2024 Compare Cities Education:
Katy, TX vs Houston, TX

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- Houston spends 0.0% less per student than Katy.
- The Student Teacher Ratio is 0.0% lower in Houston than in Katy. (lower means fewer students in each classroom).
- Houston had 16.1% fewer residents who had graduated High School compared to Katy
 Katy, TXHouston, TXUnited States
 Expend. per Student$12,825$12,825$15,905
 Educ. Expend. per Student$10,139$10,139$13,142
 Instr. Expend. per Student$5,942$5,942$7,999
 Pupil/Teacher Ratio15.8215.8216.23
 Students per Librarian147014704573
 Students per Counselor473473530
 Grade School Educ.2.6%12.3%4.8%
 Some High School Educ.2.6%8.2%6.3%
 High School Educ.94.8%79.5%88.9%
 Some College Educ.19.8%17.2%20.0%
 2 yr College Grad.9.2%6.0%8.7%
 4 yr College Grad.46.7%34.7%33.7%
 Masters Grad.16.6%9.1%9.3%
 Professional Degree2.8%3.0%2.2%
 Doctorate Degree0.8%1.8%1.5%
Reviews for Katy    24 Reviews

Katy is so nice. It is spread out in the typical Houston way, but I really enjoyed all of the Asian restaurants, shopping, and churches. Great place to raise a family.  More

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Over 3 years ago

Lived here my entire life, Great  More

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My kids has been it this school since it opened. It was great at first until they kept changing hands in principle. They had great plans but never get carried out. The  More

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Reviews for Houston    371 Reviews

Over 2 years ago

I moved to Houston from the San Francisco Bay area in 1991 after college but I have always had family here. Houston is not what you think of when you think of Texas  More

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Over 2 years ago

There's definitely lots of jobs/economic opportunity. It's quite racially diverse if that's your thing. Houston has awful urban sprawl. Expect awful traffic. Hot as hell  More

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Over 2 years ago

There's definitely lots of jobs/economic opportunity. It's quite racially diverse if that's your thing. Houston has awful urban sprawl. Expect awful traffic. Hot as hell  More

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