San Antonio, TX Reviews

239 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about San Antonio

San Antonio, Texas is a vibrant and culturally rich city, known for its historic landmarks and delicious food. It is also home to popular attractions such as the River Walk and the Alamo. In this particular place, many people have chosen to make it their home and have shared their experiences through user reviews on These reviews provide insight into the overall living experience in San Antonio and highlight both the positives and negatives.

One reviewer, Susan, shares her love for the city, stating that "San Antonio has a perfect balance of big city amenities and small-town charm. The people are friendly and there is always something to do." Another user, John, praises the cost of living, saying "I moved here from California and was surprised by how affordable it is. The housing prices are great and there's no state income tax." These reviews shed light on the welcoming community and affordable lifestyle in San Antonio.

However, not all reviews are positive. Mary, a former resident, expresses her disappointment with the job market in San Antonio, stating that "I struggled to find employment in my field and ended up having to move to a bigger city. The job opportunities here are limited." Similarly, another reviewer, Max, shares that "traffic can be a nightmare, especially during rush hour. The roads are always congested and it takes forever to get anywhere." These reviews highlight the potential challenges of living in San Antonio, such as limited job opportunities and heavy traffic.

Overall, the user reviews on paint a picture of a diverse and lively city with a strong sense of community and affordable living. While there may be some drawbacks, such as traffic and a competitive job market, it seems that many people have found San Antonio to be a great place to call home.

 based on 239 Reviews
Get to know San Antonio with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited San Antonio

San Antonio....Fat, Stupid People. Not Good - 3/30/2019
I read a review on here that reminded me of my situation and experience with San Antonio. It makes you realize that its really not just you that it’s the people and the city. So I will expand on what they said.

I used to live in San Antonio around 9 years ago and moved out of there due to lack of career options here. It seems like people in San Antonio think USAA or working at HEB for 30 years is a career. I moved to another state and I was able to quickly advance in a corporate setting.

In San Antonio you cannot advance unless you were born and raised there. You will ALWAYS be looked at as an outsider. People are closed minded and fearful of anyone educated beyond high school.

I moved back there for 7 months. I came back due to the fact housing costs were ok and thought it might be a good idea to buy a home and live there and maybe start a business . WRONG!

People in San Antonio have become even more ghetto than before. (The Read More

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This Review is NOT Sugar Coated. Just Truth - 3/17/2019
San Antonio is not a city for professionals. Nepotism is the way this town is run. You have generation after generation of people here who NEVER left San Antonio and they have closed minds so they dont like people from out of town (Especially from out of state). Workplaces here are full of gossip and no one can stop it because everyone knows each other so they dont want to discipline their "friends". I have seen group bullying one person, making up lies about them and all agreeing to go along woth the lie just to get someone fired for no reason. (Seriously, thats how mentally screwed up San Antonio people are)

If you are university educated and good at your career it doesnt matter, there will always be at least 1 person at your workplace who has lived in San Antonio their whole life and got their job through their friend, uncle, cousin, mom, dad, brother, grandpa, etc. These people are bitter and ready to try and make an example of you if you arent from there so you will Read More

San Antonio Is Growing For a Reason! - 2/17/2019
I have lived in San Antonio for almost 15 years. I'm in the very fast growing northeast side of town. My experience here has been overwhelmingly positive. People here are genuinely nice, helpful, and polite. There is a sincere pride in living here, in Texas, and in the United States. Is crime a problem? No more so than in other large cities. Our middle class neighborhood has been targeted for theft repeatedly over the years, that is true and unfortunate. But we have a great community that watches out for each other.
The heat can be unbearable. When it's still in the mid-to-upper 90's in October, it can wear you down. But I still prefer to be too hot than too cold!
I think many of the other reviews were written by people with a specific grudge. Talk to other people in your demographic to get a real feel for it here. Read More

San Antonio (Truth no one wants to say) - 1/20/2019
Sperlings is censoring reviews about the high crime and increase in violent crime in San Antonio.

When you look at teh crime rates they coincide with the influx of lowlives from New Orleans that were let into the city after they cried in Louisiana about hurricane in 2016. The naieve city of San Antonio let the criminals in from one of the most murderous city in the country (New Orleans).

Not only that the violent crime and shootings used to mostly be relegated to teh West Side or East Side. Now they are EVERYWHERE. Just in the first week of this year there were dozens of violent crimes. We are talking drive by, armed robbery, murder, just insane criminality.

