Review of Las Vegas, Nevada

It’s hot, windy and too much crime
Star Rating - 4/4/2019
we moved from the Bay Area almost 4 years ago. We live in the lakes, and it’s nice for walking and biking if the weather permits, although where we lived in the Bay Area had much more to offer, but not as easy to access without a short drive. The cost of living is much cheaper here, but you get what you pay for. The summers are so unbearably hot. I don’t go outside during the day for many months. And the wind is ridiculous at times. It’s been a challenge to remember not to leave the outdoor furniture unattended ,otherwise it will end up in your pool or crashing into a window. In addition,everything becomes a dusty mess.

If I could, I’d move back to the Bay Area. Nothing beats the weather there, and it’s far more green not to mention the bay is lovely, but we cannot afford to buy our old home back if we wanted to. Although prices have increased here, they’re way below the value of California. We thought if the homes prices continue to go up, we may have a chance to return to California. Unfortunately, many economists are stating the home values are overpriced by nearly 20%. I’m not sure how Las Vegas will be able to sustain the current prices. We’ve all heard the rumors a recession is coming, and the first businesses to feel the effects are gambling industries and resort settings. Ugh! If we had invested all our monies into our home here in Vegas, we could likely return to California. Unfortunately, we bought a home for half the value we sold ours for, and now we’re stuck because we tied up our monies in investments.

My biggest complaint here is the crime. The crime is horrible. However, we are stuck and considering moving elsewhere equally affordable if possible.
Mandy | Las Vegas, NV
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4 Replies

THANK YOU BOB IN LAS VEGAS! Finally, someone sees it the way it is! We didn't have to worry about crime until we inherited California. In Cali they have a 3 strike law. So Vegas is getting all their people that are on their last strike. They move here and continue their criminal behavior. Not too mention causing our cost of living to go up, and our wages stay the same. As Bob said, we could leave our cars unlocked WITH THE WINDOWS DOWN! We could leave our houses unlocked. We could have our doors and windows open all day and get fresh air in the house. We could be in a parking lot after dark and not be afraid. Our kids could walk home from school and we didn't have to worry! Now you can't even look at someone without them thinking you want to brawl. Vegans have always been very welcoming to visitors and newbies. Tourist support most of us. Please come and visit. But not this time. Cali came here and disrespected everyone and everything about Vegas. Then they want to turn around and bitch about it. Go home! Please go home! Shoot each other on the beach and leave us alone. We don't want you!
Heidi | Whitney, NV | Report Abuse

Crime in Las Vegas came from Californians like yourself that moved here. S. California gangs expanded their turf by moving to Vegas. Vegas has 10's of thousands of illegals that Metro does nothing about. Thanks to our Blue state mentality that came with you Californians. Up until 20 years ago this state was RED and crime was almost non existent. We never locked our cars or house doors.....can't do that anymore. Californicating Nevada is the problem. Go home, or go elsewhere and quit your crying.
bob | Las Vegas, NV | Report Abuse

You are correct to not purchase here in Las Vegas. Your 20% number is right on the money. The case/Shiller index out of Yale which is the most highly respected indices of home pricing in the United States shows Vegas as being the singular most overpriced city in the country at about 20%. I was a victim in 2009 of my own stupidity. I purchased a condominium on the strip for 300,000 and within one year it went from $300,000 in value to $120,000 and stayed there for eight consecutive years. Strangely in the last year it went back up to 270,000 and I got out quick. Took a small loss but I think the guy the guy that purchased it is going to take a bath. I also have to agree with one of the commenters below that stated is really true that California is a destroying neighboring cities. They bring their blue politics with them which create the very thing that they tried to escape from in the first place. They've driven up prices in Boise Idaho to triple what they were just five years ago. Idahoans universally hate Californians though a large part of the state now is Northern California transplants. They brought a lot of pain and misery to Portland and Seattle as well which has been well documented. Las Vegas which was read is now moving to blue forever and the illegal problems you have in California have crossed over to Las Vegas making it a less livable place and it was when I first got here seven years ago. You're from San Francisco I suppose from your post so you probably have a emotional connection to the place but I tell you I hated it. I went to medical school there UCSF on Parnassus and I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there. This incidentally was at the time when San Francisco was supposedly a nice place to live back in the 1980s. I found it to be droll and uninteresting and yes the scenery is somewhat pre-and the weather is great but everything else about the place I couldn't stand. The people pretty much have no personality very Midwestern not very sarcastic not much wit rarely found the person with a sense of humor and I couldn't wait to get back to New York, back to the East Coast but then again most of us from back East feel that way. Today if you gave me $1 million house in San Francisco to live in or million dollar house in Las Vegas I would still choose Las Vegas over San Francisco. The homeless problem up there in the condition of the city is an atrocity. The traffic is possibly the worst in the country and wallet hub just came out with the best and worst run cities in the United States. Boise Idaho is number three and San Francisco was 149 out of 150. That sounds about right to me. I can't think of a worse place to live in the United States in the San Francisco Bay Area even if I had 10 figures in the bank I would despise living there. With that said, I do wish Californians would stay put and stop ruining the neighboring states which they been doing now for the last 20 to 30 years. Vegas seems fine to me. The summers are hot but not really that bad. There's no humidity and no bugs. It was 104° today and it felt like it was 80° out especially coming from back east with 90% humidity. I think the admonitions regarding the summers here are overblown from my own personal experience anyway. Is more to do here in regards to nightlife and many more options for shopping and eating. I happen to like the Walmart/target box store type of life. Things are half as expensive and from my perspective that's not a bad thing. This thousands of food options here healthy food options for under $10 a shot. Try finding that in San Francisco. All in all I think this is a better place to live. Better than San Francisco and Los Angeles in fact better than any place I've lived in California and I practice medicine from San Diego to San Francisco including Los Angeles and you could have the whole state as far as I'm concerned. I will say there are better places to live in Los Angeles but I wouldn't be going West to find them I be going east.
Edmund | Spring Valley, NV | Report Abuse

I've been living and working in SW Vegas for two years, right on the border of Summerlin South. For me, crime has been non-existent. So I imagine it varies greatly by area. Also, there are lots of housing options in this neighborhood. Otherwise, my experience matches yours.
Johnny | Enterprise, NV | Report Abuse
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