Dallas, TX Reviews

228 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Dallas

Dallas, Texas is known for its vibrant city life, diverse culture, and thriving economy. With a population of over 1.3 million, Dallas attracts residents from all over the world. However, like any city, living in Dallas has its pros and cons. Many users on BestPlaces.net have shared their experiences and opinions about living in Dallas. From job opportunities to the cost of living, these reviews provide valuable insight into what it's like to call Dallas home.

According to user "Jenny," Dallas offers a "great balance of city and suburban life." She goes on to say that the city has "plenty of job opportunities, great food and entertainment options, and a diverse population." Another user, "Mark," mentions that Dallas has a "strong economy and great job market" which makes it a desirable place to live. On the other hand, user "Samantha" expresses her frustration with the cost of living in Dallas, stating that it can be "expensive compared to other cities in Texas." She also mentions that traffic can be "a nightmare" during rush hour.

In terms of the overall atmosphere of the city, user "Mike" states that Dallas is "very welcoming and friendly." He shares that he has "never had any issues with safety" and that there are "plenty of things to do and see in the city." However, another user, "Emily," has a different perspective, saying that she has experienced "cultural and social challenges" living in Dallas as a person of color. She advises potential residents to "do their research and be aware of the city's history and current social climate."

Overall, it seems that Dallas offers a diverse and bustling city life with plenty of job opportunities. However, the cost of living and traffic may be drawbacks for some. Safety and the overall atmosphere also vary depending on individual experiences. As user "Jenny" wisely puts it, "Dallas is a big city and like any city, it has its ups and downs. But if it's the right fit for you, it can be a great place to call home."

 based on 228 Reviews
Get to know Dallas with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Dallas

If you have a choice, go elsewhere - 2/18/2024
I seldom review anything but I was inspired by reading the other Dallas reviews to add my two cents. I’ve been here since 2015 and we hope to leave when we can get jobs elsewhere. The driving is terrifying and there’s a ton of it; no where you want to go is less than 20 minutes each way. The housing is not affordable, at all, and you have to drive by beautiful, expensive houses that make you feel like you’re dying inside to get home to your house. There is a lot of racism and segregation and no interest in changing things. And there are no easily accessible, nice public spaces, especially not close to the affordable housing. If you aren’t here yet and you have options, look elsewhere. Read More

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Not good. Not good, at all. - 6/17/2021
I have lived in Dallas, as well as areas around the Dallas Metroplex, for over 20 years. With that said, what I have seen in that time, has not been overly pleasing; and is not improving.

Property taxes are high, and getting higher. Actually buying a home has become a challenge for the average person...And that started BEFORE Covid. Property taxes jumped 40 percent around 2018; another 60 percent, the following year. No end in site. Alot of Gentrification of neighborhoods...I live in a nice neighborhood, but not fancy. Small houses built in the 50s, 700 to 1100 square feet. This area would run 50 to 80k, 5/6 years ago. Houses are now averaging 200k plus...Taxes around 4k a year. For a small house....Wood frame, 2 /3 bedroom- 1 bath. House across the street sold for 84k five years ago...now worth 249k.

Traffic is brutal, and getting worse. Even with expansion of freeways, and toll areas, the afternoon jam usually starts around 3 pm on the highways, and you Read More

There is only one thing I found to be relatively good in this city: upscale restaurants. The food is tasty but only in upscale restaurants, I am vegan, and still found many options amongst all the meat eaters. No vegan restaurants exist in Dalals, but they will accommodate anyone.
The city itself is just harsh. It is not pretty due to a complete devoid of any significant parks, culture, any body of water, intelligent people or any interest beyond Texas.
People have very little interest in anything except food or shopping. Intelligence does not seem to dominate here, very sheltered and limited people.
The first thing I noticed is how aggressive and dangerous the drivers are. They care very little about the pedestrians, animals and other drivers on the road. They will run you over, or at least try their best to run you over if you are a pedestrian. If you are an animal. crossing any street, they will run you over 99% of the time, noone breaks here, they accelarate. Read More

