Review of Applegate, Michigan

Star Rating - 11/28/2009
Hi. I'd like to know if you still feel the same way about living in Broomfield. I went there this past July to check it out (along with Lafayette, Boulder (can't afford) and Louisville). I'm leaving Los Angeles in the summer of 2010. I'm a divorced mom with 2 younger kids (5 and 7) and would like to hear what you're thinking now. Thanks.
Jill | Los Angeles, CA
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Hello Jill, you have or are probably currently living in the location that best fits your situation. In 2015, I moved from Illinois to Tacoma Washington for a job and to experience a new positive life. Long story short, after living in Tacoma for about a year and a half, tacoma or even Seattle isn't what its cracked-up to be. Majority of the people living in Washington are passive aggressive with extreme prejudice. White privilege is undeniable, majority of the tacoma-seattle residents are undoubtedly rude, and majority of its people are unfairly placed into categories that black lists them from gaining a career. Do not even get me starting on the colleges in Tacoma's, except for UW. However, 1 out of 30 people do tend to exhibit concerns for others around them. Anyway, I honestly hope your situation is better than the one I landed in. Happy sailings!
ade | Tacoma, WA | Report Abuse

YOU should move to Morganton nc.
linn | Saint Augustine, FL | Report Abuse

thanks for your review. Very informative.
Urban | Columbia, MD | Report Abuse

Less than a week below freezing????? I assume you mean during the day because it occurs much more often during the night. Less than a week above 100?????? Where are you living??? There are frequently more days than 7 above 100 and many more in the upper (above 95) 90s. People always argue that it's a dry heat, so it's not as bad as with humidity. But consider that many of those upper 90s occurs during the rainy season, which is lasting longer each year. This past year (2016) it ran from June until September and, even on days when it doesn't rain, the humidity is up past 30%! It's hard to adjust to that amount of humidity when you're used to the lower humidity of the rest of the year! Businessess come and go here so much that you will get whiplash watching them. There are MANY empty stores and offices around town and, yet, the new ones that do come in keep spreading out further and further toward the mountains and the fields instead of staying in the town boundaries. Apparently the city makes NO effort to sell new businesses on urban renewal and fill in the blighted areas with viable businesses. There are houses ALL over town for sale. And they aren't moving. This is because the government contractors made cut backs or closed prior to the Army laying off quite a number of civilians and Army personnel in 2014. That isn't going to change in the near future. This town is on the decline and I personally don't see any way that is going to reverse!
C L | Sierra Vista, AZ | Report Abuse

Were you talking about T or C or Sierra Vista? I’ve lived in SV (now Tucson) and it’s very conservative. One of my concerns about moving to T or C is that it leans to the right.
Connie | Marana, AZ | Report Abuse

Even if I wanted to move to CA, which I don’t, I wouldn’t be able to afford it. That’s one of the attractive things about T or C.....cost of living.
Connie | Marana, AZ | Report Abuse

Oklahoma is tornado alley! Plus it’s about the same politically as TX. If you like rednecks go for it! They control the’s football and Baptists and oil and poor education unless you’re college bound and professional!
Connie | Marana, AZ | Report Abuse

Glendale AZ is hotter than hell and definitely nothing to write home about! It’s not unusual for the temp to reach 120 in the summer! Plus it’s more humid there because of all the irrigation of oranges and the MANY golf courses! Plus the people that settled there in recent years brought all of their plants from back home... the same plants they were allergic to!!! I never had so many problems with my allergies as I did when I lived in PHX!
Connie | Marana, AZ | Report Abuse

Rednecks are everywhere. So are communist hippies. I honestly don’t know which one is better.
Alvin | | Report Abuse

Rick from Auburn - its hateful gun toting white supremacist Republicans like you that are ruining this country. You hate everyone tgat isn’t like you. Your post proves it.
P | Manchester, CT | Report Abuse

Hard to read the reviews which seem to be made by people who view unfriendliness as "racism" or "passive aggressive." Our little town is being flooded by out of stater's and they are awful for the most part. Seattle/Tacoma and the surrounding area are the last place I'd move to if I wanted serenity. It's not just the rain, few sunshine days, it's the horrible people of all races who don't give a hoot about the next person. No, it's not racism, it's unhappy people.
Joseph | Bozeman, MT | Report Abuse

stay in calfornia. we dont need any more cali people messing up this part of the country. washington sucks and has no friendly people living here and is second to calfornia when it comes to drugs.
James | McKenna, WA | Report Abuse

Hi Jill: Where did you finally move to??? I hope things worked out for you and the kids. I am from San Jose, CA. but moved to Albuquerque, NM. in 2013 and now really regret it for various reasons. And Redmond looks like a city to check out, though one person who lives there said it is "nine months of cold" which does not sound appealing. (I was considering Bend but with all the juniper trees there (which I am HIGHLY allergic to), I may have to look elsewhere.) I also like the San Luis Obispo, CA. area, though the homes there are not cheap. Well, that is it for now. Best wishes! Victor Lipari Albuquerque, NM.
Victor | Albuquerque, NM | Report Abuse

Hi Jill: You sound like me! I'm also divorded and trying to leave Los Angeles. Since your post was a year ago you're probably already there. How is it?
Gina | Glendora, CA | Report Abuse

