Indianapolis, IN Reviews

154 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Indianapolis

Indianapolis, the capital city of Indiana, is known for its diverse culture, thriving sports scene, and affordable cost of living. With a population of over 800,000, this city has attracted many residents seeking a balance between urban amenities and a suburban lifestyle. However, as with any city, living in Indianapolis has its pros and cons. To gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in Indianapolis, let's take a look at some user reviews from

According to John, a current resident of Indianapolis, "The city has a lot to offer in terms of job opportunities and entertainment. The downtown area is constantly growing and there's always something new to explore. The cost of living is also very reasonable compared to other major cities." This sentiment is echoed by many other users who appreciate the city's affordable housing and job market.

On the other hand, Sarah shares her experience with the city's weather, saying "The winters can be brutal here with heavy snow and freezing temperatures. It definitely takes some getting used to." Another user, Mike, also mentions the unpredictable weather as a downside of living in Indianapolis. However, he adds, "The changing seasons also bring beautiful fall foliage and mild summers, which make up for the harsh winters."

Some users also mention the friendly and welcoming community in Indianapolis. As Emily states, "The people here are genuinely kind and helpful. It's not uncommon to strike up a conversation with a stranger and feel like you've known them for years." This sense of community is a major draw for many residents, especially for those who are new to the city.

However, like any city, Indianapolis also has its share of issues. Susan voices her concern about the city's crime rate, stating "Unfortunately, the crime rate has been on the rise in recent years, especially in certain neighborhoods. It's something to be aware of and to take precautions for." While this may be a concern for some, it's important to note that every city has its safer and riskier areas.

In summary, living in Indianapolis offers a mix of benefits and drawbacks, as described by these user reviews. The city's affordability, job market, and sense of community are praised by many, while the harsh winters and rising crime rate are some concerns to keep in mind. Ultimately, the experience of living in Indianapolis may vary for each individual, but it's clear that this city has a lot to offer for those looking for a friendly and vibrant place to call home.

 based on 154 Reviews
Get to know Indianapolis with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Indianapolis

Horrible town - 3/29/2019
I have lived here almost 7 years now and have hated every minute of it. So let's start with the weather. It starts to get cold by the end of October and will not warm up again until sometime in April. Being from Florida that just doesn't work for me. Then lets talk about tax. They love to tax here. You will pay City, County and state income tax on your paycheck and that would be great if Indiana didn't have the worst roads in America. I have never seen so many holes in roads in my life including the interstate. They are constantly out there with miles and miles of road construction signs up but you cant ever tell that they did anything. Let's move on to politics, if you are not conservative then this is definitely not the place for you. This is Republican territory for sure. Most definitely a waste of your time to vote if you aren't voting Republican here. Trust me I have voted every election here for 7 years now. Some will probably try to argue that there is diversity here in this Read More

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Counting the Days... - 9/12/2018
I was transfered here from Arkansas last year. I only mention that because if you live in Little Rock and move somewhere else it doesn't really matter where you go. Everyplace is an upgrade. Everyplace except Baton Rouge...and Indianapolis.

In hindsight, I'm not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't this. I think Indiana is the Arkansas of the north and Indianapolis is its Little Rock. It's just as unhealthy here as it is back home. Everybody drives everywhere, even across the street. The winters are gawdawful and the streets are all crumbling. I've never seen so much road rage in my life. I just get the feeling people are really frustrated here. I don't know why. They all go on about how great it is but it sure doesn't feel like that's real to me. Some other things that won't come as a surprise if you read the other comments. Crime is really bad. Folks are nice once you get to know them but before that they're downright mean and nasty. The blank Read More
Steve | ,  | Reply | No Replies

boring city - 7/17/2018
The cost of living is starting to go up.A lot of people say they want to leave,many have.I left three times in seven and a half years.There are more than enough jobs.I've noticed an increase in population.I grew up in a big Read More

Just another Midwestern town - 7/1/2018
Indianapolis is basically confused on what it wants to be. It tries to be progressive and fast-paced like Chicago but its conservative and still stuck in 1988. It doesn't have the resources to another Chicago. I would compare it to Cincinnati, Kansas City, Omaha or Oklahoma City, but those cities aren't trying to be a alpha city they are midsize and they know their place. But, Indianapolis hasn't figured that it is not an alpha city. So, why try to be one? It's basically a Oklahoma City on steroids.

Bad roads, crater sized potholes, many streets in the out lying areas lack sidewalks but are assessible by public transportation. It has a bus only network that runs east/west and north/south, no transfer points but downtown. This causes long bus rides for a trip that should take only 20-30 minutes.