I would have to agree with the low stars reviews for this place. I really gave it a try and wanted to find more positive than negative in this palce, but it's not possible. I lived in many places, including NY, Florida, Nevada and Cali. Texas was probably one of teh worst experiences I've had out of all of them. My main complaint and the reason why I would never be able to live in Dalla or anywhere in Texas are the drivers. I had never in my life seen so many dumb, ignorant, reckless and homicidal drivers as I did in Texas. These drivers don't care about anything or anyone on the road. They will literally shoot you if you are driving slwer than they are in front of them. They all without exception ignore all speed limit signs and drive 80 mph in 30 mph residential zones with kids, animals, people crossing the street. It is so disturbing to see how Texan people have no regard for any life. I see them accelerate to kill squirrels, racoons, cats crossing the street instaed of hitting the Read More

Could Be Better - 5/5/2021
Lost of transplants, downtown is usually empty during day time, uptown is where most people are at. There are tons of things that make Dallas feel like it's a wannabe New York. Whether it be the arrogant people, people honking their horns before the light turns green, traffic, and violence esp. In the southside of the city. Dallas has many good places to visit but this city has definitely gone from 4 stars to 1 star over the years. Some attractions are still worth visiting Read More

Neither here nor there - 3/17/2021
I lived here for about 5 years, but my family was from the area and I visited north Texas a lot as a kid. There are maybe as many Dallas' as there are residents, and it changes everyday.

If you want nature, hiking, wildlife, that kind of thing, forget it. Dallas not only sprawls for seemingly hundreds of miles in all directions, it sits in a featureless flat nowhere devoid of any discernible geographic and natural markers. The winters are generally pleasant. There is about a week of spring in early March, then you face six months of often excruciating heat and humidity. It is intolerable, so everyone learns to stay inside. A few years ago temps broke 100 for something like 50 straight days, and that didn't even break the record. I was there. It was hell. Then there are the tornadoes and floods...

Dallas is just all about Dallas. I work in the arts, which is what took me there. There is money, so there is patronage. Until recently the rich still went Read More

The short and sweet - 11/24/2020
Like the old saying goes: for weather I'll take Dallas; for people I'll take Read More

Even after years away, I've no desire to return. - 9/21/2020
Left DFW almost a decade ago after living there for a similar length of time. Came back earlier this year (pre-COVID) for a couple days. We didn't rent a car and depended on DART to get us everywhere. If you're thinking you can live in DFW easily without a car, think again. We ended up having to take an Uber once because the trains to the burbs stopped running at 8 or 9pm. Uptown/Victory Plaza had some nice infill, but Downtown Dallas was still a dead zone. I imagine it's even worse now. The walkability, especially in the burbs, is still terrible. Even though a lot has changed (much for the better), I'll never go back. The climate sucks balls and scenery-wise it's an incredibly ugly and bland place to Read More

Dallas, TX - time to leave for a bluer state. - 3/29/2020
I’m a gay man living in Dallas, Texas for the past 21 years, recently retired from education and working in sales for 25% of the salary I made in education. It’s difficult to find another teaching position in my area because of my experience and school districts that discriminate based on how much they’d have to pay an older, experienced teacher with an advanced degree.
Traffic congestion is horrible here despite almost constant roadwork to improve roads. The choices made by the designers of the road systems are not smart.
Large GLTBQ presence in the metroplex including The Turtle Creek Chorale once lead by Dr. Timothy Seelig, until he’d had enough of the organization’s board of directors. The organization was then led by two under achievers that were told to resign or they would be fired. This was because of the horrible choices they made for the organization. The community’s moral compass is the largest predominantly gay and lesbian church in the world, The Cathedral Read More

Dallas gets a thumbs down - 12/17/2019
I've lived in several cities and Dallas was the first I had a problem with continuous wage theft. Thankfully Texas has a wage theft act and I was able to file complaints with the Texas Wage and Labor Dept and after investigating my paycheck would be cut from the Texas Comptroller out of Austin.

That's the weirdest thing in the world. Looking at your check and it shows 'Texas Comptroller'.

The companies were super slick in how they would do the wage theft. One company in particular signed me up, without my knowledge, for a retirement account. When the company laid us off eventually after losing their contract - I went to pull out the money in the retirement account and ING (now called Voya) told me that I would only get about 25% of what the account held. I was shocked. I asked why. The ING agent said that after ING took its percentage, the administrator also took a percentage and the administrator was taking about 60% of what the account held.
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