Review of Los Angeles, California

California is so overrated
Star Rating - 1/12/2013
I've lived in Los Angeles since 1980, and that is a very long time. I hate this area for so many reasons. First of all the housing costs are astronomical. For $300,000 you get a tiny crappy house in an area with gangster tagging everywhere. It's INSANE. My sister has a huge mansion in Houston that was 220K. The same house in LA would be at least a million dollars. I've been robbed at gunpoint by gang members and I live in a "good" area. I could go on and on about the joys of multiculturalism. This state has been ruined by the Democrats and their refusal to do anything about illegal immigration. The state is many billions in debt and doesn't seem to be able to correct the sinking ship. An illegal totalled my car on the freeway and had no insurance(of course) so I had to eat it. I have story after story like this. The city and is broke too, so the cops write lots of nonsense tickets and the parking "officers" also rape and pillage, all in the name of revenue enhancement. I believe that almost anywhere in the USA is about HALF as expensive as Los Angeles. I don't know why people stay here. I got stuck. Oh, the weather, that's right. It's supposed to be so great. Well, the last week has been cold as hell with nights in the mid 30's. I feel like I'm in New York. Can I say one good thing about LA? Okay, there are some good restaurants. But the mayor is a fool, and the city council is a crew of dunces. California is extremely overrated and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive. I'm planning to leave as soon as I can work it out.
Robin | Los Angeles, CA
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