Philadelphia, PA is a diverse and vibrant city with a long history of providing quality education to its citizens. The city has a number of public and private schools, from elementary to high school level, all rated highly by parents and educational organizations alike. The local education in Philadelphia is unique as the city is home to some of the nation’s best universities and colleges. It also provides students with access to nationally recognized programs such as the School District of Philadelphia’s Advanced Academic Program and the K-12 STEM Network. Additionally, Philadelphia offers many resources for families who need additional support to ensure that their children receive a quality education. With its commitment to providing excellent education opportunities for all students, Philadelphia ensures its citizens are well equipped with the skills needed for success in today's world.
Philadelphia schools spend $26,003 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 18 pupils per teacher, 2,931 students per librarian, and 1,011 children per counselor.