2025 Compare Cities Economy:
Lynchburg, VA vs Forest, VA

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- Household income in Forest, is 48% more than it is in Lynchburg and is 14% above the National Average.
- Lynchburg unemployment rate is 6.7%.
- Forest unemployment rate is 4.7%.
 Lynchburg, VAForest, VAUnited States
 Unemployment Rate6.7%4.7%6.0%
 Recent Job Growth2.1%2.3%1.6%
 Future Job Growth30.7%31.1%33.5%
 Sales Taxes5.3%5.3%6.2%
 Income Taxes5.8%5.8%4.6%
 Income per Cap.$26,513$43,989$37,638
 Household Income$54,015$80,000$69,021
 Family Median Income$68,079$84,831$85,028
 Est. Households By Income
 Lynchburg, VAForest, VAUnited States
 Income Less Than 15K12.1%5.3%9.4%
 Income between 15K and 20K3.9%3.4%3.8%
 Income between 20K and 30K9.9%5.1%8.1%
 Income between 30K and 40K10.7%5.3%8.0%
 Income between 40K and 50K9.6%9.5%7.6%
 Income between 50K and 60K8.4%7.1%7.2%
 Income between 60K and 75K11.3%10.6%9.6%
 Income between 75K and 100K13.3%18.3%12.8%
 Income between 100K and 150K12.6%16.7%16.3%
 Income between 150K and 200K4.9%6.9%7.8%
 Income greater than 200K3.2%11.8%9.5%
 Population By Occupation
 Lynchburg, VAForest, VAUnited States
 Management, business, finance14.6%17.5%16.4%
 Engineering, computers, science5.1%7.0%6.5%
 Community, social services4.4%3.4%1.8%
 Education, library7.9%12.7%6.2%
 Arts, design, media, sports, entertainment3.4%0.7%2.0%
 Healthcare practitioners and technology5.6%6.1%6.2%
 Healthcare support3.9%3.1%3.3%
 Firefighters, law enforcement2.1%0.1%2.1%
 Food preparation, serving8.2%3.1%5.4%
 Building maintenance3.0%1.3%3.6%
 Personal care3.8%1.3%2.6%
 Sales, office, administrative support18.7%25.1%20.9%
 Farming, fishing, forestry0.3%0.0%0.6%
 Construction, extraction, maintenance/repair5.6%7.2%8.1%
 Production, transportation, material moving12.9%11.1%13.1%
Reviews for Lynchburg    30 Reviews

Over 4 years ago

Lynchburg, VA, absolutely SUCKS. I'm a native Lynchburger. I moved away when I was 5 & came back when I was 13. These people can't drive to save their lives. They don't  More

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Over 5 years ago

There is much that I like about Lynchburg. The scenery is pretty, lots of historic architecture, well mannered Southerners. But, it is dominated by Jerry Falwell's  More

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I have lived in Lynchburg for twenty years and I am very happy  More

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Reviews for Forest    1 Reviews

I moved to Forest a little over a year ago. I have to say that the peace and quiet agrees with me. I love the beautiful scenic view, the lack of crowds, and the  More

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