Houston, TX Schools


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Houston, TX is home to some of the best schools in the nation. With a variety of public and private options, parents can find the perfect fit for their child’s educational needs. From elementary to high school and beyond, Houston offers a wide range of schools that are rated highly by various outlets. These ratings take into account factors such as student achievement, college readiness, test scores, course offerings, extracurriculars and more. Local schools provide students with opportunities to learn in an engaging environment under the direction of experienced teachers who are passionate about their students’ success. Whether you’re looking for a traditional school or one that focuses on STEM education, Houston has it all!

Name Grades Type Rating
ABC 123 A Cat A MEPK - Tr01Private
Abiding Word Lutheran SchoolKG - 07Private
Academic Behavior Center East2 - 2Alternative Education
Academic Behavior Center West2 - 2Alternative Education
Academy of Accelerated LearningPK - 05Alternative Education4
Academy of Choice07 - 12Alternative Education5
Accelerated Int. Charter School07 - 08Regular
Accelerated Interdisciplinary Acad.PK - 06Regular8
Adam ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Admin. ServicesPK - 12Alternative Education
Advanced Virtual Academy09 - 12Alternative Education1
Adventure Preschool and Windwood Christian AcademyPK - 05Private
Aguirre Junior High 06 - 08Regular4
AL Nurse SchoolPK - 08Private
Albright Middle07 - 08Regular7
Alcott ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Aldine High School09 - 12Regular4
Aldine J J A E P09 - 09Alternative Education
Aldine Middle07 - 08Regular6
Aldine Ninth Grade School09 - 09Regular7
Alexander ElementaryPK - 04Regular6
Alexander-Smith Academy09 - 12Private
AL-HADI School of Accelerative LearningPK - KGPrivate
Alief Early College High School09 - 12Regular10
Alief ISD J J A E P04 - 12Alternative Education
Alief Learning Center (6-12)07 - 12Alternative Education3
Alief Learning Center (K-6)01 - 06Alternative Education
Alief Middle06 - 08Regular4
Alief Montessori Community SchoolPK - 05Regular8
Almeda ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Alternative Learning Center-East06 - 12Alternative Education
Ambassador Christian Daycare and SchoolPK - 03Private
American Academy09 - 09Private
Amigos POR Vida-Friends for Life Charter SchoolPK - 08Regular5
Anderson Academy01 - 03Regular8
Anderson ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Andre ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Andy Dekaney High School09 - 12Regular3
Annunciation Orthodox SchoolPK - 08Private
Anthony Middle06 - 08Regular
Apple Tree SchoolPK - 02Private
Appleseed Private SchoolPK - KGPrivate
Arabic Immersion Magnet School2 - 2Regular
Aragon Middle06 - 08Regular9
Arizona Fleming ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Arlyne and Alan Weber ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Armand Bayou ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Armand Bayou MontessoriPK - 05Private
Arnold Middle06 - 08Regular7
Arrow Academy - Champions AcademyKG - 05Regular
Arrow Academy - Forge Academy2 - 2Regular
Arrow Academy - Harvest Preparatory AcademyKG - 05Regular2
Arrow Academy - Las Americas Learning CenterKG - 07Regular2
Arrow Academy - McCormack Honors AcademyKG - 05Regular
Arrow Academy - Odyssey PreparatoryKG - 08Regular3
Ashford ElementaryPK - 02Regular6
Askew ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Assumption Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
Atherton ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Atkinson ElementaryKG - 04Regular8
Attucks Middle06 - 08Regular2
AULT ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Austin High School09 - 12Regular3
Avondale HouseUG - UGPrivate
Baker-Ripley Charter SchoolKG - 05Regular4
Bammel ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Bammel Middle06 - 08Regular4
Bane ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Bang ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Barrick ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Bastian ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Bay Area Montessori HouseKG - KGPrivate
Baylor College of Medicine Academy At Ryan06 - 07Regular4
Bear Branch ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Bear Creek ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Bear Creek UMC SchoolPK - TrKGPrivate
Beatrice Mayes Institute Charter SchoolKG - 08Regular9
Beechnut Academy06 - 12Alternative Education2
Bell ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Bellfort Early Childhood CenterPK - KGRegular2
Ben Bowen Early ChildhoodPK - 01Regular7
Benavidez ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Benbrook ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Bendwood SchoolPK - KGSpecial Education
Beneke ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Benfer ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Benignus ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Berry ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Best ElementaryPK - 04Regular1
Beta Academy2 - 2Regular
Beth Yeshurun Day SchoolPK - 05Private
Bethel's Learning CenterKG - 06Regular3
Bethune Academy03 - 04Regular2
Beverly Hills Int.07 - 08Regular7
Birkes ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Black EC Pre-KPK - PKRegular
Black ElementaryKG - 04Regular4
Black ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Black Middle06 - 08Regular3
Blackshear ElementaryPK - 06Regular2
Bleyl Middle06 - 08Regular7
Blue Ridge ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Bonham ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Bonne Vie SchoolPK - TrKGPrivate
Bonner ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Boone ElementaryPK - 04Regular6
Braeburn ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Brazos School for Inquiry and Creativity GANOPK - 06Regular3
Brazos School for Inquiry and Creativity SouthwestPK - 08Alternative Education5
Briargrove ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Briarmeadow CharterPK - 08Regular9
Brill ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Briscoe ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