White privilege dominance in Pierce and King County is absurd! Very diverse and inclusive areas in the United States. It is very welcoming to all people of various backgrounds. A large focus goes into developing policies that assist the BIPOC community. I will agree that there are a lot of passive aggressive people due to the fact of cancel culture though. People who do not desire unity may find coming here difficult. A lot community outreach for those looking to connect and build a network.
Jerry | Lakewood, WA | Report Abuse

White privilege dominance in Pierce and King County is absurd! Very diverse and inclusive areas in the United States. It is very welcoming to all people of various backgrounds. A large focus goes into developing policies that assist the BIPOC community. I will agree that there are a lot of passive aggressive people due to the fact of cancel culture though. People who do not desire unity may find coming here difficult. A lot community outreach for those looking to connect and build a network.
Jerry | Lakewood, WA | Report Abuse

FYI: putting 5 or 6 question marks after a comment is a real turn-off. There's no need to do that--it makes you look hysterical and makes it difficult to continue reading your review.
Jillian | Denver, CO | Report Abuse

I just read a great article on Oklahoma City, which was on the website It says that people from LA, San Diego, NYC are moving there because you can get so much for your money there. I believe the title was THE MIDDLE-INCOME PEOPLE AREN'T DISAPPEARING IN AMERICA, THEY ARE MOVING TO OKLAHOMA CITY. You should just use keyword Oklahoma City.
Katie | Charlotte, NC | Report Abuse

I would stay in Temecula if I were you.
Mel | Phoenix, AZ | Report Abuse

I would much rather live in Cali than in Boulder. Boulder is Not diverse. It is white washed. It is full of pretentious people who are snobbish at best, cold and unfriendly at worst. Boulder is one of the most beautiful towns in america, but its people are ugly.
Mike | Boulder, CO | Report Abuse

I didn't get my white privilege check in the mail but I'm sure your check arrived. Shame this site allows such racists!
Matthew | Chesapeake, VA | Report Abuse

I didn't get my white privilege check in the mail but I'm sure your check arrived. Shame this site allows such racists!
Matthew | Chesapeake, VA | Report Abuse

Hello Jill, Your note was posted in 2009 and now its almost 5 years later. You probably already know its Bloomfield and not Broomfield...It always struck me as a backyard country town that seemed to be comfortable. Folks pretty friendly and I'm sure your pretty happy about your change from LA in Mach 4!
Paul | Twin Falls, ID | Report Abuse

I know this is a late reply. I grew up in Louisville and became a travel nurse so I have been around the US some. Comparatively speaking, Louisville is one of the best places to live in the country (being selfish I don't like to tell people this because I want it to stay that way). Cost of living is great, schools at all levels are really good, you get all the seasons, the mayor (Jerry Abramson) really loves the city and has done much to improve things, lots of indoor and outdoor activities (check out Thunder Over Louisville), very central to other cities, restaurants are awesome, great healthcare. I am planning on getting OUT of Atlanta in February when my lease is up. The only reason I am considering moving anywhere else is that I like to explore and find new places and I have hit probably everywhere around there. My other choice is Glendale AZ which I am trying to collect info on so if you have anything on it, let me know. Best of luck!
Pat | Decatur, GA | Report Abuse

You can blame liberals and anarchist's ( basically the same thing) for your cities woes. The idealistic gas that a liberal imagines about society is just that, methane of the mind. Liberals are the most intolerant people I know, yet claim to want and yes DEMAND tolerance. What hypocrisy.
Rick | Auburn, WA | Report Abuse

I was just in a Western city, where the mayor was addressing some folks. And I kid you not, the third sentence was: "Don't send me...any more...Californians." If this might describe you, chances are, you can't see why most Western states feel this way, and have no idea that you too may have some of the traits causing this. So most other places may feel....pretty unfriendly.
Andres | Denver, CO | Report Abuse

Broomfield, Colorado, what a wonderful place to call home. We lived in Aurora for 15 years and my wife is a native of Englewood. We had a small company in Denver with sales associates in 14 western states. If it had not been for a health problem, we would still be living there. The community is a bit on the Liberal side and a bit demanding to home-owners, but still a nice place to call home. Ray Morgan
Raymond | Leawood, KS | Report Abuse

Not heard much about Broomfield, but Inverness is lovely. Schools are very good -- especially if you are an involved parent. Home prices and rent is very reasonable. Lots of opportunity for tennis, golf, horseback riding and bicycling.
Kathy | Inverness, FL | Report Abuse

If it's THAT bad here, then run for mayor and change it just like I plan to.
Angelisa | Phoenix, AZ | Report Abuse

Yep. Never noticed racism like in Fl where I come from. St Lois us into grated snd family oriented. I really love it here.
Lisa | University City, MO | Report Abuse

Then again 2020 snd it’s hard to get a home. Things have changed clearly. Love it here and love the weather!!!!
Lisa | University City, MO | Report Abuse

Then again 2020 snd it’s hard to get a home. Things have changed clearly. Love it here and love the weather!!!!
Lisa | University City, MO | Report Abuse

Yes and having visited Arizona often I could never live there. There are no seasons it hot, hotter or hottest. Love the seasons her snd. Beautiful foliage
Lisa | University City, MO | Report Abuse

Boulder is truly beautiful. I went to high school there and loved the town. If someone is extremely wealthy or wins lotto., it may be the place for you! Oh yeah and be white...
Lisa | University City, MO | Report Abuse

I’m really hoping you wrote this before king trump was elected. I think you mixed up words as well. You might want to exchange Liberals for millennials??
Lisa | University City, MO | Report Abuse

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