Alabama Reviews

20 Reviews

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Alabama State is known for being a great educational institution, offering high-quality education and a variety of programs to its students. The university has been consistently praised by its alumni for providing an engaging and supportive learning environment. The university offers a wide array of activities and events that help foster an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere. From the school's student clubs to the various cultural events hosted throughout the year, there is something for everyone at Alabama State University. The school also features a wide range of sports teams that provide students with opportunities to compete in competitive sports while also having fun and developing camaraderie within the student body. In addition, campus life at Alabama State is rich with exciting on-campus activities such as theatre, art exhibitions, concerts, film screenings, lectures, workshops, and more. With all this to offer, it's no wonder why so many people rave about their experiences at Alabama State University - from students that are proud to call themselves \"Alabamans\" to alumni who speak fondly of their time spent attending classes here.

 based on 20 Reviews
Get to know Alabama with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Alabama

I would rather live in hell - 8/22/2021
As someone who has lived in Alabama for 19 years, the best thing i can say about the state is that it could be worse.

First of all, if you're not a straight white christian you're out of luck. The state is incredibly racist, sexist, and homophobic, so if you're a minority of any kind stay away. There are basically no legal protections for anyone other than white men.

Secondly, Alabama is a right to work state, that should speak for itself.

Thirdly, the summers are unbearable. Our average summer temperature is around 88 and it is always humid here. On any given summer day you could expect a heat index of 100 degrees.

Forth, our health services are atrocious. Unless your job offers really good health insurance youre gonna be in the hole very quickly because

Fifth, the people are idiots who will run you off the road for driving a Honda civic.

Sixth, our infrastructure is abysmal. And god forbid you live on a Read More

Start Your Review of Alabama

Sweet Home Alabama - 12/6/2016
My husband and I have lived in Memphis for the last 14 years. Believe me, anyplace is better to live than Memphis. These poor folks are stuck in a Civil Rights bubble they can't seem to bust, not to mention the school system totally sucks. I've made some great friends but I am so glad to be leaving. The only reason we stayed this long was to get our kids graduated. Now we are free to go and I am so excited to be moving to our new home base in Huntsville. We are middle-aged, empty-nester baby boomers, highly conservative, evangelical Christian, republican, absolutely love and support Trump/Pence 100%, and I got a shotgun to prove it. Of course, being from Texas, you're practically born with a shotgun in your hand. I grew up in a family that hunts and fishes. But then I went and married myself a 'Damn Yankee' of all things. However, 30 years later, I can honestly say I have successfully 'Southernized' him. (Wink) Heck, he even speaks with a drawl now. All his Ohio family recognize it Read More

Thinking of moving to Foley - 3/25/2015
Can anyone tell me about the services available to senior citizens in Foley. example: if I move there now, I am 67. If I stay and eventually stop driving are there services such as senior citizen centers and senior pick up services to help me go about my daily activities such as shopping etc? Also in reference to religion, andn please don't take this the srong way, but I was told that Alabama is not too fond of people of the Jewish religion such as I. Can anyone give me any feedback on these two items?

Thank you,Read More

Hot and Humid Summers - Mild Winters - 9/25/2014
Alabama summers are stiflingly bright, hot and humid. Heaven help you if you don't have AC in your car. Alabama is a great place to live if your interests are in growing fruit and vegetables because of the wide variety of edible plants that love hot, humid weather. Sweet potatoes in particular do fantastic in this weather. IMHO summer in general, isn't worth much more than this, however my opinion is swayed by the fact that I get terrible headaches from being too hot or being in bright light for too long.

Winters here are mild but always seem colder than they are. I don't know if it's the humidity or amount of rainfall but winter temps always seem to hover just above freezing making it feel wet and cold and the skies are grey a lot. It doesn't bother me but most people aren't a fan of this type of weather. It's usually pretty short anyway and the weather changes rapidly during the winter. It could be sunny and near 70 one day and have flurries and be in the 20's Read More

Crime - 10/24/2012
There are to many shootouts near my county.Read More

Crime - 9/9/2012
High crime Read More

No Jobs! - 11/25/2011
The way the economy is here in south Alabama is not very good. There are not enough jobs to help provide families with what they need. Alot of people have lost their jobs, moved away and are trying to start over again. Read More

New to Florida - 7/24/2011
Too soon for a review, we have been here just 1 Read More

Camp Hill, Alabama is Clean, Cheap, and Quiet. Jo - 4/6/2011
We bought a huge Victorian era home on an acre in town in 2004 (for Fifteen thousand cash), and love the town. It has challenges, and the turn-around is moving slow. Property is cheap, taxes are low, and the people are nice. A great place to retire without a mortgage, as we did. If you have drive to help the recovery, love quaint charm but still just 20 minutes from the big university town of Auburn, it might be for Read More

yuck - 3/21/2011
racisist Read More