British School of HoustonPK - 12Private
Brookhollow Christian AcademyPK - 02Private
Brookline ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Brookwood ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Browning ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Bruce ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Budewig Int.05 - 06Regular5
Buffalo Creek ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Bunker Hill ElementaryKG - 05Regular9
Burbank ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Burbank Middle06 - 08Regular7
Burnet ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Burnett ElementaryPK - 04Regular5
Burnett-Bayland Rehabilitation Center06 - 12Alternative Education1
Burrus ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Bush ElementaryPK - 04Regular4
Bush ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Bussey ElementaryKG - 04Regular5
C E King High School09 - 12Regular4
C E King Middle06 - 08Regular3
C O R E Academy03 - 09Regular
Cage ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Calvert ElementaryKG - 04Regular4
Campbell Middle06 - 08Regular6
Caraway Int.05 - 06Regular2
Carmichael ElementaryKG - 04Regular6
Carnegie Vanguard High School09 - 12Regular10
Carolee Booker ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Carrillo ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Carroll AcademyKG - 04Regular4
Carter AcademyKG - 04Regular4
Carver High School for Applied Tech Engineering Arts09 - 12Regular7
Cathedral House Montessori SchoolPK - KGPrivate
Cedar Brook ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Center for Hearing and SpeechPK - TrKGPrivate
Central Christian AcademyKG - 12Private
Challenge Early College High School09 - 12Regular10
Chambers ElementaryPK - 04Regular3
Champions AcademyKG - 02Regular
Champions Christian AcademyPK - 07Private
Chancellor ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Chavez High School09 - 12Regular3
Christa McAuliffe Middle06 - 08Regular4
Christian School of Northwest HoustonPK - 05Private
Christian Tabernacle SchoolsPK - 04Private
Cimarron ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Clark Int.PK - 05Regular1
Clark PRIPK - 02Regular
Clay Road Baptist SchoolPK - 07Private
Clear Horizons Early College High School09 - 12Regular10
Clear Lake Christian SchoolKG - 12Private
Clear Lake City ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Clear Lake High School09 - 12Regular9
Clear Lake Int.06 - 08Regular8
Clifton Middle06 - 08Regular6
Cloverleaf ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
COBB 6th Grade Campus06 - 06Regular7
Codwell ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Collins ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Community Services-Sec.KG - 12Alternative Education1
Compass02 - 12Alternative Education4
Conley ElementaryKG - 04Regular4
Cook Junior ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Cook Middle06 - 08Regular8
Coop ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Copeland Elementary02 - 03Regular3
Copeland ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Cornelius ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Cornerstone Academy06 - 08Regular10
Cornerstone Christian AcademyPK - 06Private
Corpus Christi Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
Covenant AcademyKG - 10Private
Cranbrook Learning ConnectionPK - KGPrivate
Creative CornerPK - KGPrivate
Creekwood Middle06 - 08Regular9
Crespo ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Cristo Rey Jesuit College Prep. School of Houston09 - 12Private
Crockett ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Crossroads09 - 12Alternative Education
Crossroads School01 - 09Private
Cullen Middle06 - 08Regular3
Cummings ElementaryPK - 04Regular2
Cunningham ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Cunningham Middle06 - 08Regular6
CY-Fair High School09 - 12Regular8
Cypress Christian School01 - 12Private
Cypress Creek High School09 - 12Regular6
Cypress Falls High School09 - 12Regular7
Cypress Ranch High School09 - 12Regular8
Cypress Ridge High School09 - 12Regular5
Cypress Springs High School09 - 12Regular5
Cypress Woods High School09 - 12Regular8
Cypress-Fairbanks J J A E P09 - 12Alternative Education
Dairy UL Arqam Islamic School SoutheastPK - 06Private
Dairy UL Arqam School NorthPK - 12Private
Danish ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
DAV Montessori SchoolPK - 02Private
Davila ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Davis High School09 - 12Regular2
Davis High School09 - 12Regular5
Davis Ninth Grade09 - 09Regular3
DE Chaumes ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
DE Santiago EC Pre-K CenterPK - PKRegular2
DE Zavala ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Deady Middle06 - 08Regular3
Dean Middle School06 - 08Regular6
Deanda ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Debakey High School for Health Prof.09 - 12Regular10
Deerwood ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Deloras E Thompson ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Depelchin-Elkins Campus07 - 12Alternative Education
Discipline Alternative Education Program01 - 12Alternative Education
Dobie High School09 - 12Regular5
Dodson ElementaryPK - 06Regular3
Doerre Int.06 - 08Regular10
Dogan ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Donna Lewis ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Dowling Middle06 - 08Regular4
Dr. Cheryl Corbett Salyards06 - 08Regular9
Dr. Shirley J Williamson ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Draw AcademyKG - 08Alternative Education4
Draw Academy Upper Elementary2 - 2Regular
Drew Academy07 - 08Regular6
Duchesne Academy of the Sacred HeartPK - 12Private
DUNN ElementaryKG - 04Regular5
Durham ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Durkee ElementaryKG - 05Regular1
Early College Academy At Southridge09 - 12Regular8
Early Discovery Montessori SchoolPK - 01Private
Earnesteen Milstead Middle05 - 06Regular3
East Early College High School09 - 12Regular10
Eastwood Academy09 - 12Regular9
Eckert Int.05 - 06Regular3
Edgewood ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Edison Middle06 - 08Regular3
Edward Roberson Middle06 - 08Regular6
