Denver, CO Reviews

470 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Denver

Denver, Colorado is a rapidly growing city known for its beautiful scenery, outdoor activities, and booming job market. It has also been attracting a lot of attention from people looking to relocate, leading to a plethora of user reviews about living in this particular place on These reviews offer valuable insights into what it's like to call Denver home, covering topics such as the cost of living, weather, and overall quality of life.

Excerpts from user reviews on

1. "Denver is an amazing place to live. The job opportunities are endless and the mountains are just a short drive away. However, the cost of living has been increasing rapidly, making it difficult for some to afford to live here." - John D.

2. "I moved to Denver from the East Coast and couldn't be happier. The people here are friendly and welcoming, and the weather is great. Plus, there are so many outdoor activities to enjoy, from skiing to hiking. It's definitely worth the move." - Emily T.

3. "I've lived in Denver my whole life and have seen it change drastically. While the job market is great, the traffic and cost of living have become major issues. It's becoming harder to justify living here with the constant increase in expenses." - Mark L.

4. "I recently moved to Denver and have been pleasantly surprised. The city has a great energy and there's always something going on. Plus, the access to nature is unbeatable. It's definitely a great place to call home." - Sarah K.

 based on 470 Reviews
Get to know Denver with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Denver

Denver: It’s Not for Everyone! - 10/22/2022
During my 25 years in Denver, I’ve witnessed trends found in other metro areas: homeless camps, panhandlers, worsening traffic, increased crime and rapidly appreciating home prices. Four stars, though it’s important to remember those conditions are increasingly true throughout the US.
Nonetheless, I still love Denver. The weather is beautiful, outdoor activities abound. The state offers a lot of digital services for its citizens.
If you work in Information Technology, the job market here is robust and competitive; ditto for health care and for financial services. With the cost of living here, it’s important to recognize that it will be tough to make ends meet without a solid education, demonstrable experience and a positive or ‘get ‘er done’ attitude. Read More

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Overpriced and extremely overrated. - 10/10/2022
I've lived in the Denver area for about eight years now. Moved here for college planning to get out as soon as I was done with college, and predictably got stuck here.

It's not a horrible place to live, but you certainly don't get what you pay for. The cost of living is approaching coastal living, but you feel much more like you're living somewhere in the suburbs of the Midwest. If money is no object and you don't mind/like the cold, it's a fine place to live. But if you're in the working class, finances will always be a struggle, you will never be able to get ahead, and you aren't even going to be able to enjoy the quality of life that Denver DOES offer.

The best feature of Denver is the access to the mountains, hands down. The nature that Colorado has to offer is downright incredible, and even from downtown you will be able to get to absolutely stunning vistas in an hour's drive. However, with the busyness of adult life, it's a struggle to ever get out to Read More

Overrated and getting worse every year. - 6/21/2022
I've lived in the city since I was born (1998) and I just was ready to get out. I'm a Denver native and I am ashamed of my city. I moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania because of extremely expensive housing, recent wildfires, high property crime, and dirty air. I used to love Denver, and all the things about it, but now I feel that the Mile High City isn't even good anymore. Sure, it's better than a lot of other cities, but it's starting to get better than only a few instead of a lot. The mountains, although very beautiful, are overrated and full of money-hungry ski resorts. I was ready to say goodbye to Denver when 2020 hit. 2020 ruined Denver and a lot of other cities in the US. All the homeless camps in the city, expensive housing, decaying infrastructure in parts of Central West Denver (Pittsburgh has a much worse problem with that, but at least Pittsburgh is safe and clean), boarded up windows in many places throughout the city, and overall Denver is very overhyped. Denver sells Read More

Overpriced and overrated, for now at least - 6/21/2022
I've lived in Colorado for about 12 years now and Denver for one and a half. This review will focus on the reasons you should NOT move to Denver.
-Close to mountains (geographically)
-Climate is okay
-Humidity is low, good for allergies
-Far from mountains (time/drive-wise)
-Traffic and roads suck
-Drivers are bad and aggressive, especially around bikes
-Pollution and wildfire smoke are high, bad for allergies

