California People


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California is the most populous state in the US, with a population of 39,455,353 and a population density of 252.72 people per square mile. California is known for its diverse landscape, year-round outdoor activities, and its diverse cultural offerings. Popular local businesses include tech giants such as Google and Apple, movie studios like Disney and Warner Bros., as well as an array of restaurants and shops along iconic streets like Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills or Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. There are beautiful beaches all along the coastline, from Santa Monica to San Diego. In addition to these amazing attractions there are also many community organizations that promote healthy living and provide services for underserved populations in California. The Los Angeles Lakers basketball team is considered one of the most successful NBA franchises in history, making them a popular sporting event throughout the state. California has something for everyone and continues to be one of the fastest growing states in America.

The population in California is 39,455,353. There are 253 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in California is 37, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in California is 3.0, the US average of people per household is 2.6.

Family in California
- 48.7% are married
- 9.6% are divorced
- 35.3% are married with children
- 17.2% have children, but are single
Race in California

- 37.9% are White
- 5.5% are Black
- 13.9% are Asian
- 0.4% are Native American
- 0.2% claim Other
- 38.8% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 2.9% Two or more races
- 0.4% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander

   Estimated Total Population by Age

  PeopleCalifornia, CaliforniaUnited States
Reviews for California
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Over 3 years ago

California is a great state. What stopped me from giving it 5 stars is the crime, homelessness, high cost of living, traffic, drought, and wildfires. Still a pretty good  More

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Over 4 years ago

Born and raised here - been all around the country and world but California is unrivaled for beauty , diversity, food, landscapes, vibrant industries and agriculture and  More

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We're full. Got enough people already. Don't need to grow our population. Just need to let the roads catch  More

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