Edwin M Wells Middle06 - 08Regular4
Ehrhardt ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Eiland ElementaryKG - 05Regular4
Eisenhower High School09 - 12Regular3
Eisenhower Ninth Grade School09 - 09Regular5
El DAEP03 - 05Alternative Education
Eliot ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Elm Grove ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Elmore ElementaryKG - 05Regular2
Elrod ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Elsik High School09 - 12Regular4
Emerson ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Emery Weiner School06 - 12Private
Emmott ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Energized for Excellence Academy ECCPK - PKRegular2
Energized for Excellence Academy ElementaryKG - 05Regular4
Energized for Excellence Academy Middle06 - 08Regular7
Energized for Stem Academy Central High School09 - 12Regular3
Energized for Stem Academy Central Middle06 - 08Regular3
Energized for Stem Academy West High School09 - 12Regular6
Energized for Stem Academy West Middle06 - 08Regular7
Energy Institute High School09 - 10Regular5
Epiphany Lutheran Church SchoolPK - 08Private
EPPS Island ElementaryKG - 05Regular2
Ermel ElementaryKG - 04Regular5
Escamilla Int.05 - 06Regular4
Eternity Christian SchoolPK - 12Private
Evelyn Turlington ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Excel Academy11 - 11Alternative Education
Excel Academy (Jjaep)07 - 11Alternative Education
Excel Academy (Murworth)09 - 12Alternative Education
Falcon Pass ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Fallbrook College Preparatory AcademyKG - 10Regular6
Family Christian AcademyPK - 12Private
Farias Early Childhood CenterPK - PKRegular2
Farney ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Field ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Fiest ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
First Steps Montessori SchoolPK - KGPrivate
Five Star Montessori SchoolPK - KGPrivate
Fleming Middle06 - 08Regular3
Foerster ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Fondren ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Fondren Middle06 - 08Regular3
Fonville Middle06 - 08Regular3
Fonwood Early Childhood CenterPK - KGRegular2
Forest Brook Middle06 - 08Regular2
Fort Bend Montessori SchoolPK - 01Private
Foster ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Foster ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Francis ElementaryKG - 04Regular2
Francone ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Frank ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Franklin ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Frazier ElementaryPK - 04Regular8
Frazier ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Freeman ElementaryPK - 04Regular6
Frost ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Frostwood ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
FURR High School09 - 12Regular4
G H Whitcomb ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Gallegos ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Garcia ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Garcia-LEZA EC Pre-K CenterPK - PKRegular2
Garden Oaks MontessoriPK - 08Regular4
Garden Villas ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Garfield ElementaryPK - 04Regular5
Garrett Elementary01 - 05Regular3
Genoa ElementaryPK - 04Regular4
George I Sanchez High SchoolPK - 12Alternative Education1
Girls and Boys Prep. Academy ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Girls and Boys Prep. Academy High School09 - 12Regular2
Girls and Boys Prep. Academy Middle06 - 08Regular2
Gleason ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Global Learning VillageKG - 02Regular
Gloria DEI Early Childhood MinistriesPK - TrKGPrivate
Golfcrest ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Goodman ElementaryKG - 04Regular4
Goodson Middle06 - 08Regular9
Goudeau Accelerated Preparatory AcademyPK - 04Private
Grace SchoolPK - 08Private
Grady Middle06 - 08Regular6
Grant RD Daycare and KindergartenPK - KGPrivate
Grantham Academy07 - 08Regular6
Gray ElementaryKG - 04Regular4
Green Valley ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Greenspoint ElementaryKG - 04Regular
Greentree ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Greenwood Christian Preschoo SchoolPK - 01Private
Greenwood Forest ElementaryKG - 05Regular6
Gregg ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Gregory-Lincoln Ed CenterPK - 08Regular3
Greystone HousePK - KGPrivate
Grissom ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Gross ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Gulfhaven Adventist Christian SchoolPK - 08Private
H M Carroll Elementary01 - 05Regular6
H S Ahead Academy06 - 08Alternative Education1
Hairgrove ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Hall Center for Education09 - 12Alternative Education1
Halpin Early Childhood CenterPK - KGRegular2
Hambrick Middle07 - 08Regular6
Hamilton ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Hamilton Middle06 - 08Regular10
Hamilton Middle06 - 08Regular7
Hancock ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Harbach-Ripley Charter SchoolPK - 05Regular2
Hargrave High School09 - 12Regular6
Harmony School of Advancement - High09 - 12Regular9
Harmony School of Discovery - HoustonKG - 12Regular8
Harmony School of ExcellenceKG - 08Regular9
Harmony School of Excellence - EndeavorKG - 08Regular5
Harmony School of Exploration- HoustonKG - 05Regular4
Harmony School of Fine Arts and TechnologyKG - 08Regular6
Harmony School of Ingenuity06 - 12Regular5
Harmony School of Innovation - Houston06 - 08Regular8
Harmony Science Academy09 - 12Regular8
Harmony Science Academy - HoustonKG - 08Regular4
Harmony Science Academy - Houston NWKG - 08Regular7
Harold D Guthrie Center for Excellence09 - 12Alternative Education
Harper Alternative School06 - 12Alternative Education
Harris AcademyKG - 04Regular3
Harris County J J A E P08 - 12Alternative Education
Harris County J J A E P10 - 11Alternative Education
Harris County Jjaep08 - 12Alternative Education
Harris County Jjaep10 - 11Alternative Education
Harris County Juvenile Detention Center05 - 12Alternative Education2
Harris J R ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Harris R P ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Hartman Middle06 - 08Regular6
