Baltimore, MD Reviews

101 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Baltimore

Baltimore, Maryland is a bustling city known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse population. It is home to renowned institutions such as Johns Hopkins University and the Baltimore Ravens football team. However, like any city, Baltimore has its fair share of pros and cons when it comes to living there. Here are some user reviews from to give a glimpse into the experiences of those who have lived in Baltimore.

According to user "Kate," Baltimore offers a unique mix of urban and suburban living, stating, "The city is a fantastic blend of urban grit and quaint charm. There's something for everyone here." In contrast, user "Mark" has a more negative perspective, saying, "The crime in Baltimore is out of control and it's only getting worse." On the other hand, user "Jen" highlights the city's cultural attractions and diversity, saying, "Baltimore has a rich history and a thriving arts scene. There's always something to do and new cultures to discover." However, user "Sam" warns about the high cost of living in Baltimore, stating, "The cost of living here is ridiculous. I struggle to make ends meet even with a decent job." Overall, it seems that while Baltimore has its challenges, it also offers a unique and diverse living experience for its residents.

 based on 101 Reviews
Get to know Baltimore with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Baltimore

Baltimore have a bright Future - 6/17/2021
Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn , Detroit and the list goes on were all very bad 20 years ago . If you have a chance to visit them now . You'll wish you had moved in to those places when the price was affordable. Cities , Neighborhoods, mentalities change over the years for the better. Baltimore is the next niche. Money are flowing in rapidly since businesses success always come from affordable areas. I guarantee you 20 years from now Baltimore will be a hot spot. Don't expect others to fix things for you. You'll have to do it yourself.  Read More

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Third Best Place in PA - 4/29/2021
Came to Balt a less, ended up balting a more. In all seriousness, its an okay Read More

Not a good place to live. - 5/4/2020
I've lived in Baltimore, MD all of my life. I remember when Jobs were plentiful, food was to die for, the city was very diverse. After the 80's and drugs entered the scene, Baltimore City went down. West Baltimore, South Baltimore and East Baltimore is very dirty, very ghetto. Prices are sky high, especially taxes. Democratics steal, police corruption and the mayors are thieves. I cannot wait to retire. I got 9 more Read More

It is AMAZING if you know ehere to live in the cit - 1/4/2020
Ive lived in Baltimore for some time now and it is very Read More

Great city for ages 18-30. Get out while you can. - 7/27/2019
For starters Baltimore is a great independent city filled with rich history, great sports teams (present/ past), a variety of cultural foods and local delicacies all wrapped up in a place jokingly referred to as “Smalltimore”. The Under Armour headquarters is based out of here, not to forgot about the growing tech sector, the expanding neighborhoods of Harbor East and South Point, the excellent array of hospitals (John’s Hopkin’s, Mercy, and the University of Maryland healthcare systems) and colleges within the city with so much more; however, like every city there is pockets of good and bad, but with this city there are a lot more bad things than good.?
Crime, corruption, pollution/ trash on the roads, jay walkers who will willingly walk in the middle of traffic during a rush hour, a majority populous who only votes for democratic candidates who mostly are unqualified (the city doesn’t even have a Office of Ethics until 2019), and some of the worst infrastructure I've seen. Read More

Dangerous with a capital D - 7/11/2019
There is no way you want to live in the Baltimore. I was actually at the baseball game the night they sequestered 20,000 people in Camden Yards park. It was too violent to let people out onto the streets! And the criminals still live there. Per capita it has the highest murder rate in the USA. Just last month a horde of hundreds of "youths" from northwest Baltimore descended on the supposedly safe "inner harbor" attacking people at random while stealing handbags and ripping jewellery from there bodies. The police have basically given up after the riots. The City did not invest in securing there computer systems and is basically shut down now unless they pay off the ransomware attack. Most city services, like sending out water bills and registering deeds has come to a halt. The Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh just resigned amid a scandal that pushed selling her own book to state schools. Maryland was just named the worst state to retire in by bank-rate. It is dirt cheap for reason. Read More

We Visited Baltimore, But Picked Another City - 1/4/2019
A port city that is accessible to the DC metro area, Baltimore has undergone something of a renaissance. Once plagued by crime across the board, the extensive redevelopment of DC’s sister city have included stadiums, great hospitals and urban neighborhoods that are walking distance to fun eats. While we did not choose Baltimore as our final destination (we searched all across the USA to find our city!) we enjoyed it- more than anticipated. Here’s what we found.

Pros: If you’re looking for affordable housing in a major metro area, Baltimore will be hard to beat. There is a seemingly never ending supply of row houses that will sell for as little as a used car. That being said, you get what you pay for- make sure to walk the block and check the neighborhood stats before writing an offer. If you’re looking to live that first episode of Fixer Upper, Baltimore offers a great selection of opportunities.

Baltimore is a very walkable city. Unlike many other places Read More

Very Ugly City - 4/7/2018
This perhaps the most ugly city I have lived in. Other then the walk along the harbor, Fells Point and Canton Square, it is all quite ugly and hard on the eyes. The suburbs are so depressing, but then again most of American built after the 20s is industrial, fast, generic architecture. Some of the worse of it is here. Read More

It use to be nice but now its scary - 10/1/2017
I grew up in Bmore and it was nice back in the 80s a little rough in some area's but still safe, after about early mid 90s this crime has gone up , the city is getting beat up and I can't even go to the Inner harbor which I trusted at these times without fear that I will be killed, some area's are still Ok I trust them but still not as good as they use to be, Towson is still ok in my opinion and whitemarsh area and Parkville, a few other area's near by too but getting into the heart of the city, its horrible and needs to be cleaned up, we are a state that has money, this slum crap does not need to stay, I still love Maryland but certain area's are not what they use to be, I would not live in Baltimore at this time, however there are good Hospitals and great food, things to do Read More

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