Miami, FL Schools


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Lenora Braynon Smith Elementary is a Pre-Kindergarten-5th Grade Public School located in Miami, FL within the Dade District. It has 411 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten-5th Grade with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1. Lenora Braynon Smith Elementary spends $10,082 per student.
School Score is a 2 out of 10

4700 Northwest 12th Avenue
Miami, FL 33127-2214
See Map of School
School District: Dade District
Phone Number: (305) 635-0873

- 28 Teachers
- $9,106 for Education Expenditures
- $5,894 for Instruction Expenditures
- 404 Students Getting a Free or Reduced Lunch
- 401 Students Getting a Reduced Lunch
- 3 Students Getting a Free Lunch

About The Area
Location: City, Large
Median Household Income: $47,860

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Great vacation spot with the best clubs and food. Wynwood and the Miami Design District are the best, just be careful at night. Area tends to jack prices up around  More

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Miami is rapidly devolving into a filthy, crime ridden, unattractive extension of Central America and South America. The population is a bunch of rude entitled dependent  More

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Beautiful place, well into the late 20th Century ... clean, safe, fun, peaceful. Started seeing elements of crap, just a tiny bit, back around 1980. Now what changed  More

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