Hartsfield ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Harvard ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Harvey S Brown ElementaryKG - 05Regular5
Hassler ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Hastings High School09 - 12Regular6
HC Jjaep - Excel Academy09 - 09Alternative Education
HCC Life Skills Program12 - 12Special Education
Health and Human Service Academy10 - 12Private
Hearne ElementaryPK - 04Regular4
Heflin ElementaryPK - 04Regular5
Helen Major ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Helms ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Henderson J ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Henderson N ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Henry Middle06 - 08Regular3
Heritage ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Herod ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Herrera ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Hicks ElementaryPK - 04Regular6
Hidden Hollow ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
High Point East08 - 11Alternative Education
Highland Hts ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Highpoint07 - 12Alternative Education
Highpoint East08 - 11Alternative Education
Highpoint East Campus2 - 2Alternative Education
Highpoint North06 - 12Alternative Education
Highpoint North Campus2 - 2Alternative Education
Highpoint School East (Crosby)2 - 2Alternative Education
Highpoint School East (Daep)08 - 12Alternative Education
Hiliard ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Hill Int.05 - 06Regular3
Hines-CaldwellPK - 05Regular6
Hinojosa EC Pre-K CenterPK - PKRegular2
Hobby ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Hodges Bend Middle06 - 08Regular6
Hoffman Middle06 - 08Regular3
HOGG Middle06 - 08Regular3
Holbrook ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Holland Middle06 - 08Regular3
Hollibrook ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Holmquist ElementaryPK - 04Regular5
Holmsley ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Holub Middle07 - 08Regular7
Holy Ghost Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
Holy Spirit Episcopal SchoolPK - 08Private
Holy Trinity Day SchoolPK - 03Private
Holy Trinity Episcopal School of Greater HoustonKG - 12Private
Hope Academy Charter School09 - 12Alternative Education1
Hopper Middle06 - 08Regular5
Horn ElementaryPK - 04Regular6
Horne ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Housman ElementaryKG - 05Regular3
Houston Academy05 - 06Regular4
Houston Academy for International Studies09 - 12Regular9
Houston Can Academy - Hobby09 - 12Alternative Education2
Houston Can Academy - North09 - 12Alternative Education2
Houston Christian High School09 - 12Private
Houston Gateway AcademyPK - 08Regular7
Houston Gateway Academy - Coral CampusPK - 12Regular8
Houston Gateway Academy - Elite AcademyPK - 12Regular
Houston Gateway Academy Inc. Elite College Prep.PK - 08Regular2
Houston Heights Charter School09 - 12Alternative Education2
Houston Heights Learning Academy Inc.PK - 05Alternative Education9
Houston Math Science and Technology Center09 - 12Regular3
Houston Quran AcademyPK - 12Private
Hoyland ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Huffman Int. School04 - 05Regular6
Huffman Middle06 - 08Regular6
Hunters Creek ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
ILM AcademyPK - 06Private
IMAN Academy - SouthwestPK - 12Private
Incarnate Word Academy09 - 12Private
Inspired for Excellence Academy West05 - 08Alternative Education1
Intelligent Minds Development CenterPK - KGPrivate
Isaacs ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Ischool High At University Park09 - 12Regular10
Jacinto City ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Jackson Middle06 - 08Regular3
James B Havard ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Jamie's House Charter School09 - 12Alternative Education1
Janowski ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Japanese Educational InstituteKG - 12Private
Jean and Betty Schmalz ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Jefferson ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Jersey Village High School09 - 12Regular6
Jessup ElementaryPK - 04Regular3
Jewish Community School06 - 12Private
Jjaep Disciplinary School10 - 10Alternative Education
Joan Link ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
John F Ward ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
John Paul II Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
Johnson ElementaryKG - 04Regular5
Johnston Middle06 - 08Regular7
Jones Futures Academy09 - 12Regular2
Jordan High School09 - 12Regular6
Joshua's Learning LandKG - 04Regular1
Kahla Middle06 - 08Regular7
Kaiser ElementaryKG - 05Regular3
Kandy Stripe AcademyPK - 05Regular2
Kase Academy10 - 12Alternative Education
Kashmere Gardens ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Kashmere High School09 - 12Regular1
Keeble EC Pre-K CenterPK - PKRegular2
Keith ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Kelso ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Kennedy ElementaryPK - 04Regular5
Kennedy ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
KERR High School09 - 12Regular9
Ketelsen ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Key Middle06 - 08Regular4
Kids R Kids #32PK - KGPrivate
Killough Middle07 - 08Regular6
King Early Childhood CenterPK - PKRegular2
Kings Manor ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Kingwood High School09 - 12Regular9
Kingwood Middle06 - 08Regular8
Kingwood Park High School09 - 12Regular8
KIPP 3D Academy05 - 08Regular8
KIPP 3rd Ward SchoolPK - 05Regular2
KIPP Academy Middle05 - 08Regular8
KIPP Connect PRIPK - 02Regular
KIPP Dream Prep.PK - 04Regular4
KIPP Explore AcademyPK - 04Regular5
KIPP Generations Collegiate09 - 12Regular2
KIPP Gulfton Middle05 - 05Regular
KIPP Houston High School09 - 12Regular9
KIPP Intrepid Preparatory School05 - 08Regular6
KIPP Legacy Preparatory SchoolPK - 04Regular2
KIPP Liberation College Prep.06 - 08Regular3
KIPP North Forest Lower Girls School05 - 05Regular2
KIPP North Forest Lower School05 - 05Regular2
KIPP Northeast College Preparatory09 - 10Regular3