People think they'll move here to be close to outdoor recreation, but between the increasingly hot and polluted summers, worsening traffic, and crowds, getting to those recreation areas and then enjoying them are becoming more and more difficult. A 3+ hour drive from Denver to Breckenridge (the closest big ski area) is common on the weekends during ski season, and that's in good weather. Bicycling infrastructure in and around the city is not great but it is getting better. Public transportation is Read More

Overrated, mediocre, dry (not just climate) - 3/13/2022
Obviously, there are exceptions, and this is just my subjective personal feel of the city.

Climate: dry, semi desert environment, almost year-round drought. The entire Metro Area looks brownish to yellow, barren, lackluster for 6-8 months out of year. Spring is nice, but then by August everything is burnt and dry. Whatever tiny Zeroscape backyards people have here look dead most of the time. Year-round dust, boogers and nose bleeds are a norm. You can’t take a humidifier with you outside.

Contrary to the popular belief, Denver is not very outdoorsy, meaning you won’t spend the majority of time outside walking, gardening, sitting on porch with drink. There are no beautiful outdoor patios or beer gardens.

Food: since not much grows in CO, most produce and everything else needs to be transported here. As a result, food is overpriced and not fresh. There are good restaurants to fill your belly, but it’s almost impossible to find great yummy places. Read More

It’s alright - 12/15/2021
Been in Colorado for 4 years, Denver 1. My biggest hesitation for moving here was the dry, sunny, high desert climate. I shrugged it off and tried to downplay it, but it really has become one of my least favorite things about the front range.

I live east of 1-25 so getting to a forested trailhead is a pain in the ass. Hiking here in general is a pain. I started going later in the afternoon to avoid crowds. I feel like there should be more trailheads in the foothills than there are. Probably because so much of it is private residential land. Being into the outdoors requires too much driving. I really miss being 15 minutes from a forested trailhead like I had in the Midwest and South.

It’s easy to find decent food, extremely tough to find great food. My wife and I never trust the reviews here - a lot of stuff that gets hyped up just isn’t that good.

It’s fun at times, the wild weather can keep things interesting, but I don’t think it will ever Read More

Decent under 40 playground if you can afford it - 11/10/2021
I find it both disturbing and humorous that any city small or large listed here that has a reasonable number of reviews, say 20+, everyone is complaining of the same thing. “Outsiders” moving in, traffic, crime, homeless, drugs, skyrocketing costs. Let’s face it folks, America is filling up. And places like CA are emptying, with millions more people that will likely relocate. You are not going to escape that anywhere, unless you buy acreage in a remote locale.

As for Denver, I’ll offer my honest review, take it or leave it, hate it or not. I moved here when I was 20, just before Denver began to take off mid-90’s. Back then it was the hidden gem, albeit a bit of a cow town, that boomers and older X’ers like me now reminisce about. Downtown was dead after 5pm. For fun you either partied or climbed/skied mountains. The economy was boom or bust. But you could drive to places like Castle Rock or Loveland/FoCo and see lots of open land. We had an airport and a football team. Read More

Denver has so much to offer! - 8/9/2021
I've lived in Denver for 30 years and can't imagine calling any other place home. Yeah, the traffic stinks. You'll hate your life driving on I-25 during rush hour or coming back from the mountains on I-70 on Sundays but, it's worth it! Denver has so much to offer! I've never run out of fun and exciting things to do here. If you want to live in a big city but, love the outdoors, there's no better place. I will warn, however, that the cost of living is pretty high. So be prepared for that. Read More

Hometown Denver girl disgusted - 7/29/2021
I was born in Denver. I live only 2.1 miles away from where I was born 50 years ago. I have always loved Denver Read More

Beautiful Denver has been ruined by liberals. - 7/18/2021
Moved to Denver for retirement in 2016. Can't take it any longer, so moving out next month. City management is atrocious. The liberals have made it a haven for homeless & drugs, then they complain. If you love America, you won't like Denver. I would not own property Read More

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