The culture in Indy is very conservative. Socially and politically. It is a fiscally conservative state. So, the poor are Read More

Not My Kind of Town, Yeeesh - 7/1/2018
I've been thinking about getting out of Seattle lately. Too crowded. Too expensive. Too weird. So I have been reaching out to people I met in college. I attended this future government conference in Nashville and people from all over came. I'm pretty good with names so I've kept in touch.

One of the guys was from Indianapolis. Nice guy. Down home. I'll never forget his nickname at the conference....Gomer...that's what we called him. Really.

So anyway, as part of my effort to find a new home, I reached out to Gomer. He said I should come to Indy and so I scheduled a trip. Before I hung up, I asked him what he really liked about the place. Here's what he told me...

1. It's really cheap.
2. The people are nice.
3. There's this really cool district called Mass Ave.
4. Pacers and Colts and Elevens, oh my.
5. The freeways. I kid thee not. He really said this.

So anyway I thought it a little Read More
Rick | ,  | Reply | No Replies

Not a fan...leaving again - 6/26/2018
I grew up in Indianapolis. Back then it was a sleepy city and kind of boring and so I moved away after college. A few years later, I had an opportunity to come back and since I knew the city and it's cheap to live here, I did. Big mistake. It has changed and not in a good way.

Like most cities, there's lots of new building going on downtown. People here think it's unique to Indy, but it isn't. This is happening pretty much everywhere, even in cities like Dayton and Toledo. One unintended consequence is that prices have gone up dramatically. You can still pick up real estate cheap in the south and east suburbs, but everywhere else has gotten kind of expensive. Downtown is ridiculously so. Yes, I know it's cheaper than Chicago but that's a ridiculous comparison. Indy is not and never will be Chicago.

Except when it comes to crime. Crime is horrible here. Violent crime like murder and rape. It's just off the charts. So is poverty. The city Read More

Weirdest city on the planet... - 5/31/2018
I met this guy from Indianapolis online and we kind of hit it off so he suggested I come for a visit. I currently live on the East Coast and travel a lot but I had never been to Indiana so sure, why not? I Googled it and came across a bunch of positive reviews of the city and this guy literally gushed about it.

No. Just no. I get off the plane and we're barely out of the airport when a pothole almost swallows the Uber guy's Prius. Then another, and another and another and so I ask him what the deal is. "Its our weather" he says to me like I'm from Mars. I'm actually from Providence, so I know a little about cold weather and freeze-thaw cycles. I also know that Indianapolis potholes are the worst on the planet. Ever hear of hot patch? You might want to try it, Indianapolis. Or not. Like I said...not my car.

The drive in from the airport was pretty interesting. Except for the lack of incoming rockets, I could have been in Aleppo or Damascus. Read More

Bunch of whiny ass bitches - 5/25/2018
Indianapolis is a good city. It’s not for the mentally ill. If you’re mentally ill then you would be better served in a place where it is acceptable to be mentally ill. By the way, it should not be ok to be mentally ill. Society is going downhill. Read More

Severe Problems - 4/16/2018
I'm 24, just graduated university, have lived in Indiana my entire life, and am moving to Florida once my lease is up. I'm desperate to get out of Indy, like everyone else I know, because it doesn't serve anyone who deviates from the norm whatsoever.

A few examples: I came here without a car and didn't have one during an internship I had last summer. To get to and from the internship, one would think that I'd be able to rely on mass transit, but this is nonexistent in Indy. A ride to my workplace, from downtown to west Indy, would have taken 2.5 hours; add another 2.5 if you intend to get home after work. Meanwhile, people who do own cars, especially on the east side, deal with inexcusable potholes, whose claims the city almost always rejects. And forget about reporting one on the city's website; they've all been reported, and the city doesn't take care of them. Full-time jobs are nearly restricted to factory work, extremely picky corporations, and healthcare. If you Read More

Eh, It's Indianapolis. - 3/21/2018
Indy probably won't impress anyone from a major city like New York, Chicago or San Francisco but I will say this, it's pretty cheap to live here. If you love sports like auto racing or basketball, then you'll be in heaven. There are some nice museums here and an average night life, but nothing mind blowing. Only a few "progressive" areas in the city but mostly, it's filled with right wing, bible thumping nut jobs. They're friendly, but your mind will melt when you hear them start talking politics. Yeah, in many ways it's still 1955 here but we're trying to evolve. If anything, Chicago is only a 3 hour drive Read More

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