KIPP Polaris Academy for Boys06 - 08Regular5
KIPP Sharp College Prep.PK - 04Regular10
KIPP Sharpstown College Preparatory05 - 08Regular9
KIPP Shine Prep.PK - 04Regular8
KIPP Spirit College Prep.05 - 08Regular3
KIPP Sunnyside High School09 - 12Regular4
KIPP Voyage Academy for Girls06 - 08Regular6
KIPP Zenith AcademyPK - 04Regular2
Kirk ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
KLEB Int.06 - 08Regular9
Klein Annex06 - 12Alternative Education
Klein Education Placement Program07 - 12Alternative Education
Klein Forest High School09 - 12Regular4
Klein High School09 - 12Regular8
Klein Int.06 - 08Regular5
Klein SEMSPK - 03Alternative Education
Klenk ElementaryKG - 05Regular8
Klentzman Int.05 - 06Regular3
Koinonia Community Learning AcademyKG - 05Regular1
Kolter ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Krahn ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Krimmel Intermed.06 - 08Regular8
Kuehnle ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Kujawa EC Pre-K CenterPK - PKRegular2
Kujawa ElementaryKG - 04Regular6
L E Monahan Elementary01 - 05Regular4
La Amistad Love and Learning AcademyPK - 05Regular9
La Amistad Love and Learning AcademyPK - PKRegular
Labay Middle06 - 08Regular8
Lakeshore ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Lakewood Montessori SchoolPK - KGPrivate
Lamar High School09 - 12Regular7
Lamkin ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Landis ElementaryPK - 04Regular5
Landrum Middle05 - 09Regular3
Lane SchoolPK - 12Special Education6
Langham Creek High School09 - 12Regular6
Lanier Middle06 - 08Regular10
Lantrip ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Las Americas04 - 08Alternative Education1
Laura Welch Bush ElementaryKG - 04Regular8
Laurenzo Early Childhood CenterPK - KGRegular2
Law ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Law Enfcmt-Crim Just High School09 - 12Regular8
Lee ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Lee High School09 - 12Regular2
Lewis Elementary01 - 05Regular2
Lewis Middle07 - 08Regular4
Liberty High School12 - 12Alternative Education3
Lieder ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Liestman ElementaryPK - 04Regular7
Little Scholars01 - 09Private
Little Yorkers Montessori SchoolPK - KGPrivate
Living Word Christian AcademyPK - 08Private
Lockhart ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Long Academy06 - 11Regular4
Longfellow ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Looscan ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Love ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Lovett ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Loving Care Learning CenterPK - KGPrivate
Lowery ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Lutheran South AcademyPK - 12Private
Lyons ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Macarthur Area Int.05 - 06Regular
Macarthur High School09 - 12Regular4
Macarthur Ninth Grade School09 - 09Regular6
Macgregor ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Mading ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Madison High School09 - 12Regular2
Mahanay ElementaryPK - 04Regular7
Marcella Int.05 - 06Regular6
Marshall ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Marshall Middle06 - 08Regular4
Martin ElementaryPK - 04Regular4
Martinez C ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Martinez R ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Mary Austin Holley ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
MATA Int.05 - 06Regular4
Matzke ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Maurice L Wolfe ElementaryKG - 05Regular6
Mayde Creek ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Mayde Creek High School09 - 12Regular7
Mayde Creek Junior High 06 - 08Regular7
McDougle ElementaryKG - 05Regular6
McGowen ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
McNamara ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
McReynolds Middle06 - 08Regular3
Meador ElementaryPK - 04Regular10
Meadow Wood ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Medical Center Charter School SouthwestPK - 06Regular5
Melillo Middle05 - 06Regular7
Memorial Creme DE La CremePK - KGPrivate
Memorial Drive ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Memorial ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Memorial Hall School07 - 12Private
Memorial High School09 - 12Regular8
Memorial Lutheran SchoolPK - 08Private
Memorial Middle06 - 08Regular10
Mendel ElementaryKG - 04Regular5
Metcalf ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Meyer ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Meyerpark ElementaryPK - 06Regular4
Michael R Null Middle06 - 08Regular6
Mickey Leland College Prep. Acad. for Young Men06 - 12Regular9
Middle College High School At HCC Fraga09 - 12Alternative Education
Middle College High School At HCC Gulfton09 - 12Alternative Education
Milby High School09 - 12Regular2
Miller Int.05 - 06Regular8
Millsap ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Milne ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Milton Cooper ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Mission Bend Christian AcademyPK - 05Private
Mission Bend ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Mission Glen ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Mission West ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Mistral Center for Early ChildhoodPK - KGRegular2
Mitchell ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Mittelstadt ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Montessor Child Development CenterKG - KGPrivate
Montessori Child DevelopmentTrKG - TrKGPrivate
Montessori Learning CottagePK - 01Private
Montessori Learning InstitutePK - 05Private
Montessori MomentsPK - 03Private
Montessori Morning Glory SchoolPK - KGPrivate
Montessori School of DowntownPK - 03Private
Montgomery ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Moore ElementaryPK - 04Regular7
Moore ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Moreno ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Morris Middle05 - 06Regular5
Mount Carmel Academy09 - 12Regular7
Mueller ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
NCI Charter School Without WallsPK - PKRegular2
