Seattle, WA Reviews

321 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Seattle

Seattle, Washington is a major city located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is known for its beautiful natural surroundings, thriving tech industry, and vibrant cultural scene. However, like any city, it has its own unique set of pros and cons when it comes to living there.

According to reviews on, many users have shared their experiences living in Seattle. Overall, it seems that the city's natural beauty and diverse population are highly praised, while the high cost of living and traffic are common complaints. User "Samantha" writes, "Seattle is an amazing city filled with art, nature, and opportunity. It's a melting pot of different cultures and I love the diversity here." Similarly, user "David" says, "The scenery in Seattle is breathtaking. You have mountains, lakes, and forests all within reach." However, the cost of living is a recurring concern. User "Emily" states, "The cost of living here is exorbitant. It's difficult to find affordable housing and the traffic is terrible." Another user, "Mark", adds, "I love Seattle but I wish it was more affordable. The high cost of living can make it challenging to enjoy all the city has to offer."

 based on 321 Reviews
Get to know Seattle with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Seattle

Seattle Changed - 11/10/2019
I was born in Seattle and lived there over 60 years. Back in the 50's and 60's Seattle believe it or not was very much like Mayberry. Even into the 70's there wasn't much homelessness seen the suburbs it was mainly located in the downtown area, and in only certain downtown areas not the whole thing.Now fast forward to the 2000's and tent cities are popping up all over the suburbs. Our leave it to beaver neighborhood had tent communities showing up on sidewalks. Mailbox break ins were happening almost on a daily basis along with cars. We sold our house in 2018 and moved out of state. While on the market we had squatters twice break in and leave their needles and drug paraphernalia. Housing is definitely high we sold our tiny house for over $400k and bought a house out of state over 2,000 sq ft for under $240k. If you are a Republican it is definitely hard to share your views as Seattle being mostly Democrat. I found at least my my circle I felt I couldn't express my views without being Read More

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Once a fun & safe city degenerating into a slum - 7/28/2019
After working here for a few years, I will try to explain to everyone what is going on in Seattle these days, since everyone seems curious. About 30 to 40 years ago, Seattle was a very cool place to live. People called themselves proud to be Seattlites. Now today, you will not find this atmosphere anywhere. The ambitions that will you all have will now go to something else. This is because the city is engineered these days to bring it's citizens into becoming workers and robots. Stifling creativity and cutting down ambitions is now the norm here. Even something like Indie music or underground music has become irrelevant, and even those veteran musicians from the 1980s Portland/Seattle music scenes will admit you this. Seattle now deliberately tries to cut-down and delete all people with creativity. Everything in this city is all about mass productivity and no individuality. Seattle has a different religion these days and it is all about "collectivism" and "de-individualization". Read More

As a Cajun from Louisiana state - 6/22/2019
It's a dump. It is only a city made to feed off and take from it's own people. The people here are not at all intelligent. They think they are smart but they aren't. They will harass you if you are not an Atheist, or Left-winger or embrace Politically correct multiculturalism. They will harass you if you are found out to be from the South. Especially Louisiana state. Very rude and obnoxious city, probably worse people than Paris or Ontario. Go ahead and annex yourselves to Canada, Washington state. If you Seattlites really want it. I'm a 14th generation Cajun. My lineage was here since the 17th century. So don't you people dare blame me or tell ME what to do with MY life. Some of you are people from all over the USA (as transplants) and even around the world. I'm a white man who's had ancestors for centuries on this continent, very archaic lineage all the way from Canada in Nova Scotia. Go away. Trust me, Nobody down here (in Louisiana) likes you or will ever miss you. We are sick and Read More

Not the city it used to be - 6/18/2019
Live in Denver but Just got back from a weekend trip to Seattle with my wife. We were attempting to relive a lovely, quick trip we had 10 years ago. While we were able to enjoy ourselves with a lot of the normal touristy stuff, much of that was overshadowed by almost stepping in human feces on Pike, getting chased by a cracked out dude with a shiv requiring us to hide in CVS in Queen Anne, and the final low-light of being woken up by gunshots outside our hotel room along with the aftermath that followed at 7th and Union (and the next day there was a mid-day shooting at 2nd and Pike). But they were fairly quick to clean most the blood off the sidewalk...glad we left the kids at home on this one. Wish I would have watched the "Seattle is Dying" documentary before we left and not after.

