2024 Compare Cities People:
San Antonio, TX vs Houston, TX

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- Houston is 0% more densely populated than San Antonio.
- People are 0.8% less likely to be married in Houston.
- The Median Age is 0.2 years younger in Houston.
 San Antonio, TXHouston, TXUnited States
 Female Population50.6%50.2%50.5%
 Male Population49.4%49.8%49.5%
 Median Age33.933.738.4
 Population - 20101,332,9662,097,647309,327,143
 Population - 20001,144,6461,953,631285,036,114
 Population - 1990935,9331,630,553251,960,433
 Pop. 2000 to Now36.9%18.6%15.6%
 Pop. 1990 to Now67.4%42.1%30.8%
 Population Density2,960.23,600.493.4
 Land Area484.6637.03,531,905.4
 Water Area5.729.4264,836.8
 Est. Total Population By Age
 San Antonio, TXHouston, TXUnited States
 Age 0 to 46.7%7.2%5.9%
 Age 5 to 96.8%6.7%6.1%
 Age 10 to 146.9%6.8%6.6%
 Age 15 to 174.2%3.9%3.9%
 Age 18 to 204.4%3.8%4.0%
 Age 21 to 246.2%5.9%5.2%
 Age 25 to 3416.2%18.0%13.8%
 Age 35 to 4413.5%14.3%12.9%
 Age 45 to 5411.8%11.8%12.6%
 Age 55 to 595.8%5.5%6.7%
 Age 60 to 644.9%5.1%6.3%
 Age 65 to 747.5%6.8%9.6%
 Age 75 to 843.5%3.0%4.5%
 Age 85 and over1.5%1.3%1.9%
 San Antonio, TXHouston, TXUnited States
 Native American0.1%0.1%0.6%
 Hawaiian, Pacific Islander0.1%0.0%0.2%
 Two or More Races1.8%2.0%3.2%
 Marriage & Family
 San Antonio, TXHouston, TXUnited States
 Married Population44.5%44.2%49.8%
     Currently Married41.7%41.2%48.0%
 Married but Separated2.8%3.0%1.8%
 Single Population55.5%55.8%50.2%
 Never Married38.3%41.1%33.8%
 Household Size2.642.572.60
 Family Households333,913526,60680,755,759
     Married couple, w/children29.9%29.8%30.5%
     Married couple, no children33.7%32.8%42.9%
 Non Family Households201,697352,30043,255,233
     Single householder, w/children22.1%22.5%15.8%
     Single householder, no children14.3%14.9%10.8%
Reviews for San Antonio    239 Reviews

I've lived here 13 years now and hoping to move!! Not the most exiting place to live if you enjoy being outdoors for activities like biking, hiking or even walking or  More

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I lived in San Antonio for about 7 months or so, and for a reason! Like anywhere I think SA has its pros and cons, but ultimately being in my early 20s and single I  More

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Over 2 years ago

Overall, San Antonio is a nice place to live. The weather is generally pleasant but from mid June to about mid September, it does get scorching hot. I remember one  More

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Reviews for Houston    371 Reviews

Over 2 years ago

I moved to Houston from the San Francisco Bay area in 1991 after college but I have always had family here. Houston is not what you think of when you think of Texas  More

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Over 2 years ago

There's definitely lots of jobs/economic opportunity. It's quite racially diverse if that's your thing. Houston has awful urban sprawl. Expect awful traffic. Hot as hell  More

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Over 2 years ago

There's definitely lots of jobs/economic opportunity. It's quite racially diverse if that's your thing. Houston has awful urban sprawl. Expect awful traffic. Hot as hell  More

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