NEFF ECCPK - 01Regular2
NEFF Elementary02 - 05Regular2
New Elementary2 - 2Regular
New Heights Christian AcademyKG - 12Private
New High School09 - 09Regular
New Neighbor CampusKG - 05Regular
New SchoolPK - 05Regular
Nimitz High School09 - 12Regular4
Nimitz Ninth Grade School09 - 09Regular6
Nitsch ElementaryKG - 05Regular3
Normandy Crossing ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
North Forest High School09 - 12Regular2
North Houston Early College High School09 - 12Regular9
North Pointe ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
North Shore ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
North Shore Middle07 - 08Regular7
North Shore Senior High09 - 12Regular6
Northbrook High School09 - 12Regular3
Northbrook Middle06 - 10Regular2
Northgate ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Northline ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Northwood Montessori SchoolPK - 01Private
Nottingham ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Oak Forest ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Oates ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
ODOM ElementaryKG - 04Regular7
O'Donnell Middle07 - 08Regular6
Oleson ElementaryKG - 04Regular6
OLLE Middle07 - 08Regular4
Orange Grove ElementaryKG - 04Regular4
Ortiz Middle06 - 08Regular4
Osborne ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Our Lady of Guadalupe SchoolPK - 08Private
Our Lady of Mount Carmel SchoolPK - 08Private
Our Redeemer Lutheran North School06 - 11Private
Our Savior Lutheran SchoolPK - 08Private
Outley ElementaryPK - 04Regular7
Owens ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Owens Int.05 - 06Regular4
Park Place ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Parker ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Parker Int.05 - 06Regular3
Pat Reynolds ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Patterson ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Peaceful Beginnings Montessori AcademyPK - KGPrivate
Peck ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Pediatric Education and Creative Arts ProgramKG - 12Private
Perfor and Vis Arts High School09 - 12Regular10
Pershing Middle06 - 08Regular7
Petersen ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Petrosky ElementaryPK - 04Regular6
Phoenix School At Southwest SchoolsKG - 12Alternative Education6
Pilgrim AcademyPK - 08Regular6
Pilgrim Lutheran SchoolPK - 08Private
Pine Shadows ElementaryKG - 05Regular2
Pines Presbyterian PreschoolPK - TrKGPrivate
Piney Point ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Pinnacle Middle and Ninth Grade Center07 - 08Private
Pleasantville ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Plummer Middle07 - 08Regular5
POE ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Ponderosa ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Pope ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Port Houston ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Post ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Postma ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Precious Jewels Alpha Learning CenterPK - 03Private
Pre-K Elementary2 - 2Alternative Education
Presbyterian SchoolPK - 08Private
Primrose School At Crossroads ParkPK - KGPrivate
Primrose School of Eldridge ParkwayKG - KGPrivate
Project Chrysalis Middle06 - 08Regular10
Pro-Vision High School09 - 12Alternative Education2
Pro-Vision Middle05 - 08Alternative Education2
PUGH ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Purple Sage ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Pyburn ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Queen of Peace SchoolPK - 08Private
Quest Early College High School09 - 12Regular9
R D S P DPK - PKSpecial Education
R L Finney Christian Academy06 - 12Private
Rainard SchoolKG - 12Private
Ralph Eickenroht ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Raul Yzaguirre School for Success06 - 08Regular5
Raul Yzaguirre School for Success09 - 12Regular4
Raul Yzaguirre School for SuccessKG - 05Regular6
Ray Daily ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Raymond AcademyKG - 04Regular7
Reach Charter09 - 12Alternative Education1
Reagan High School09 - 12Regular5
Reagan K-8 Educational CenterPK - 08Regular2
Rebuild HISD Campus2 - 2Regular
Red ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
REDD SchoolPK - 08Private
Redeemer's Christian AcademyPK - KGPrivate
Reece AcademyPK - KGRegular3
Reed Academy05 - 06Regular3
Reed ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
REES ElementaryPK - 04Regular7
Rennell ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Resurrection Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
Revere Middle06 - 08Regular6
Reynolds ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Rice School La Escuela RiceKG - 08Regular7
Richard Milburn Academy - Suburban Houston09 - 12Alternative Education2
Richard Milburn Academy Houston (Suburban)09 - 12Alternative Education
Rick Schneider Middle05 - 06Regular4
Ridgecrest ElementaryKG - 05Regular3
Ridgegate ElementaryPK - 08Regular3
Ridgemont ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Ripley House Charter SchoolPK - 05Regular2
Ripley House Middle Campus06 - 08Regular2
River Oaks Academy01 - 12Private
River Oaks Baptist SchoolPK - 08Private
River Oaks ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Riverwood Middle06 - 08Regular10
Robert M Beren AcademyPK - 12Private
Roberts ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Roberts Road ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Robindell Private SchoolPK - 01Private
Robinson ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Robison ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Roderick R Paige ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Rodriguez ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Roosevelt ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Rosas School TraditionalPK - 02Private
Ross ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Royalwood Elementary01 - 05Regular4
Rucker ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Rummel Creek ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Sam Houston ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Sammons ElementaryKG - 04Regular7
