Review of Denv,

Update 6 Months Later - I'm Out
Star Rating - 10/21/2017
I left, but will always be back periodically to visit. Some things that really pushed me over the line:

1. Dating scene continued to be lacking. Not sure if it's because people have less oxygen going to the brain at high altitude or Denver just attracts nut jobs in general. I'm thinking a combination of both. I have several other guy friends who have been taken advantage of my women over the last few months as well.

2. The city is expanding in the most obnoxious ways. 16 wheeler trucks and cement mixers are everywhere. There is constant traffic and nobody seems to want (or care) of how to drive properly. Road lanes are often blocked out for construction of apartment complexes and office buildings. I almost got run over by an Asian lady driving a white Subaru while crossing the street and having the right of way signal - sadly I'm not making this up.

3. Service at bars and restaurants continues to suck. I can't get over this one - don't make me wait 10 minutes for a drink while you converse with your co-workers after getting high in the alleyway. Denver has a very weird slash cliquey service culture. It's extremely unprofessional.

4. Awful pet owners. Seriously, why do owners not put their dogs on leashes? I've been chased by several dogs over the last year and each time the owner was like "it's fine, he's friendly." Really, are you freaking serious? Your dog just chased me. The final straw with this was hearing a dog get run over by a car. It was the most awful sound I ever heard in my life.

5. Terrible apartment complex associations. Maintenance calls were ignored, they didn't take out the trash in the common areas for 3 weeks while they sold the building to another company. It took them 4 days to clean up the laundry room after a homeless person defecated there in the middle of the night. This would all be against California Law BTW, but Denver sure as hell is not going to care.

I'm preserving the good memories, but people need to think twice before relocating here. Denver needs to start conducting "exit interviews" for people that leave on the quick.

N598 | Denver, CO
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4 Replies

TERRIBLE pet owners! We have a mandatory neuter/spay bylaw here, and as a person who is involved in rescue, this off-leash business is painful to watch. So many lost dogs and animals killed in traffic. Just so you here a woman's point of view, I am an attractive, loving, giving woman who cannot find a mate here, which has never before been a problem. Men just stroll past while they ex/tinder/surf. No one seems to be interested in meeting the old-fashioned way. I've been thinking about renting out my house and moving overseas where men enjoy engaging with the opposite sex and don't actively try to get out of relationships, rather than into them.
cora | Denver, CO | Report Abuse

Why did you write you almost got run over by an Asian lady in a white Subaru...why does race have anything to do with it? Racist idiot! Are you from Denver or did you move here to like everyone else? If it's the latter, just stay out and never come back!
Niki | Littleton, CO | Report Abuse

N598, Agree with #2. #4 - BAD pet owners (not all but many). Wash Park: woman doesn't have dog on leash, dog knocks young boy riding to bike to school on ground; woman said, "things like this happens; my husband falls off his bike too". There used to be flocks of ducks with their babies; unleashed dogs terrorized them, no baby ducks for a few years. Where are the Park & Rec officers? Another problem: Rollerball cyclists are dangerous - knocked over my elderly neighbor who is in great shape (he stopped long enough to tell her while she was on the ground that he wouldn't have hit her. As soon as two other passerbys stopped to help, he took off without giving her his contact info. She had 2 broken elbows). These guys fly from street to sidewalk so a red light won't stop them. Witnessed a car turning right who didn't see the cyclist flying back and forth, the latter is lucky to be alive. City cutting down lanes to add a bicycle lane that hardly gets used. The city isn't ready for such growth, they don't have the smarts.
gigi | Lakewood, CO | Report Abuse

Denver needs to start listening to it's citizens who have lived here and supported it's growth for the past 20 or 30 years! This used to be an amazing place to live. What's happening here saddens me. All of what you described above is spot on. People in this city used to be kind, considerate, and friendly - especially on the roads. Pedestrians have the right of way in this state, the left lane is for passing, and merge lanes are for merging. Newcomers don't seem to get that. Apparently this huge influx of people are bringing their bad attitudes and bad habits (like littering) with them and it has ruined our once beautiful and clean city.
Patricia | Cherry Creek, CO | Report Abuse
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