2025 Compare Cities Overview:
Forest, VA vs Lynchburg, VA

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Are people in Lynchburg older or younger than people in Forest?
- The Median Age in Lynchburg is 16.5 years younger than in Forest.

Are housing costs cheaper in Lynchburg or Forest?
- Lynchburg housing costs are 39.9% less expensive than Forest housing costs.

Which city has a longer commute, Lynchburg or Forest?
- The average commute for residents of Lynchburg is 0.1 minutes longer than it is for residents of Forest.

Things to do in Forest?
Forest, VA is located in Central Virginia and is known for its vibrant outdoors. With miles of trails, parks and forests to explore, Forest has something special for everyone who loves nature. The town also has a rich cultural identity that can be experienced through its various galleries, museums and performing arts venues. There's even a nearby winery and brewery where visitors can sample locally-made products. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or an adventure in the outdoors, Forest is sure to provide the perfect atmosphere!

Things to do in Lynchburg?
Lynchburg, Virginia stands out for its unique mix between natural beauty and its restaurants along Riverfront Park.

 Forest, VALynchburg, VAUnited States
 Median Income$80,000$54,015$69,021
 Median Age45.128.638.4
 Avg. Home Price$369,200$221,800$338,100
 Unemployment Rate4.7%6.7%6.0%
 Avg. Commute Time17.2817.3926.38
Reviews for Forest    1 Reviews

I moved to Forest a little over a year ago. I have to say that the peace and quiet agrees with me. I love the beautiful scenic view, the lack of crowds, and the  More

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Reviews for Lynchburg    30 Reviews

Over 4 years ago

Lynchburg, VA, absolutely SUCKS. I'm a native Lynchburger. I moved away when I was 5 & came back when I was 13. These people can't drive to save their lives. They don't  More

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Over 5 years ago

There is much that I like about Lynchburg. The scenery is pretty, lots of historic architecture, well mannered Southerners. But, it is dominated by Jerry Falwell's  More

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I have lived in Lynchburg for twenty years and I am very happy  More

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