Sampson ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Sanchez ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Scarborough ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Scarborough High School09 - 12Regular3
School At St. George PlacePK - 05Regular7
School for Accelerated LRN08 - 12Alternative Education
School for Accelerated LRN10 - 10Alternative Education
Science Center2 - 2Alternative Education
Scroggins ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Second Baptist SchoolPK - 12Private
Second Chance Technology Edge09 - 12Private
Seguin ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Sephardic GANPK - 08Private
Ser-Ninos Charter ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Ser-Ninos Charter Elementary IIPK - 05Regular5
Ser-Ninos Charter Middle06 - 08Regular6
Shadow Forest ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Shadow Oaks ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Shadowbriar Elementary03 - 05Regular4
Shady Acres Christian School01 - 12Private
Shadydale ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Sharpstown High School09 - 12Regular3
Sharpstown International School06 - 12Regular2
Shearn ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Sheldon Early Childhood AcademyPK - KGRegular3
Sheldon Elementary01 - 05Regular4
Sheldon Jjaep11 - 11Alternative Education
Sherman ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Sherwood ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Sherwood Forest Montessori SchoolPK - 06Private
Shotwell Middle07 - 08Regular6
Sinclair ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Smaller Scholars MontessoriPK - 06Private
Smaller Scholars Montessori AcademyPK - KGPrivate
Smith AcademyKG - 04Regular2
Smith ElementaryPK - 04Regular4
Smith ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Smith Middle06 - 08Regular9
Sneed ElementaryPK - 04Regular4
Soar CenterPK - 12Special Education9
South Belt ElementaryKG - 04Regular6
South Early College High School09 - 12Regular9
Southmayd ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Southwest Community Christian AcademyPK - 05Private
Southwest High School09 - 12Alternative Education5
Southwest Middle School06 - 08Alternative Education2
Southwest Schools Bissonnet Elementary CampusPK - 05Alternative Education5
Southwest Schools Mangum Elementary CampusPK - 05Regular2
Space Center Int.06 - 08Regular9
Spence ElementaryKG - 04Regular3
Spillane Middle06 - 08Regular10
Spring Branch Academy of Choice08 - 12Alternative Education
Spring Branch Ed CenterPK - 12Regular
Spring Branch ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Spring Branch Middle06 - 08Regular7
Spring Forest Middle06 - 08Regular6
Spring Oaks Middle06 - 08Regular3
Spring Shadow ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Spring Woods High School09 - 12Regular4
Spring Woods Middle06 - 09Regular5
Spring Woods Weekday MinistriesPK - KGPrivate
St. Agnes Academy School09 - 12Private
St. Ambrose SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Anne Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Augustine Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Catherines MontessoriPK - 09Private
St. Cecilia Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Christopher Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Clare of Assisi Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Francis DE Sales SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Francis Episcopal Day SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Francis of Assisi SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Jerome Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Johns Lower SchoolKG - 05Private
St. Luke's Day SchoolPK - KGPrivate
St. Mark Lutheran SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Mark's Episcopal SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Mary of the Purification Montessori SchoolPK - 05Private
St. Paul's SchoolPK - KGPrivate
St. Peter the Apostle SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Pius X High School09 - 12Private
St. Rose of Lima Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Stephen's Episcopal SchoolPK - 12Private
St. Thomas Episcopal SchoolPK - 12Private
St. Thomas High School09 - 12Private
St. Thomas More Parish SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal SchoolPK - 05Private
St. Vincent DE Paul SchoolPK - 08Private
Stehlik Int.05 - 06Regular5
Stelle Claughton Middle06 - 08Regular4
Stephanie Cravens Early ChildhoodPK - KGRegular3
Stephens ElementaryKG - 04Regular8
Stepping Stones Charter Elementary2 - 2Regular
Stepping Stones Charter ElementaryKG - 08Regular8
Sterling High School09 - 12Regular2
Stevens ElementaryPK - 05Regular4
Stevenson Middle06 - 08Regular6
Stovall AcademyKG - 04Regular2
Stovall Middle07 - 08Regular6
Strack Int.06 - 08Regular8
Strake Jesuit College Prep. School09 - 12Private
Stratford High School09 - 12Regular8
Stuchbery ElementaryPK - 04Regular7
Sugar Grove Academy06 - 08Regular1
Summer Creek High School09 - 12Regular5
Summerwood ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Sutton ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Swenke ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
T H Rogers SchoolPK - 12Regular10
Taylor High School09 - 12Regular5
Terrace ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Texas Christian SchoolKG - 12Private
Texas Connections Academy At Houston03 - 12Regular5
Texas Serenity Academy2 - 2Alternative Education
Texas Serenity AcademyKG - 08Alternative Education2
The Arbor SchoolUG - UGPrivate
The AWTY International SchoolPK - 12Private
The Banff SchoolPK - 12Private
The Bear Boulevard SchoolPK - KGRegular3
The Branch SchoolPK - 08Private
The Briarwood School01 - 12Private
The Children First Academy - HoustonPK - 07Regular
The Fay SchoolPK - 05Private
The Gateway Academy07 - 12Private
The Grace England Early Childhood Pre-K CenterPK - PKRegular3
The Harris SchoolPK - 08Private
The Imani SchoolPK - 08Private
The Joy SchoolKG - 08Private
The Kinkaid SchoolPK - 12Private
The Lion Lane SchoolPK - PKRegular2
The 'Middle School' At the Academy of Choice06 - 08Regular
The Monarch SchoolUG - UGPrivate
The Oaks Adventist Christian SchoolPK - 12Private