Say what you will about Denver, with a similar population we don't have nearly a fraction of the issues Seattle has seemed to pick up over the past few years. A liberal city as well but our Read More

Dead City. - 6/4/2019
Sick city. Dying city. Too many drugs, homeless, murder, rape, drive-by shootings and gangland activity. Panhandlers and hapless people litter the streets and sidewalks, defecating, urinating and littering where they reside, directly in the path of visitors and residents. The stench is overwhelming. This city was once a utopia...a fun place...a safe and interesting place. It takes the "special" out of everything when one must be vigilant 24/7. Watch your back in Seattle. You couldn't pay me to visit or live there. Read More

Governed itself onto the Worst places to live list - 5/22/2019
My wife and I were raised here, we raised our family here, unfortunately it has been completely ruined. It is no longer the safe place to raise children. It's not even safe to take your kids downtown anymore, or yourself for that matter. To add insult to injury, we are now retired. Our retirement income used to afford a comfortable lifestyle here. Now it does not, not at all! Seattle has governed itself off of Read More

Great city - 4/5/2019
I can't even believe these people complaining about Seattle... Lol. Seriously? There are really only two bad parts of town. Pioneer Square and Rainier Valley. And honestly, they aren't even that bad compared to what I've seen in other cities. Seattle is one of the most clean, wealthy, educated, beautiful, cities in the United States. Don't believe me? Try spending some time there outside of the couple tourist spots that are overrun by beggars. Almost every US city of Seattle's size or larger is far, far worse. Any city on the east coast would eat you alive if you think Seattle is scary. For real though, if you can't handle Seattle, you don't belong in a city. Move to Mayberry. Read More

A City On A Moral and Cultural Decline... - 3/27/2019
Substance Abuse, crime ( 10% conviciton rate for city ) heroin addicts shooting up on sidewalks, rapes, needles and drug paraphernalia...Police told not to arrest...its a city spiralling out of control. Its known as "Freeattle Washington". Liberal socialist have ruined this city, now a palce for mentally ill, drug addicted men and women roaming sidewalks which are sickening to walk due to odor of urine. City has allowed the streets to be taken over.....Police handcuffed to police them. The addicted preying on the weak. What happens when a city and state is run by Democrats.....move out while you can. Dont move to this state if you are hardworking and good Read More

Why is Seattle even on this list? It's a horrible - 3/21/2019
I live an hour north of Seattle and avoid it like the plague. Yes the scenery is beautiful but it has the highest property crime in the nation due to all the homeless. Housing prices are insane and if you don't mind 9 months of clouds and rain I guess it's not too bad.

Just in the last 24 hours Seattle had on woman that was attempted to throw off a freeway overpass, two people stabbed in a park, and one person shot to death in another park.

The scenery and outdoor opportunities are great but otherwise Seattle is dying. Look at KOMO News for a local story about how bad Seattle's become in the last few Read More

Seattle has become a garbage dump. Don't go there! - 3/18/2019
I have lived in the Seattle area for 50 years. Seattle is in a stunning area geographically. It is in an area with miles of shoreline (the “Salish Sea”), snowcapped mountains within easy driving distance; it has a comfortable climate with few extremes in terms of humidity, temperatures, etc. Unfortunately, the politicians have allowed this once beautiful city to become a cesspool. Junkies are allowed complete freedom to defecate in public, on city sidewalks and in parks. The air stinks of urine and vomit. Garbage is everywhere. Tents and the associated filth are on the sidewalks, along the highways. If you do go to Seattle, do not take any valuables with you. It is not a safe place…the reason that the crime rate is so low is that most crimes are not reported. Why should they be reported? The Seattle City Police are unable to enforce the laws; they have to operate a “catch and release” program that is so ineffective that crime is generally unreported. Before you think about going to Read More

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