With the New Orleans junkies came the increase in drug use as well, we are talking heavy drug like meth. Not to mention bums are now started to be numerous. This place is turning to Austin (a city 1 hour from here that is a liberal dump filled with drug addicted garbage and junkies and Read More

What No One Will Tell You About San Antonio - 1/15/2019
The news will say otherwise and claim this city is safe, this may have been true years ago, but it is no longer the case. So Bottom line is IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT MOVING HERE….THINK AGAIN THIS CITY IS INFECTED WITH CRIME. Plus you have DRUG ADDICT CITY (Austin) 1 hour away. There are better cities where people don’t act like animals. San Antonio is full of the trash.

This city has gone down the toilet and fast. Mostly thanks to the drug using piles of trash who think using or selling drugs is cool. Weak or absent father figures are a contributor as well. It’s not a coincidence that the influx of Louisiana criminals when Hurricane Harvey had them shipped over here and they mostly ALL stayed because the easy pickings that they saw in the city. With then came the more brazen drug-fueled crimes that you see now.

I can tell you that there is a new breed of brazen criminality gripping the city. These kinds of criminals are brazen. Take for instance recently Read More

Wasn't born here, but glad I moved here. - 12/26/2018
Coming from beautiful San Diego to San Antonio was an adjustment, hated it at first but soon fell in love with Texas in just a few months. It's not as pretty, sure, but it has its own charm. SA is more like a slower paced huge town than a city this size should be - still has a nice old-fashioned feel to it. It is getting crowded here so expect some traffic (nothing like San Diego or LA traffic though). There's plenty to do. I learned to fish here and tube down a river, saw fireflies and deer for the first time, and within a 15 minute drive outside the city limits you'll see endless stars. Not a lot of night life (a handful of hot spots) but the food is good almost anywhere. There's lots of attractions (SeaWorld, Six Flags, Riverwalk, Natural Bridge Cavern), some nice museums, the beach is about 2 1/2 hours away, two large lakes nearby for summer fun, festivals all year round, a few awesome concerts, a huge fair and rodeo every February, and Austin is just over an hour drive away. SA Read More

San Antonio Full of Jealous and Lazy People - 12/21/2018
I lived here about 8 years ago and I can tell you this place was never good, but I had to return due to orking in medical field and getting pay upgrade with a hospital here after my residency elsewhere (What a mistake).

People here are generally lazy and I am Hispanic and since I have drive other Hispanics/Mexicans will try and bring you down if you are successful, usually by attempting to make fun of your success , excluding you, or trying to diminish achievments. (What we call "envidia") and there is a lot of it in this city.

Another thing I noticed after coming back here is the influx of negritos. I used to never see them , but now they hooked up with all the low class mexican women and have the mexican women pay all the bills and pay for an apartment so they are moving into sides of town they dont fit in because they have the ignorant mexican woman or a white woman paying for everything (dont tell me otherwise, Ive seen it too many times with my own Read More

Beware - 8/15/2018
Overall the crime rate is pretty good. Of course you have to worry about white collar crime and harrassment the kind that can drain your bank account and result in premature death. I would not move to the city due to a crazed vigilante group. Beware.  Read More

Good Review - 7/23/2018
I’ve read some of the older reviews of San Antonio and it is interesting to see all the different opinions. I have lived in Seattle, Atlanta, Naples, and Austin and they all have their pros and cons. I was able to find the beauty in all of these places. I think San Antonio is a gem as someone had written before. Someone criticized it’s laid back culture full of siestas and parties and I say YASSSS to this!! I was really tired of the rat race and San Antonio just offers a higher quality of life with less of that daily stress. Thank God a lot of San Antonio doesn’t care for or puts up with pretentiousness. A lot of great things are happening to the city and San Antonions will continue to celebrate a city full of soul. Yes, my soul is happier here because I live more authentically with less worry and more humility. Read More

Real talk. - 2/5/2018
I was born and raised in San Antonio. Here's my $0.02.

THE TL;DR -- If you can handle allergy season being (basically) year-round, don't mind humid, hot weather, have a specific skill-set/job (or don't mind capping your pay), are knowledgeable about property tax and Texas' tax system, and aren't looking for a liberal oasis --- San Antonio is probably a perfect or good fit for you. if any of those things stand out to you, you might want to do a lot more research, and really consider if the city is a good fit for you!

Jobs/COL: There are high paying jobs, but they're mostly segmented with specific employers or job fields. Example: My brother works for USAA, and gets paid VERY well for the typical COL of San Antonio. Lawyers and doctors will also get paid well. Outside of that, you'd need to find a specific company that you can build a career with, because San Antonio is lacking in any sort of job market. The tech jobs are in Austin, the blue collar and Read More

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