The Panda Path SchoolPK - PKRegular2
The Parish SchoolPK - 05Private
The Regis School of the Sacred HeartPK - 08Private
The Rhodes SchoolPK - 02Regular3
The Rhodes School - NorthshorePK - 06Regular
The RUSK SchoolPK - 08Regular5
The School for Young ChildrenUG - UGPrivate
The Shlenker SchoolPK - 05Private
The Tenney School06 - 12Private
The Tiger Trail SchoolPK - PKRegular2
The Varnett School - EastPK - 05Regular10
The Varnett School - NortheastPK - 05Regular3
The Village SchoolPK - 12Private
The Wildcat Way SchoolPK - PKRegular6
Theiss ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Therapeutic Education ProgramPK - 12Alternative Education
Thomas Middle06 - 08Regular3
Thompson ElementaryKG - 04Regular5
Thompson ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Thompson Int.07 - 08Regular6
Thornwood ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
TICE ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Tijerina ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Tinsley Elementary01 - 05Regular4
Tipps ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Tomball J J A E P Campus10 - 10Alternative Education
Tomball Parkway Middle07 - 08Regular
Torah Day SchoolPK - 08Private
Trafton Academy04 - 08Private
Travis ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Treasure Forest ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Trinity Lutheran SchoolPK - 08Private
Truitt Middle06 - 08Regular7
Tsu Charter Lab SchoolPK - 02Regular2
Twain ElementaryPK - 05Regular9
Two Dimensions Preparatory AcademyPK - 05Regular4
Two Dimensions VickeryPK - 04Regular6
Ulrich Int.06 - 08Regular7
Univ. of Houston Charter School-TechKG - 05Regular7
University Park Academy09 - 12Private
UOS Goldberg Montessori SchoolPK - KGPrivate
UT - University Charter School At Memorial Hermann08 - 12Alternative Education
Valley Oaks ElementaryPK - 05Regular7
Valley West ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Varnett Charter SchoolPK - 05Regular6
Victory Early College High School09 - 12Regular10
Victory Prep.09 - 12Regular1
Victory Prep.KG - 08Regular1
Victory Preparatory Academy09 - 12Regular4
Village At South ParkPK - 04Alternative Education
Vines EC Pre-K CenterPK - PKRegular2
Vistas High School09 - 12Alternative Education
Wainwright ElementaryPK - 05Regular3
Walipp-Tsu Preparatory Academy06 - 08Regular4
Walnut Bend ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Waltrip High School09 - 12Regular4
Warner ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Washington B T High School09 - 12Regular3
Watkins Middle School06 - 08Regular5
Welch Middle06 - 08Regular3
Wesley AcademyPK - 08Private
Wesley ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
West Briar Middle06 - 08Regular7
West Montessori School of CopperfieldPK - KGPrivate
West University ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Westbury Christian SchoolPK - 12Private
Westbury High School09 - 12Regular3
Westchester Academy for International Studies06 - 12Regular9
Western Academy03 - 08Private
Westfield High School09 - 12Regular4
Westlake Child Development CenterPK - KGPrivate
Westside Command Detention Center05 - 12Alternative Education
Westside High School09 - 12Regular7
Westside Montessori SchoolPK - 06Private
Westview SchoolPK - 08Private
Westwood ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Wharton K-8 Dual Language AcademyPK - 08Regular10
Wheatley High School09 - 12Regular1
Wheeler Avenue Christian AcademyPK - 01Private
Whidby ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
White E ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
White M Elementary2 - 2Regular
Whittier ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Wilchester ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Willbern ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Williams Middle06 - 08Regular3
Willow Creek ElementaryPK - 05Regular10
Willowridge High School09 - 12Regular3
Wilson ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Wilson Int.05 - 06Regular4
Wilson MontessoriPK - 08Regular5
Windfern High School11 - 12Alternative Education6
Windsor Village ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Woodard Elementary2 - 2Regular
Woodcreek Middle06 - 08Regular7
Woodland Acres ElementaryPK - 05Regular6
Woodland Acres Middle06 - 08Regular7
Woodland Hills ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Woodson SchoolPK - 08Regular2
Woodview ElementaryPK - 05Regular2
Worsham ElementaryKG - 04Regular6
Worthing High School09 - 12Regular1
Wunderlich Int.06 - 08Regular7
Xavier Educational Academy06 - 12Private
Yates High School09 - 12Regular3
Yeager ElementaryPK - 05Regular8
Yellow School-MDPCPK - KGPrivate
Yes Prep. - 5th Ward06 - 09Regular2
Yes Prep. - Brays Oaks06 - 11Regular7
Yes Prep. - East End06 - 12Regular7
Yes Prep. - Gulfton06 - 12Regular8
Yes Prep. - North Central06 - 12Regular9
Yes Prep. - Northside06 - 09Regular2
Yes Prep. - Southeast06 - 12Regular9
Yes Prep. - Southwest06 - 12Regular9
Yes Prep. - West06 - 11Regular9
Yes Prep. - White Oak06 - 07Regular2
Yes Prep. North Forest06 - 12Regular3
Yorkshire AcademyPK - 05Private
Youens ElementaryPK - 05Regular5
Young ElementaryPK - 05Regular1
Young LearnersPK - PKRegular
Young Scholars Academy for ExcellencePK - 08Regular3
Young Women's College Prep. Academy06 - 12Regular9
Youngblood Int.05 - 06Regular6
Zoe Learning AcademyPK - 06Regular4
Zoe Learning Academy Koinonia CampusPK - 06Regular
Name Grades Type Rating
Reviews for Houston
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Over 2 years ago

I moved to Houston from the San Francisco Bay area in 1991 after college but I have always had family here. Houston is not what you think of when you think of Texas  More

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Over 2 years ago

There's definitely lots of jobs/economic opportunity. It's quite racially diverse if that's your thing. Houston has awful urban sprawl. Expect awful traffic. Hot as hell  More

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Over 2 years ago

There's definitely lots of jobs/economic opportunity. It's quite racially diverse if that's your thing. Houston has awful urban sprawl. Expect awful traffic. Hot as hell  More

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