| San Antonio, TX | San Diego, CA | United States |
Overall | 91.3 | 154.9 | 100 |
Food & Groceries | 91.4 | 109.7 | 100 |
Health | 95.7 | 89.0 | 100 |
Housing | 75.5 | 278.4 | 100 |
Median Home Cost | $254,600 | $833,500 | $338,100 |
Utilities | 9,490.0% | 10,280.0% | 10,000.0% |
Transportation | 99.3 | 120.2 | 100 |
Miscellaneous | 104.2 | 153.9 | 100 |
100 = National Average (Below 100 means cheaper than the US average. Above 100 means more expensive.)
In order to keep your same standard of living your salary can vary greatly - whether you buy or rent, require child care, or want to include taxes. This is why we are now offering a Premium Salary & Cost of Living Calculator.
Our Premium Calculator Includes:
- Compare Cities cost of living across 9 different categories
- Personal salary calculations can optionally include Home ownership or rental, Child care, and Taxes (with details on state and local sales, income, property and automobile taxes)
- Includes the cost of Child Care for toddlers or infants, at a day care center or home care
- Grocery prices, detailed for 29 staple items in six categories
- Difference in cost of Utilities, including electric, gas and fuel oil
- Health Care Premiums and hospital expenses for major surgeries
- Taxes, Fees and Expenses you should know about, such as local car insurance rates, automobile taxes and registration, commuting costs.
- and 100s of other items you should consider before you relocate
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