Beaverton, OR Schools


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Chehalem Elementary School is a Kindergarten-5th Grade Public School located in Beaverton, OR within the Beaverton SD 48J District. It has 502 students in grades Kindergarten-5th Grade with a student-teacher ratio of 18 to 1. Chehalem Elementary School spends $9,960 per student.
School Score is a 4 out of 10

15555 Southwest Davis Road
Beaverton, OR 97007-5000
See Map of School
School District: Beaverton SD 48J District
Phone Number: (503) 672-3515

- 29 Teachers
- $8,953 for Education Expenditures
- $5,671 for Instruction Expenditures
- 301 Students Getting a Free or Reduced Lunch
- 274 Students Getting a Reduced Lunch
- 27 Students Getting a Free Lunch

About The Area
Location: City, Small
Median Household Income: $82,380

Reviews for Beaverton
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Beaverton is a great place to live and raise a family. It's gotten much more expensive and much more congested, but so has the rest of the country. Overall, it's still  More

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used to be fantastic! moved here 25 years ago. at that time beaverton schools were 2nd in the nation. cost of living was low, great paying jobs, and low traffic. Liberal  More

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Looks like we will be making Oregon our home. Where are some places that are up and coming with cute downtown, or possibly could be? Lower housing prices, but you can  More

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