colorado experience, but Denver is totally over rated, just another flat land city where you can occasionally see the mountains way off in the distance IF the air is clear enough. It will always be my home town as my family is indigenous to Colorado and New Mexico for generations and generations, so it's literally in my blood. But no, thanks, not anymore. My bank account can't afford it, my lungs can't afford it so farewell hometown.
Veronica | Commerce City, CO | Report Abuse
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Overpriced and extremely overrated.
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Beran | Lakewood, CO | No Replies

- 6/21/2022
Overpriced and overrated, for now at least
I've lived in Colorado for about 12 years now and Denver for one and a half. This review ...
Jason | Denver, CO | 3 Replies

- 3/13/2022
Overrated, mediocre, dry (not just climate)
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Mike | Cherry Creek, CO | 1 Reply

- 12/15/2021
It’s alright
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Andrew | Denver, CO | No Replies

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